Selling the S3


Up the owls!
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score

Just after some advice really from anyone who has completed a private sale of an S3?

My dealer isn't offering what I am after so it looks like a private sale is the only alternative. Just wondering where is the best place to advertise, how long it took to shift, and what you did for test drives etc whilst not being stabbed for your keys!!??

pistonheads a good place,test drives....mmm I wouldn't let anyone
I sold mine on Pistonheads, it went within 2 days. Providing you don't ask silly money and it's a proper clean car you should sell it easy. I see some for sale and the owners are asking stupid money and they remain for sale for months, and they end up reducing them anyway.
I was a bit weary about people coming to view and expecting test drives etc, so i placed the following in the ad to weed out any dickheads or test pilots ''Test drive will only be given once a deal has been agreed and upon production of current photo drivers licence and valid insurance'' followed by ''no timewasters,test pilots or canvassers''. I got one enquiry and he bought the car.

Good Luck !!

Mark, i am putting an add on piston heads for my car and need to address the issue of test driving...when u said u put "Test drive will only be given once a deal has been agreed and upon production of current photo drivers licence and valid insurance'', what did u mean by only once a deal has been agreed? a deal on the car? surely no one will make a deal unless they've test drivin the car?


yes a deal on the car, if you car drives as it should you have no problem, most people who ring will have made up there mind they want a S3 and know how they drive. It was mainly aimed at timewasters ringing up and coming down for a spin, if they think they won't get a drive they probably won't bother ringing. It also gives you chance to check out the prospective buyer,you can usually suss out if they are genuine or not within a few minutes. I allowed a test drive because the guy who bought the car seemed a nice genuine guy and I new he was going to buy the car.


The cars I've bought and sold privately I have never test driven or let anyone test drive mine. If they want to know what the car is like then I usually direct them to a dealer and get them to drive at a dealer.

If you take them out for a good 15 mins, radio off then they shoudl be satisfied with the mechanical soundness of the car sitting in the passengers seat. Especially if it has a full MOT. Youc an always oblige to let the car be RAC or other inspected.

I've never let anyone drive the car without cleared funds, and to be honest I have never expected to drive someone elses car.


P.s. Just another word of warning...... A mate recently had his 335i nicked. Advertised on autotrader, nice bloke came and didn;t want a drive. He sat in the drivers seat and asked to start the car. My mate said okay...... He then looked on in horror as the guy closed the door, locked them and reversed off the drive. :banghead: Honestly. Be careful with the keys.....the police said this had happened a few times in his area.
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Cheers for the advice. My main concern was with test drives, but I think putting that notice in the advert should do the trick. Once I have the cash in my back i'd be happy to let them have a drive so they are happy with their purchase, and give a refund if not (on a 3 yr old car that isn't going to happen!)
Really useful thread this, I might have to sell my s3 due to a potential change in circumstances and was starting to wonder about some of these questions. Please if anyone else has any relevant tips around selling an s3, test drives etc share them!!!!
I have never offered test drives or given one when selling a car. And just another thing I did was to make sure there was another person with me when doing the viewing, don't take any chances..but at the same time don't be too paranoid. Good luck with the sale.
I'd also say no test drives. When I sold my last S3 I took the buyer for a drive in the passenger seat and he was happy. If anyone asks for a test drive it is completely reasonable for you to say that you can't risk it for a valuable car. If they push for a drive I'd be suspicious of their motives.

In terms of selling I had a good result with my last S3 on Pistonheads. I listed it at 3pm on a Friday, guy emailed within hours and came over at 6pm and after a bit of haggling on the phone over the weekend a deal was done. I had another person offering the full amount without seeing the car and wanting to pick up from the other end of the country within a week but I was a bit suspicious of this so went with the local buyer slightly below the asking price. When selling watch out for scammers and get the funds paid into your account via CHAPs transfer - don't accept a bankers draft/cheque etc.

Before putting it up for sale I invested in getting it professionally detailed, took loads of photos and advertised it with all the info I could including service history - when and where it was serviced. The guy who bought it had been looking for months and had viewed about 10 so I was quite flattered he chose mine and it was nice to feel it was going to a good home :)

You could put it up for sale without doing anything but personally I think it is worth investing a bit in getting it looking perfect, even spending some money you'll still do better than selling to a dealer.
Thanks all for the hints and tips! At the risk of hijacking this thread further, when checking what the dealer is willing to pay for it as the first point of call is there any point in checking with more than 1 dealer in the area (I have a few options) or will they all offer the same price/know that another dealer has shown a price etc etc?
Thanks all for the hints and tips! At the risk of hijacking this thread further, when checking what the dealer is willing to pay for it as the first point of call is there any point in checking with more than 1 dealer in the area (I have a few options) or will they all offer the same price/know that another dealer has shown a price etc etc?

Could always try. Pretty sure they all just use the same method for valuations though (CAP) .

BTW, what is the dealer actually offering for your car? We have no idea, who could be a fair trade price!
Haven't checked yet! Looks like I'll have to sell in the next 1-2 months as I will be moving abroad. Whatever it is I'm sure it will be less than what I can get from a private sale, which is why I'm just going to have it as a backstop only

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