Wheels ON!


Complete And Utter Member
Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
There is a big space on our patio.


There's a big pile of old wheels and tools on the drive...


A small parcel from eBayland arrived this morning which contained:


Which must mean... Yes! on my day off from work today I have finally fitted my 17" Audi A6 S-Line wheels, with the end result being that my car looks thus;






So there we have it. The front tyres are a bit shonky, being of the Made In Taiwan variety, and all four wheels need a bit of TLC (doesn't show too badly in the photos) but I think they make a whole load of difference.

I could say that they have a faint (smaller) RS4 Rep look to them, but this might be pushing it a little.

A squirt down the road reveals no obvious signs of fouling, but a dual carriageway run to work tomorrow will tell all.

The old rims have gone around the side of the house until such a time comes as I bung 'em on eBay.

Next task is to replace the bottom door trims.
yer that looks good mate.

Lower profile tyres to make the car look like it needs lowered though :( i noticed the same with ours when i had craigs spare S4 rim on it for a few weeks.
Yeah, all in good time! My A4 optimization is a gradual affair... Does need doing though.
what you bumper sticker?
looks like the M25. is it?
should have gone for 18's mate, they would have looked that little much meaner or 19's if you want to turn heads, not bad though.

yea about that sticker................. have you been to the ring?
should have gone for 18's mate...

yea about that sticker................. have you been to the ring?

Ha! I might end up with 18s at some point, but this was all about useability, plus the whole lot only stands me at £180 so far. One day it might be a headturner, right now if I get the occasional "nice car, mate" that'll do.

I nearly did the 'ring last year, as I drove within a mile of it. But I decided against it. I was on a trans-european jaunt, 4000 miles in one week, and we were driving, eating and sleeping in the car. It was like a 1.8t motorhome, and full of all the crap we had to lug around for the week.

Also, if I had bent it at the 'ring my mate and I would have had trouble getting home!

I might do the 'ring this year, and then the M25ring sticker may come off!!
know wot you sayin mate with the **** take of the sticker, im sick of the zetec s's,fiesta ST,corsa's,clio's,scooby's,GSI + VXR astra's rolling round with the ring sticker on the back, i jus wish i had a sticker the shape of Merthyr Tydfil to give to the little FOOKERS lol

im sure your car will be a head turner soon mate, happy modding
they look fantastic! will loook good with a small drop, but doesnt want too much!

smoked side repeaters might look good?
Cheers mate. Yeah, I reckon 20mm or so would do it. I'd probably go for just springs, but that's right down the priority list right now!

Also:- Damn you! those side repeaters are going to nag me now. I think I might go with clear ones rather than smoked. Right, eBay time again!
Looks nice mate.. wheels really suit your car. With a bit of a drop it would be perfect.

The big space on your patio kicks *** too!
they look good mate. i thought bout some r8 rep but think i'm going down the merc line at the min
The big space on your patio kicks *** too!

It's all about the patio. It's how we roll, playa....

Lee and Stub:- Cheers guys. And the need for a drop is going to nag at me now....

Drove the car properly this morning, behaved well. I haven't properly loaded it up in the corners yet but it feels to be gripping like a good'un. Don't feel like they tramline much on the A12, but the ride has firmed up a bit (it now feels like a modern Audi!)

I think they probably are rubbing slightly, but don't feel to be getting too hot. I'll keep my eyes on them. When I eventually change the front tyres to 225s that'll probably cure it.

Cheers for your encouraging remarks everyone!
Hi mate - got those same wheels myself. What pressures you running on them (presume you have 225/45x17 tyres?)


Very clean... I think teabag would benefit from a look like that, I'd be happy with teh 10 spoke 17's.... other items require attentzion first!

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