Retro fitting puddle lights


A3 Sportback
VCDS Map User
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Christchurch, Dorset
Morning all.

Does anyone know why the pictures from Robins guide to retrofitting puddle lights are not showing anymore ? I fitted my fronts some time ago and now have some for the rear but can’t remember for the life of me how I did it. I’ve read the guide but the pictures are also very helpful.

Thankyou. Matt.
Because Photobucket decided they wanted to start making more money. Their decision has impacted millions of forums, blog site, web pages world wide. All companies want to make money but it was a terrible decision to enact it they way they have.

So blame Photobucket.
don't you remember?... in my 2009, positive to 1 and ground solder to 2. pretty easy. you just need to know the positive and ground numbers and you may even have a plug and play without needing a ground.
Anyone that’s done this, is it difficult to cut out the sections for the lights so slot into or is it a quick dremel job ?
yes,it's very simple. either a quick dremel or similar, cut it smaller to start with then just enlarge slowly until you get a snug fit
I attempted retrofitting puddle lights, thought id do the back door first incase i messed it up, and would u guess i messed it up lol!
Ended up cutting the hole too big so light would just fall through.

Got the fronts right though, so have puddle and door warning on fronts only :welcoming: