Free Audi health check? Anybody had one?


Registered User
Sep 22, 2010
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Just wondering if anybody with a modified car has had one done as last time I was at the stealers it was made very clear to me by a mechanic that Audi do not appreciate anybody modifying there cars!! Thinking of taking mine in and hopfully getting some new coilpacks before the next remap.....
Sounds a bit pompous by the mechanic!

My view on these is that nothing is ever 'free' and in effect you are allowing them to find as many faults as they can on your car and then you have to wait whilst they try and pressurise you into paying them to fix them. You're better off taking your car to a mechanic you trust who will give you impartial advice.

It's comparable to having your central heating boiler serviced. I was at my mum's last week when she had hers done (25 years old and still working) and forewarned her that British Gas will just try and sell her a new boiler. I was pleased I was there as my mum just asked the engineer to speak to me instead so I got the hard sell:
You can't get spares - er, yes you can, I replaced the timer last christmas;
It's not very efficient - I agree, but it's worked reliably for 25 years which can't be said for most of the modern combi-boilers you insist on fitting these days.
It doesn't meet the current safety standards - well it met the standards when it was installed in 1986. You wouldn't expect a car from 1986 to pass the same emissions test as one made now, would you.

Needless to say the British Gas man didn't get his boiler sale and my mum has the same reliable heating boiler and doesn't need to fork out several thousand pounds and have her house turned upside down.
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Not had the health check, but the free Audi MOT gave me advisories for a non standard rear brake pipe (which I'd bought two days earlier from the same dealership), and non standard suspension (referring to coilovers)
I know exactly what your saying! I'm off to r-tech in a couple of weeks so just fancied having a check up before making a 9hr round trip.... I guess if its something important it'll need doing anyway. Exeter Audi are rude and pompous, should have seen the reaction when I pointed out rust on the door and mentioned 12 year warranty!
If there is rust, what are you entitled to?
I had one 2 week ago pal and all they did was check for anything wrong with the car and give u a list of what needs doing.

they Did not ask for them to do it or owt so not bad just tell them if there is owt wrong with car that u no about and tell em ya don't want owt doin
Mine had this check when it went in to get the coil packs checked. Got 4 new coil packs and they picked up a couple things.

Advised me I had non standard disks and pads, drilled and grooved, nearly new!!

They also advised me I had leaking CV boots on the front, considering I had them replaced at the major service 2 days prior, don't think so!!

Also wanted to charge me £50 for wiper blades!!

I advised them to ram it and properly train their mechanic!! Leaky CV boots......idiot.

Icing on the cake was washing my car after expressly telling them no to, had just had it pro detailed so im looking to recoup that cost from them.
I had one done on the coilpack recall, they were actually ok with me, didnt do any work, just advised, but to be honest, there isnt much wrong with the car, so was ok.

One thing I would mention is to let them know not to put it on any computers, as I have heard of them updating software on the ECU, which in turn wipes the remap, if you do have one at all on it.
I know exactly what your saying! I'm off to r-tech in a couple of weeks so just fancied having a check up before making a 9hr round trip.... I guess if its something important it'll need doing anyway. Exeter Audi are rude and pompous, should have seen the reaction when I pointed out rust on the door and mentioned 12 year warranty!

Exeter Audi are not good, I use Plymouth Audi and my father who lives in Exeter drives to Newton Abbot rather than give Exeter a single penny having been given similar service to yourself from the sound of it, Rude and condescending are apt descriptions.
Are plymouth ok then? I live half way so might be worth the trip...
Are plymouth ok then? I live half way so might be worth the trip...

Slowcoach3 Ive used them on my previous 8 Audis and to be fair I've always had good service, like all dealers they will be expensive on certain things but they are thorough and dont get the hump when they find stuff and I say thanks I'll fit that myself just supply the parts or whatever. and Laura on service reception is lovely so it's worth the trip, her partner is one of the mechanics and has an 8L S3 himself so thers at least one chap thats very au fait with things.

Someone should organise a Devon S3 drivers meet.:racer: