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  1. lil_coz

    What is your most embarrassing moment?

    LOL!!! :respekt: Ads!
  2. lil_coz

    Show me your....

    Dad has a tropical fish tank in the living room. It's about 5ft by 1.5ft. He's had it for about 12 years now. He's got a few parrots, silver dollars, and some piranha looking things. Up until last week he had this black cat fish/sucker type thing in there too, but that died :( That was my...
  3. lil_coz

    ideas on a name for a new puppy?

    Shadow That'll just make me think of the OTTO Cycle lol Not Alonso? Lol My cousin just had a baby boy and if it wasn't for his wife putting a stop to it, he would have called his son Enzo. He had his heart set on it!
  4. lil_coz

    Easter Weekend

    You too! I've got my head stuck in a book studying so can't have too much fun :no:
  5. lil_coz

    Do the FBI use hotmail????

    Lol! That's a new one! I like it lol
  6. lil_coz

    Anyone wanna give me a job? Mechanical Engineer..

    They still are screaming for engineers though? That's what I don't get. Look at Bloodhound SSC, one of the reasons they got that project up and running was to get young people interested in engineering again!
  7. lil_coz

    Anyone wanna give me a job? Mechanical Engineer..

    Nah, media! Lol I know what you mean though, MS Engineering was very focused. Ever since I done work experience with Ford at GCSE time, I only had one thing I wanted to do, and my focus was to end up in Motorsport. It's the one thing I learnt, keep your options open. Trouble is, I was in my...
  8. lil_coz

    Anyone wanna give me a job? Mechanical Engineer..

    And I'm one of them! Studied Motorsport Engineering at uni and I was looking at taking the same path. All teams/companies told me the same thing... "If you don't know someone that's working here, chances are you'll find it really difficult to get work here". I didnt know anyone anywhere so I cut...
  9. lil_coz

    New series of Top Gear

    Cought up with the last episode on iPlayer. I enjoyed it. Overall I thought it was a good series. A couple of misses, granted. But there were some great pieces too. And the way Slash closed off the programme...! Lol did you notice though, Chris told him to avoid standing water, and close to...
  10. lil_coz

    Worst Car Repair

    The one with the fork is brilliant! He even put in an elastic band to bring the 'handle' back! :respekt:
  11. lil_coz

    Audi Driving Experience

    Hold onto that camera Warren! Lol
  12. lil_coz

    Audi Driving Experience

    £1200 for 1 hour?! Good lord! You can hire an R8 V10 for about £500 for a whole day!! I bought my dad an experience day with Prodrive for his birthday last month. £274 for a 2 hour 1 to 1 session with an instructor thrashing around a Scooby STi. 1 and a half of those hours is you behind the...
  13. lil_coz

    Audi Driving Experience

    How much time do you actually get behind the wheel?
  14. lil_coz

    Anything wrong here ?

    The picture doesn't tell the whole story. What you see is a dappy old driver not having a clue about the rules of the road, or big blue and yellow signs telling you where to put your car... What's actually going on is an undercover cop car chasing down someone, and because of the traffic he was...
  15. lil_coz

    Derren Brown

    ...Svengali tour. Absolutely brilliant! I don't want to give away too much with what went on, but it's the usual Derren Brown tricks. Complete mind f**k some of it! The way he manipulates people when it comes to choices they make is just unreal! If you can, I'd recommend seeing him live. Good show!
  16. lil_coz

    Anybody work in the offshore industry?

    Oh yea, most definitely. Something will turn up eventually. Are you willing to work abroad? I've just remembered I did a course with someone a while ago who used to work on offshore windfarms in Denmark. 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off jobby. He was Captain of the boat that took the engineers out to...
  17. lil_coz

    Anybody work in the offshore industry?

    Sweet Moses, you're kidding?! Maybe with the training that you're going through will make your CV stand out a bit more. Trouble is, you've got to invest in courses to make yourself attractive to companies. I'm in the pleasure cruising side of things, hence no connections from my end. But I do...
  18. lil_coz

    Anybody work in the offshore industry?

    I don't have any connections with what you want to get into, but the only advice I can give is get your CV out there mate. The more you send out the better obviously, and someone will bite. Best of luck though!
  19. lil_coz

    Anybody work in the offshore industry?

    I work on boats.... What you after mate?
  20. lil_coz

    Whats your name and where are you from

    Hey, my name is Coss. I'm actually from a little known place called Virgo Supercluster. To be more precise, if you head towards the Local Group and follow signs to the Andromeda Galaxy, after about 2 megaparsecs, you'll get to a T junction. Turn left. Follow the road for 2.5 million light years...