What do you hate???

I know exactly how you feel chap.... :yes:
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I'm a cyclist, well MTB , also serious biker and from my experience over the years , bikers are by far the more courteous on the highway , a lot of cyclist seem to have a deathwish and serious disdain towards motorist full stop.
That said it only seems to have become a noticeable change in cyclist attitudes towards motorists over the last 10 years or so, but hey I love cycling but i do believe in being courteous to other drivers , sadly a lot dont and then they wonder why so there is so much anti-cyclist feeling .
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I obey every law I would when driving,thank drivers that give me room and wait before overtaking,shame it’s the entitled ,pretentious few that give us a bad name

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Me too... but I think this world is going to pot anyway... snowflakes everywhere! But unlike snow turning up the heat doesn't get rid of them.... the climate is trying but hasn't succeeded yet.

Please discuss the above while I sit back and grab a popcorn and a drink.. this is going to be good!
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Seriously don't get me on the cyclist thing, hell yes let's have a rant.
There is a group of approx 12-15 so-called cyclist ( as far as i'm concerned they are ****holes) that do a circuit around our village once a week and they cause total havoc, they are not local as they park up in the village car park and off they go, no regard to divers or pedestrians, just go on doing their tour de france at 40 mph 4 abreast on small windy roads.
They stick fingers up at drivers and shout, they are just the worse example of cyclists you could find.
Then to top it off they loiter in the carpark , leave crap everywhere when they go, only to return the following week, utter gobshites frankly.
i'm going to get them on dash cam and load it on youtube, thats a promise.
sorry for the rant, just had to let it out.
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All that aside, those types or cyclists are in the minority, well I hope they are.
Seriously don't get me on the cyclist thing, hell yes let's have a rant.
There is a group of approx 12-15 so-called cyclist ( as far as i'm concerned they are ****holes) that do a circuit around our village once a week and they cause total havoc, they are not local as they park up in the village car park and off they go, no regard to divers or pedestrians, just go on doing their tour de france at 40 mph 4 abreast on small windy roads.
They stick fingers up at drivers and shout, they are just the worse example of cyclists you could find.
Then to top it off they loiter in the carpark , leave crap everywhere when they go, only to return the following week, utter gobshites frankly.
i'm going to get them on dash cam and load it on youtube, thats a promise.
sorry for the rant, just had to let it out.

Right there with u on that ,had the two finger salute the other day ,problem is when the highway code changed and they started exercising they’re right rather than the right rule that included being considerate to other road users

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It’s the group ride ,2-3 a Breast pelaton situation that gleefully ignore every other road user that really boils my p@&s

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Jup usually that lot the group cyclists are the ones that think they own the road... I avoid taking certain back routes in my area because of them... have gotten the 2 finger salute s few times... so I try and avoid those roads.. especially on Saturdays and Sundays
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Advertising on numberplates. My car is not a free bill board. Replaced with plain ones yesterday
SmartSelect 20231016 165010 Gallery
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Lol I usually do the same i haven't though but will do soon... for the exact same reason free advertising? Nope pay me for it or ****** off...

It's last on my list though...
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insanely loud exhaust on small engined cars... talking about ford fiesta ST's, corsa VXR's, Mini Coopers etc etc... not only does it sound like it's farthing, its an annoying hollow droning noise that is way to loud... people that think it sounds nice are delusional...I can just about stomach the noise of a 2litre turbo with a loud exhaust ( mainly because it's less hollow) but do it the cheap way and it sounds exactly the same as those smaller engines. And don't get me started on those motorcycle guys that pull out the DB limiters on their bikes.... I hope that one day those people will get fined for noise pollution hopefully a few fines a day that'll soon get them to do it the right way or put the oem system back.
surrey county council highways.
They spent a lot of money upgrading a crossroads junction near me during August, well it was for about 5-6 weeks in all to upgrade traffic lights that didnt need upgrading and just making a junction that worked into a total farse.
Now a few weeks on they found the works were not carried out correctly and have caused chaos all over again by messing around with it all, why they had to break a system that worked is beyond me , and worse still they couldn't even get the work done correctly first time around, utter planks.
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you're lucky Rob, they don't do any meaningful roadworks round my way. hit my bump stops again today just coming down the main road...it's *****...
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All councils, everywhere, all over - seem to waste the money (they complain isn't enough) on 'fixing roads' that don't need fixing & ignoring the blatantly obvious roads that are full of 'Killer' potholes.................. :wtf:
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people that buy high spec cars as a donor to than sell them off with lower spec gear, without mentioning it.
Rain , and then more flippin rain, come back summer.
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When looking for the tool takes longer than the job should take

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When looking for the tool takes longer than the job should take

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Oh most definitely YES! Agree whole heartedly - Most of my jobs are like that............
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And even worse when you find it and it's no flippin use.:whistle2:
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Yep, if all else fails just wack it with a big hammer..lol
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Nope certainly not a big hammer, try a small one lol
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People that set off silly amounts of fireworks from their gardens at completely random times, usually late at night when the kids and pets have just gone to sleep. Thus waking them all up and making my night more difficult.
It’s fine on bonfire night, New Year’s Eve and that’s it!
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Divali does seem to run on and on some years....
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watermarks on the bodywork after a quick wash..... I always end up spending an hour or so just to get rid of them.
Thanks for the reminder. I have a water softener and need to get a second outside tap for the softened water.
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watermarks on the bodywork after a quick wash..... I always end up spending an hour or so just to get rid of them.
Thanks for the reminder. I have a water softener and need to get a second outside tap for the softened water.
We too have a Kinetico water softener, however…
Understanding the issue/problem/hate here’s what I/we've done in Staffordshire:
1) our rainwater store/butt (see photo) today is: 17ppm (but much leaf-fall debris I suspect)
2) our incoming water (see photo) supply post Kinetico water softener is: 176ppm
3) our 'garage' car-wash water (see photo) post Kinetico and Aquahouse and Raceglaze filters is: 1ppm

I repeat 1ppm and that EQUALS ZERO water spots!

Our arrangement (see photo) after the Kinetico (Kitchen) we feed into (garage): 1) an Aquahouse DI wash-water-filter (if only to 'protect' the Raceglaze resin) and then: 2) into a Raceglaze 7-litre refillable 0ppm water-filter.

We don’t get a problem with water spots

As a 78-year old I can wash and wax and rinse and walk away from our SQ5 allowing to dry in 30-minutes, 4 x inner wheel rims too…

Water ppm water butt Water ppm incoming Water ppm post filters 20231121 114416

Neither do I wax, been there done that! So it's a wash wax and rinse (all 3-cars, Audi's of course!)

Also does a GREAT job window washing, just saying... :whistle2:

Hope this helps... :racer:
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Lol I don't even have a garage... let alone the space to setup water filters.... I actually go and use a jet washer at a carwash... and as stated the so called softened water is not softened at all...

Using 2 buckets and a shammy is less work to be fair, but I needed to wash off the brakedust that was covering the brake calipers and rinse out the wheel arches...
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Nice setup there on the water softner, might have to pick your brains on the model you use as been thinking of doing this for years. We live in an credibly hard water area ( Bucks) and it would be good to get one sorted. As for the car washing, water spots are just a fact of life for some people. In the wniter I dont worry about it so much but come the warmer weather, I use a combination of drying aids ( auto finesse aqua drying solution is good ), detailer towels and I also use An air force one blower to remove all the hidden water. Then if there are any marks, I go over the car with Poorboys black hole which is wonderful for removing water spots etc.
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Nice setup there on the water softner, might have to pick your brains on the model you use as been thinking of doing this for years. We live in an credibly hard water area ( Bucks) and it would be good to get one sorted. As for the car washing, water spots are just a fact of life for some people. In the wniter I dont worry about it so much but come the warmer weather, I use a combination of drying aids ( auto finesse aqua drying solution is good ), detailer towels and I also use An air force one blower to remove all the hidden water. Then if there are any marks, I go over the car with Poorboys black hole which is wonderful for removing water spots etc.
Any time, no worries. Units do not have to be 'fixed' of course, just works best for me/us :friends:
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Re: "I use a combination of drying aids ( auto finesse aqua drying solution is good ), detailer towels and I also use An air force one blower to remove all the hidden water. Then if there are any marks, I go over the car with Poorboys black hole which is wonderful for removing water spots etc."

OMG Noooo.... :blink: Be kind to the lacquer!

Wash with something like TurtleWax ZipWax and rinse and then do a "Dire Straits walk away, walk away"

OK, go use a Vileda drying cloth if bored!

Otherwise go take extra special care of her... :friends:

I cannot give you a better example than this, taken just now at 19.15 21/11/2023 - and ZERO wipe! :yahoo:

SQ5 as is
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Stupid money saving engineering.... stuff that just doesn't work properly without having the specialist removal tool... AKA the pinch bolt in the front knuckles on the B6/B7 platform and any other model that has that same stupid design... Yes the bolt gets stuck for 2 main reasons :
1- manufacturer torque setting is to high so once set to the given torque the bolt is on the wonk
2- 2 different metals so corrosion will set in regardless unless you use some form of aluminium lubricant, to much money for the manufacturer so by the time the 2 top arms bushes go you'll find that the lot is seized in place.

And the worst bit this could have simply be sorted as both the 2 top arms have balljoints and the knuckle could have been designed a slight bit different and it would be just as simple to loosen 2 normal nuts than pop out the balljoints from the arms out of the knuckle. But no, lets employ the pinch bolt designed ones as those come with a guaranteed bring in for service after a few years as they'll be seized. (after a few years of course) plus it means people will buy the needed bolt as we deliberately made sure the torque setting is to high... (it's a pinch bolt, by design the bolt holds the pinch type balljoints in place without any problem.. all it needs is to be securely bolted so it doesn't come work it's way loose (hand tight and another 180 turn is more than enough!!!

there are a few other things I found that for me is purely a design error but left because hey this way they'll have to go to dealer ran garages, oil pump designs come to mind, luckily the aftermarket came to the rescue, but these things should be recalls especially on a brand that is classed to make luxury vehicles and prices them as such.
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I shouldn’t be bothered, but I am!!!!

So my last job was a nightmare the 2 years I was there and the regional manager on my last week visited the branch one day and was really off with me and was really really rude to me in front of people. My colleagues said it was very unprofessional the way he acted and if he hadn’t of messed me about the last 2 months then maybe he’s best salesman wouldn’t be leaving plus my branch manager had been a muppet towards me as well the last few months.

Anyway I left for a better role and the new place was a managers role and they feel I have the talent to do it. So on LinkedIn I unfollowed these 2 managers as I have no interest in what they do and they clearly don’t want me to progress in the future and the last couple months I’ve been sharing what projects I’m doing (cringe I know but apparently this helps you climb the ladder)

Over the weekend this regional manager comments on something I’ve done. Not sure if he’s trying to have a dig or make a joke but dude you clearly made it clear to my old team what you thought of me and you know I’m not following you so why are you so interested in what I’m doing!!!!!!!!

What finally realised that I was your best guy and was carrying that whole team!!!! Should have made me the manager then? Hired the wrong person and now you’re paying 2 people to do my job and having to pay them more money than I got.

How the hell these people get put in charge is beyond me

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Evri parcel service especially the way they conduct their 48 hour delivery service...
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