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  • Can you tell me which blue this is? I am trying to order a 2018 R8 spyder and am having issues verifying the names and exactly what they look like.
    I'm writing you from Wisconsin in the USA. Thanks for any help you can give me.
    Good morning! I was hoping you could help me out. There was a post that you responded to a while back titled as---Which is audi's best blue
    Your response showed several pictures. In order- S3 hatch back, S3 4-door (mystic blue?), RS6 wagon, 2017 R8, 2014-2015 R8 in ????
    There were many more, but I am concerned with the 2014-2015 R8 in ????
    Hi there let me find this thread and I will get back to you asap mate
    It's known as Atlantic blue mate a very rare paint also check out San Marino Blue its very similar
    Hi there I apologise for disturbing you. I have just signed up. I was wondering if you knew how I would be able to change my profile picture to a picture of my Audi?
    Thank you
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    Sorry for the brevity, this only let's me post 420 characters at a time. I respect your wisdom on this forum and am grateful for any guidance you can provide. If you believe I'm missing out on other blue colors let me know. My goal is too have a deep, classy blue without too much purple that offers sporty look but not too "kiddy" as I'm getting 35. Estoril was my first choice but it's unfortunately discontinued
    Jassy, joined this forum specifically to ask you question as king of Audi colors. About to purchase brand new 2018 S5 sportback & I'm torn between 2 blues. I read your previous posts hailing Racing and Mystic blue. Based on online pictures I can't decipher if Racing is too sporty/"kiddy" for a 35 year old's daily driver, or whether Mystic is too "burble" and not enough blue. please provide incite!
    Berzin Bhandara
    Thanks jassy!! Does Audi offer San Marino? It looks like its a BMW color. I'm guessing this could be a special order??
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    I posted a photograph of a TTS roadster in San Marino blue in the thread "show us exclusive colours in all Audi's a couple of months ago it's similar to racing mica but slightly more blue in tone, the thing with Mystic blue is,it's too close to Navarra Blue for it too look exclusive/different enough to warrant the extra money
    Berzin Bhandara
    Ugh...that's what I was afraid of... thanks for the advice!!
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