2004 A6 Electrical gremlins


Registered User
Oct 20, 2008
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I have a 2004 (newer shape) A6 3.0 tdi SE Quattro. A few days ago it showed "battery level low" in the tv screen, looked at the graph and it was at about 5%, but the car started fine, it has not moved it 3 days, the car is driven 150+ miles a day (mostly motorway). I have not had a chance to check battery voltages yet, but the car starts fine.

Also I have noticed that my keyless opening of doors does not work when I come to the car first thing in the morning (but will work after 20 mins of driving), the same goes for the interior lights, won't work on entry to the car, but fine after 20 mins of driving.

Is this the comfort module and damp/wet issue, if it is where is it located on my car?

Any help appreciated.:think:
OK - this might help someone in the future, even though my battery was showing as fully charged, about 12.8V on meter, the in car screen was showing 20% charged. The newer A6 (4F) has a battery charge unit which is connected to the -ve terminal, bolted behind the battery to the chassis at on the inside of the rear bumper.

It was this thing that was mistakenly showing the batter as not charged, and this then starts to turn things off in the car to save power, the keyless entry and lights being some of them.

I had a look at it, disconnected the lead, made sure all was clean, waited about 10 mins and reconnected, anf hey presto the car showed as 80% charged, but then the ESP light cam on, messed about clearing error codes with vag diags, and nothing budged it.

In the end went for a spin to see if I could get it to 100% and when it did get to 100% the ESP light went out, all is well now.

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