a4 saloon

  1. L

    Henry's B8 A4 3.0 TDI Ordinary Build Thread

    I've really enjoyed reading all the B8 3.0TDI build threads online and thought I would start one of my own. I've owned the car for coming up to 2 years and thought it might be useful for prospective owners looking at high mileage B8 (3.0 TDI's) to see what they're in for. A few disclaimers...
  2. liveseytowers

    Dogs in a A4 saloon advice

    We got a puppy back in Feb and she doesn't seem to enjoy the car too much. When we take her for a walk she often pee's on the back seat and yesterday she puked just as we got home all over the back seat. I had to get someone out to clean it and disinfect it :( Does anyone else let their dogs...