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  1. S

    ideas on a name for a new puppy?

    Puppy's are cool! mines got a little bigger now at four months but never realized how much you can love a dog as this is my first! Jasper's a good name and he looks awesome ! congrats !
  2. S

    offered a job in australia, decisions decisions.............

    Go for it mate ! iv only been back five months after backpacking round oz for a year and loved it . I'm a welder fabricator or as they call it over there a boiler maker or sheety I found work were ever i went and most the time was earning 35-50 bucks an hour .Im going back in oct for three...
  3. S

    ideas on a name for a new puppy?

  4. S

    plans for new years?

    Get the beers in ! thats what i say and regret everything tomo . HAPPY NEW YEAR!