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  1. C

    Thieving b@stards

    makes my 155 look positively gay! (mind you i was in a rush to racially abuse someone and buy some cheap charlie for a family christening). whens new series on ?
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    Thieving b@stards

    My comments were in regard to the morality of double standards , not crime and punishment . as for me ? I joined to watch people slip down wet stairs on the way to the cells , damn you double standards.
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    Thieving b@stards

    So now we see criminal offences as working on a tiered system with some being more acceptable than others ? Speeding is not victimless when people get injured/die/loss to property . I dont agree with the 'speed does not kill' theory , unfortnately yes it does - especially coupled of poor...
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    Thieving b@stards

    As my previous , i am with sleep envy on this one. appears to be turning into a virtual witch hunt with a load of cobblers stirred in for good measures. Any of the threads that follow the 'too good to be true' etc i can appreciate, i can kind of follow the 'suspicion' due to its a high risk...
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    Thieving b@stards

    looking at the amount he turns over , and similar parts could it be a case of imported copies ? Uses various crap stories so as to not make you suspicious of being fakes ? I wish the judicial sytem i worked for allowed hearsay and speculation to find someone guilty , would make it a lot...
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    23C4 - AUDI is stealing power from our cars

    as you , i would to be interested ! I appreciate there is the whole 'improve CO2' retrospectively discussion but as it is 'from factory' , therefore one could expect Audi to declare figures to EEC etc , therefore affecting banding. Does anyone know if it is an available 'modification' in...
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    23C4 - AUDI is stealing power from our cars

    surely it would (should) also have some effect on the road tax banding if it was done in this country ?
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    mot and rules regarding the cat

    simple - diesel cats are not mandatory for MOT.
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    Anyone used Steinbauer tuning box ?

    Any comments or ideas ? Pros/cons etc ? cheers Mike
  10. C

    can i use engine flush?

    Probably does , but your oil (funded by £m's of R+D ) still does a better job
  11. C

    can i use engine flush?

    ...oil changes i would steer clear . Would be waste of your time and money. Modern oils have so many detergents and chemicals in them that hold the cr*p in suspension that you dont need it. If you use the stuff in old/high mileage engines it can cause more harm than good. It cleans out all the...
  12. C

    running on cooking oil

    under the new '2500l' rule you can use that amount without declaring/registering etc with C+E so therefore not paying duty on it (IIRC it was 27p/l). at a nominal 40mpg that would give you 22000 miles worth using it 100% and not mixed . Just to be nosey i had a look in Tesco the other nite on...
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    running on cooking oil

    Rob , just joshing chap! as you rightly pointed out it was 'illegal' up until recent times unless you were registered with C+E . The law changed and you can now use 2500l/annum - at 40mpg its enough to do 22000k miles . Thats one hell of a 'donut van' cloud hanging ober you! :) Regards...
  14. C

    running on cooking oil

    I have run diesels for ages on bio/WVO/SVO so have a *bit* of experience.I have done lots n lots n lots of miles on public roads legally! To start off with i dont know what the issue is with talking about it on a public forum ? Up until recently you registered with C+E and put a return in ...
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    PIAA Bulbs Group Buy - Interested List

    If you can do H1 on this order put me down! if you start another list , still put me down for some!:) PM me if you want paypal/transfer etc
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    Upgrade Investigation

    L O chap! found a few things on tdipub and this one thread looks more suitable , fitted into an A3 - think he mentions an A4 aswell.this is his website...
  17. C

    Upgrade Investigation

    emissions are a lot more stringent in the US so if the mods pass smog test over there i am sure we wont have a problem. If you ever have a problem with emissions , run tank to near empty , throw in 10 litres of biodiesel , MOT it , fill up with normal diesel after. Personally i wouldnt run on...
  18. C

    Upgrade Investigation

    have you found ? very helpful forum for all things diesel. lots on the FAQ tab aswell.
  19. C

    S3 Stolen

    if you ever get the chance Slovania/Croatia/Hungary get my vote every time. Zagreb is very clean,hospitable and cheap - would be first choice every time.