Recent content by totopsgr

  1. T

    HELP NEEDED! - Flat Spot/Hesitation/Misfire

    I am experiencing exactly the same problem which became very intense at some point and totally puzzled the workshop I get my car to. They have done something to improve it but it never really got away. What they did was that they changed a few sparkplugs that seemed to gone off. Additionally the...
  2. T

    Problem with Softtop window

    Superglued the window to the softtop using UHU superglue. IT took ages cause I was doing 5 cm at a time and waited till it gets fixed before moving forward. Unpleasant realisation: You can not restore the tension of the cloth back to position onse it gets unstack. That creates a 3-5mm frame...
  3. T

    Problem with Softtop window

    It started getting unstack at the bottom right corner of the window and expanded uniformly almost at the midlle on the way to the top right corner and the middle of the way to the bottom left it started on the other side...unless I glue it NOW it is going to fall inside the car...
  4. T

    Car vibration when accelarating

    Hi Guys, Got a Multitronic gearbox, on my A4 3.0 convertible. Lately when I accelate no matter the rpm I get vibrations which vary in intensity (sometimes it feels like the car is shaking). Its not only on the wheel. You can feel it wherever you are in the car. Any ideas what might be wrong? Is...
  5. T

    Problem with Softtop window

    Hi Guys, I am new here and I want urgent advise. I own an A4 3.0 convertible model 2003 with black soft top. The rear view window slowly but steadily gets "unstack" from the soft top cloth. It seems that at some point it is just going to fall off inside the car. Is there a special glue I can use...