Walkers Crisps


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Staff member
Sep 4, 2003
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Solihull, Midlands
Anyone tried those new flavoured Walkers Crisps?

- Chill & Chocolate
- Fish & Chips
- Onion Bhaji
- Duck & Hoisin Sauce
- Builder's Breakfast
- Cajun Squirrel

I've tried Builder's Breakfast which actually does taste of Breakfast surisingly and the Cajun Squirrel, but I have no idea what Squirrel tastes like lol, but it's not too bad.
ive had these 3
- Fish & Chips
- Onion Bhaji
- Duck & Hoisin Sauce

liked them all
I haven't even seen these new flavours, I thought they were only making the winner's choice. If you can actually buy them, I'll have to hunt them down. Have to say onion bhaji does sound good.
I didnt know they actually made them too, i thought they were just going to choose one!!

Oh well, guess i'll be having crisps for breakfast, lunch and evening meal tomorrow :)
I haven't even seen these new flavours, I thought they were only making the winner's choice. If you can actually buy them, I'll have to hunt them down. Have to say onion bhaji does sound good.

Just tried these, quite authentic in taste actually, including the bit of oil you get when you bite into them lol, these crisps are actually quite greasy which can't be too good for my figure. Ahahaha :laugh:
Thats round one to Ricks i think Jojo!!! ;)

FM, thats what i thought as well but obviously not, will have to get out and try some when I get a chance!!
I think they are keeping one of the flavours, of course you need to taste it before voting lol, local Supermarket should have them in stock.
Chilli choc sounds nice, didnt know they'd released them yet as know its been going on for a while. urrm shopping later I hope so might dabble.
Duck & Hoisin not too bad, pretty much taste like the real thing. I'm not decided on the Squirrel ones though, jury's out on them as yet.

Someone at work tried the Fish & Chips flavour, said it just left an aftertaste like batter but otherwise quite plain. Not tried them myself so couldn't comment.
Chill & Chocolate???? how can that be nice

someone at walkers needs to put down there crack pipe :arco:
Its the contrast in flavours, hot chilli with rich sweet chocolate, it really does work very well, without sounding like a fag, it counteracts the hotness
I'll second that sir; i always stir a teaspoon of coco powder into a chilli when i makes it from scratch :)
Just tried the Duck and Hoisin Sauce, obviously a bit bias on the taste of this one, I can taste the Duck and Spring Onion, but not the Hoisin, good effort though...

Only Fish & Chips and Chilly Chocolate to go lol :yum:
tried fish & chips. It tastes of, err, well, fish & chips. Wont be buying again, left a fishy taste in my mouth LOL
Whats wrong with the standard flavours, i like salt and vinegar ***
tried fish & chips. It tastes of, err, well, fish & chips. Wont be buying again, left a fishy taste in my mouth LOL

Just tried this one, see what you mean lol, it's like a light Salt & Vinegar flavour with a bit of fish thrown in , after taste is like Brighton - not a fan.

Only the Chilli & Chocolate one left to try. :)
Tried the Fish & Chips, not impressed. Builder's Breakfast not too bad. Just Chilli & Chocolate & Onion Bhaji left to try. Favourite up to now is the Duck & Hoisin.
I still havent tried any yet!!!

Why cant they do a Donner Kebab flavour with extra chilli sauce and mayo, with a bit of mint sauce and no salad!!!!

Not asking for too much am i???
Just tried chilli & choc, and agree with rickparmar, horrible.
Cajun squirrel was OK, but not great I thought.
Just tried chilli & choc, and agree with rickparmar, horrible.

Finally got round to trying the Chilli and Choc, not for me, it's bad enough having Chocolate tasting Crisps, and they had to throw a bit of chilli taste for good measure. Not for me thanks.
Cheers for that Ricks, this lean mean fighting machine cant go off the rails eating that type of junk!!!!

Ok ok, i'll go get some today :)
lol! This makes me smile, I actually work for Walkers.

The whoile idea behind this was we did a massive competition asking people to send in their ideas for new flavours they wanted. The panel then decided on the finalist flavours, which we would then make all 6, and then it's down to a public vote on which one they want to keep. The result will be subject to a live advert, the first live advert ever produced on TV.

The flavours were kept secret even from us at head office until they launched in the market. Even some of us find the choices odd, but it's certainly got people talking about it.

The winning flavour gets a load of money and a set % of future profit from the flavour, which believe me can be massive!!!

Choc and chilli taste wrong, but I'm liking the Onion Bhaji one. Not so fussed on Buidler breakfast or fish and Chips, and the Squirrel were ok.

The oil it's ****** in now is a sunseed oil, which is actually better for you than olive oil:


eating these aren't going to make you fat, it's sitting on your **** playing xbox all day instead of doing exercise that will :yes:

naturally these are just my opinions and don't reflect on the opinions of Walkers or PepsiCo etc. etc.:blahblah1: