Who do you really miss

Phil Angel

Registered User
Nov 1, 2018
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As in the title ....the artists who have been taken too soon...... not being morbid or depressed......just the people who's music influenced your life or you really love listening to.

My three......
The greatest of them all David Bowie ..... grew up to his music from the seventies through to his death.

Freddie mercury...... the ultimate showman and a great singer

Here's a curve ball....... Karen carpenter...... Surely one of the purest.. most beautiful voices ever ( just listen to the carpenters version of Solitair)
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Can't argue with any of those. And, yes, totally agree about Karen Carpenter - amazing voice. I'd just add Kurt Cobain (not my sort of music but I can appreciate how good Nirvana were), Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.
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Big yes for Jim morrison.... And just imagine the music hendrix would be making with today's technology. .. He was so far ahead in what he was doing back then.
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Amy Winehouse.
My curve ball is John Denver, now he had a fantastic tone to his voice
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Quick post.. Richard Carpenter was on tv this morning, talking about a new album With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. will be released on December 7.

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Surprised no one has mentioned provably the best songwriter of his generation........ George Michael ..... Now that boy could sing with the best of them
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Nobody mentioned Michael Jackson and Prince
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I saw Prince a few years back at Milton Keynes bowl..... Such an under rated musician, his guitar playing was simply awesome
I saw Prince a few years back at Milton Keynes bowl..... Such an under rated musician, his guitar playing was simply awesome
Yes, I saw him about 10 years ago and he was amazing
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Syd Barrett, singer, songwriter, founder member of the band Pink Floyd.
Lost to mental illness and his excessive use of psychedelic drugs.
I always wonder what he would have brought to Pink Floyd’s later albums, plus his solo work.
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Syd Barrett....forgot about him....good call, very similar to Pete green, the co founder of Fleetwood Mac
Definitely agree with these, I often wonder what Jimi could have done given a few more decades.

Sadly being a musician in the 90's seemed to involve a serious chance of dying young too.. Eva Cassidy, Chris Cornell, Shannon Hoon, Layne Staley, Scott Weiland, Kurt Cobain, Cliff Burton, Jeff Buckley, Richey Edwards..

Some people back in the day I would have loved to have kept going would have been Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Phil Lynott and Nick Drake.

It still bums me out when I remember Bowie's gone.
I would have loved to see Phil if not and thin Lizzy play live, but unfortunately I never got the chance.
They did one of my favourite live albums... live and dangerous.

And agree with Eva Cassidy......what a voice she had.

I still get choked listening to some of Bowies music.....wild is the wind and lady grinning soul get me every time I hear them
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A few more that sadly passed way before their time: John Bonham, Bon Scott, Janis Joplin, Ian Curtis, Marc Bolan, Ronnie Van Zandt (and others) from Lynyrd Skynyrd - all amazing musicians.
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Marc bolan... Such a talent, and as you say, lynyrd skynyrd... What sad way to loose a band
One of my favourite songs must be.. Mamas and the Papas California Dreamin.

I was reading on wiki about the band, sad to find Cass Elliot died age 32 of heart failure.
Thinking of this thread.. what Cass did for music in her short life was remarkable.

This song is always played in with my morning playlist...

I could post many many more songs by them. :hi:
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Reactions: Baka, Sandra and Phil Angel
Sid Vicious, Ian Dury & Kirsty MacColl and more recently Keith Flint
Some pioneers in the industry.