Aggressive/dangerous driving


Registered User
Jun 11, 2017
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I've never posted in this section before, but I saw this today and it got me really really annoyed, I was driving into town the same as I normally do, I exited a roundabout and a brand new blue RS6 flew up behind me, I was doing 40 and couldn't go any faster because there was traffic infront of me and he must have been cm's away from me. I looked in my rear view mirror and the bloke was texting on his phone! He started swerving into oncoming traffic to try and overtake but couldn't, eventually he very dangerously overtook about 20 cars and stopped at a red light in the filter lane to turn right, as soon as they turned green he cut across 3 lanes of traffic and started tailgating someone else.

I have honestly never seen someone drive this dangerously, I mean, all of us here like a bit of speed but there is a time and a place for that, and it is not a residential 30mph road.

People like this are part of the reason I pay over £2000 for my car insurance :rulez:
I agree with you that the M5 is full of some real idiots, I drive down there regularly as my family owns a property in Cornwall, worst I've seen was a guy in an X6 weaving in and out of very heavy traffic, beeping his horn and flashing his lights then undertaking on the hard shoulder. No respect for the life of anyone else.
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That's why I have a dash cam! Getting one for the rear soon.

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Where's the best place too get one from and fitted thats a decent price?
Where's the best place too get one from and fitted thats a decent price?
Just fit it yourself, took me an hour once I'd worked out what fuse to use. I have a Mobius camera

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I keep getting people trying to race/be aggressive towards me but I have a boost leak so I just leave them to look silly and continue to drive like an angel.
That's why I have a dash cam! Getting one for the rear soon.

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I've thought about getting a dash cam but I'm very OCD about my car so everything would have to be out of my view
I've thought about getting a dash cam but I'm very OCD about my car so everything would have to be out of my view
My cable runs through the head lining, down the driver's side pillar and straight to the fuse box. You can't see the camera from the driver's seat, just a small part of the cable (which I could hide a bit more, but it doesn't bother me)

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I was researching car cams for ages and a website recommended the DDPai M6 + (Amazon product) so basically small and its magnetic removable base, no screen cos it's all wireless and you pair it with your phone or tablet etc... quality is supposed to be top notch... downside... It's china made so potentially not good and the reviewer said it warns you in chinese lol... anyway worth a look maybe, and maybe the software patches will make it better.

Anyway talking about bad driving tailgating is defo the worse thing, I let my gf drive and she's not great but I'm trying to get her to drive more and get road experience. She gets all anxious when cars tailgate and she feels the need to speed up, which on the lighter side of the scale she could get a speeding ticket but on the other end she could lose concentration, control of the car and worse of all cause an accident. I always tell her to keep calm but she can't help looking in the back mirror to see what the tailgater is doing.
I drive on the M5 and A38 on a regular basis (live in Plymouth) and completely agree the standard of driving I see on those roads is awful! Probably the only place in the country I see worse driving is the M25
My current commute involves M1, M25 & M4 so you can imagine the kind of driving i see. The thing that gets me more than anything is people just sitting in the fast/middle lane. We spend millions widening the motorway then late at night i still people in the third/fourth lane when its totally clear! So many tailgaters as well and people not paying attention.

I'm no angel myself, but i believe in a time and place and if its safe! So if someone is in the fast lane and im behind i would give them a chance to move and if its safe i would just go around or sit in another lane.
If there is an accident on the M4 the entire corridor is shagged.

I remember I was driving in the middle lane, a van is in the outside lane for some stupid reason he stops right there, nothing in front of him. Next thing there' a Q7 on the outside lane, oblivious that the van in front of her has stopped and probably on her phone, her car is right next to mine and then BOOOM! too late the entire front of the Q7, no matter how big of a car it is was smashed like lego.
I had some kid in a megane only this morning do something very similar in a 30 zone. Came up behind me doing 60, tailgates me, then overtook in a amazingly dangerous place only to turn left 50 feet later almost hitting a pedestrian. I came close to slamming the excelerator just to show him a lesson but you just lower yourself to these idiots levels. Eventually they make a mistake and learn (or maybe don't). I am one of those who think the fines are too small for this type of driver.

I was very close to following him home but i suppose a broken nose might not help him learn either :) even if i would have felt a whole lot better.
Funnily enough, I saw a blue RS6 being driven like it was stolen, just earlier today. This was on the Wirral.
I had some kid in a megane only this morning do something very similar in a 30 zone. Came up behind me doing 60, tailgates me, then overtook in a amazingly dangerous place only to turn left 50 feet later almost hitting a pedestrian. I came close to slamming the excelerator just to show him a lesson but you just lower yourself to these idiots levels. Eventually they make a mistake and learn (or maybe don't). I am one of those who think the fines are too small for this type of driver.

I was very close to following him home but i suppose a broken nose might not help him learn either :) even if i would have felt a whole lot better.
It ant just young kids i work outa town which goes through a 30/40/60 then back down i sit behind drivers mainly older but they do 40 the whole way or less then over take on blind corners and really bad overtakin cyclist on blind spots. Not sayin young are angels.

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