GTI Festival 9th July


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Feb 15, 2004
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So who is going and are we having a stand?

Sunday 9th July 2006
Santa Pod Raceway, Podington, Bedfordshire (J14/J16 M1)

Admission is only £15 for a full day!
Without wanting to say the words "yeah, I'm going to this" (I'm a little paranoid about jinxing things atm - someone will drop an axle-stand on my bonnet again); you know what I'm driving at...

Ummmm... Probab lysee yo uthere ;)

Yeah i will probably be there, need to get on the quarter mile again!! Its addictive!!
I hasten to add that unless I strip my car and find a cheap jet engine on eBay, I'll be spectating only!


the vr's having its je's, rods headwork and a bb t04 fitted , no time to run it in so will be spectating
Adams3 said:
Yeah i will probably be there, need to get on the quarter mile again!! Its addictive!!

Yes its addictive but at the pod you pay twelve quid I think but you can run up the strip all day rather than fiver a pop
voorhees said:
Yes its addictive but at the pod you pay twelve quid I think but you can run up the strip all day rather than fiver a pop

Was 15 quid last time i went for unlimited runs!!
Ive shamed S3's everywhere again, couldnt get a good start all day so my best was 15 dead!!

Well dissapointed!!
But it sounds like again, the weather was against you. I just can't be ***** with it if the weather isnt good. Although wilko pulled off a ****** good time!

chimmo said:
i got a few pics of the S3's and many others down the strip today, need to process them but if you were there today shout and I'll post them up as soon as
wasnt there today mate
RichA3Turbo said:
But it sounds like again, the weather was against you. I just can't be ***** with it if the weather isnt good. Although wilko pulled off a ****** good time!


you're not kidding - should think there was a 20mph headwind the majority of the time, was blowing a gale down at the Pod today.. got ****** burnt to a crisp though saying that, the sun was still strong despite not showing much of the day!!
This guy wasn't afraid of frying his clutch, giving it ~5-6000rpm launches off the line - fair play!! Not sure what times he was getting.....

click for bigger pic

Yeah luckily i pi**ed all over him up the quarter mile!! lol

That would have been embarrasing!!





The J plate Rado has a TT engine in with slight mods which give it 400 brake and it shot flames out the tailpipe on the way down...awesome
Mk1 golf g60 does a healthy 12.9 when running smoothly
Some nice pics there. See you found the Pink beeza again. It won the 1601-1800 stock class
Pink Beeza is looking better each time I see it...oh and well done in winning to the owner
Thanks. Was only 2nd time i have done it. So getting better with practice. Need to shove off the line quicker next itme. I know i can go faster.
Again... Gutted I didn't get there :(

Car not to blame this time though... Work... Did an unplanned 12:30 - 00:30 on Sunday (thank God for overtime pay!)

Nice pics; Looks like I missed another good one though, regardless of the wind/damp...

I wonder if it'll be Work that stops me getting to E38... *Looks at clock*... 04:25... I don't want to be making a habit of this!


Best time was only a 15.4

Am pretty sure i can go faster but am still getting used to the launches and was not pushing it after last time when i loosened everything underneath and had to take her to the garage after Bruntingthorpe to get everything tightened back up!!!

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