Boot Light Issues


Registered User
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
West Malling, Kent
Hi All,

I've got an issue with my boot light not turning on, I've done the usual tests changing the bulbs & checking fuses but I cannot see any fault! The next thing I tried was removing the light holder and putting an multimeter directly in to the connector to check for a voltage of which there was none!

To be honest I was stumped and decided to leave it, however a colleague has just brought an 06 A3 (Welcome to the Club!) and has been asking questions about mine and she mentioned that her light was doing the same which started the gears turning and made me think perhaps this is a wider spread issue?

Apologies if this has already been discussed, I did a search in the forum but decided by page 3 of the search it was worth asking again!
My boot light comes on as soon as the car is unlocked and the boot opened. Thought that this was perfectly normal.
My boot light comes on as soon as the car is unlocked and the boot opened. Thought that this was perfectly normal.

Exactly what they are meant to do but i know personally of two cars which are not doing it and it sounds like welshwoody has the same issue! To be clear the interior lights work as expected regardless of whether the key is in the ignition or not, but the boot does nothing when opened.
Could it be the microswitch in the boot lock? Does the DIS indicate 'boot-open' with ignition on? Just ideas.
Could it be the microswitch in the boot lock? Does the DIS indicate 'boot-open' with ignition on? Just ideas.

Well I cant definitely say its not the switch but I don't get a boot open indication unless the boot is actually open (normally because the stupid blind on the parcel shelf flys up and stops it from closing!)
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I ahve same problem only occured after replacing all lights with LED's
Perhaps some member will correct me, but I believe that it is the boot lock microswitch that tells the car when to turn on the boot light. In other words, as soon as the lock is operated (even though the boot has not been raised), the light should come on. If you unlock the boot (but don't lift it), does the DIS show boot open? If it does, then I guess the microswitch is working OK and the CANbus has picked up the signal.
I think the car may switch off certain circuits if the battery voltage drops. Mine has started to not light up boot, interior or doors when unlocked until I start the engine. I have put this down to the cold weather and low voltage as my dash camera also switches off meaning the voltage has dropped below 12V. I may look into upgrading the battery as has been fine over summer.

Do the lights work when the engine is running?
I have almost the same problem. Sometimes when I open the boot, the lights will come on, but sometimes it doesn´t. I just got a new battery, so it´s not the battery that is the problem.
If it's doing it on the normal halogen then I am unsure of what's wrong with it as there isn't a fuse listed for it.

If it's an led that you have bought from ME then get in contact and I will go through a couple of things with you.

I've installed H7 light bulbs in the boot because they shine much brighter. It's LED. Everything is running on 12V so I can't see the problem.
Hi All,

I've checked unlocking via just the Key the boot lifts but the light will not come on after opening. I don't think this is a problem with the battery as I have just swapped it out for a shiny new one.

I think as far as the fuse goes it counts and an interior light and that's all on the same fuse?
As I mentioned in an earlier post (see above), I believe that it is the boot lock microswitch that makes the light go on, regardless whether you lift the lid or not. You can find this switch somewhere in the boot locking mechanism itself. If there has been any leakage from the rear window washer pipes, this switch may well be corroded, as may be some of the contacts on the plug/socket. My next step would be to pull off the rear door card and take a good look at the boot lock. It would be possible to check the boot light switch with a multimeter. Good luck.

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