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  1. jjhwk__

    Car getting keyed/dented

    I have been for the past few months, sadly the car isn't registered to the person who was doing it so the officer investigating it is finding it difficult. 3 months on and theyre finally onto interviewing a witness so they have enough evidence.
  2. jjhwk__

    Car getting keyed/dented

    I reported it the first day it happened but the police weren't interested and I wasn't allowed to view the CCTV myself, it eventually got to the point where I hid behind a car and videod him doing it before the police actually started doing something, now there is a warrant out for his arrest...
  3. jjhwk__

    Car getting keyed/dented

    This happened a while back before I joined this forum, but I had my car keyed by the same guy every day for TWO WEEKS!! My car is covered in key marks all over the bonnet, passanger side and boot lid. Anyone else had it this bad before?? Ive also got dents from other peoples doors all over both...