S tronic Vs Manual (Poll)

Which have you got or gone for?

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Oct 6, 2014
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Not a discussion about the pros and cons, just thought it would be handy to see what most go for.

Apologies if it's been done before, I did a quick search but couldn't find anything!
S-Tronic is quicker to 60, better on fuel (Slightly), lower emissions and the noise!! :drool:
Wanted manual - always preferred it. Couldn't have it (184 quattro). Now I've had it for 6 months I love S tronic.
S-tronic, my wife will occasionally drive the car and only has an auto license. But I've got used to autos now and they're much more relaxing around town and in traffic.
My current car is my 9th A3 and my 5th with s-tronic. I would NEVER go back to a manual although I tend to drive mostly in 'manual' mode using the steering wheel 'clickers'. Great fun.
I'm looking forward to using the paddles, they were fun to use on the test drive and more involving than the auto I'm driving at the moment.
Coming from a manual to stronic. Loved having the manual for the BMW as was a weekend/evening drive car but with the S3 being an everyday car for the other half and with the baby auto was the easy choice. Living round London the clutch foot to much hard work.
unfortunately old back injuries necessitated 2 pedals rather than 3, appreciate the s-tronic but miss a manual - but in oz manual and s-tronic the same price...
i have a manual, but I would have preferred an s-tronic if I could have stretched that far..
Manual S3 saloon on order, hate s-tronic with a vengeance.
Manual. Not old enough for an automatic yet.........

Ducks down behind the parapet....
Just bait Trev................
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I have now had the opportunity to drive a a3 with the s-tronic gearbox for two weeks whilst my own car was in having warranty work carried out. Unfortunately it confirmed all my feelings about the gearbox and it was such a pleasure to get back to my manual version. I still cannot see the value in spending over £1000 on a system that robs the car of anything interesting to do inside it.
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I have now had the opportunity to drive a a3 with the s-tronic gearbox for two weeks whilst my own car was in having warranty work carried out. Unfortunately it confirmed all my feelings about the gearbox and it was such a pleasure to get back to my manual version. I still cannot see the value in spending over £1000 on a system that robs the car of anything interesting to do inside it.
You should try driving an s-tonic in manual mode. Apart from not having to keep pushing down a clutch pedal it's the same as driving a manual only better. I would hate to drive my s-tronic in automatic mode so I don't apart from in traffic queues when it works very well with the ACC. Other than that I decide when to change gear not the s-tronic in just the same way as I did for the 38 years I spent driving a manual. Now I just use the lever or paddles instead. If you think that does make for interesting driving then I afraid you're wrong.
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I must admit I did like the s-tronic on the test drive and was very tempted to go for it, the only thing that put me off was the sales guy...he said after driving all types of Audis he still gets more fun from the manual box as you can play with it more! If all goes well with the Audi I'll be looking to change in 24 months so may go s-tronic next time...for a change :)
I'm the same wanted the s-tronic but just couldn't afford it. Got the 184hp TDi and love.
Next car will be new so will order Quattro
quattro is a lower case q ------ not capital Q :confused: ;)
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Unfortunately, with my recent wrist and shoulder surgery, I had no choice really but to specify S-Tronic. It's not a decision I regret though. Having driven one on my test drive for about an hour and a half, I loved it. Having the flexibility of the flappy paddles too, it's the best of both worlds I think.
S-Tronic FTW.
If you need a gearstick to keep you interested you're driving it wrong
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Personally I do like a (decent) manual gearbox in non-diesels for the mechanical tactile interaction with the car and the ability to play with the revs on down changes etc.. However 90% of my journeys involve congestion and I'm driving a diesel so S tronic is the way to go for my A3. Had a great manual gearbox in an S2000 (and also a Mk II Escort)
manual, s-tronic was way out of my pricerange

In Australia, there is no price difference on the S3 manual or S-tronic, but for us, it was always going to be the S-tronic, had enough of driving a manual in stop/start crawling traffic where you just ride the clutch and don't even get out of 1st gear.
It's a personal choice type of thing, choosing neither is wrong.
It's a personal choice type of thing, choosing neither is wrong.
Agree completely. At least Audi do offer us a choice although not in all models. For instance if you want a 2.0TDI-184 you can have a manual non-quattro or a s-tronic quattro. With the latest information about the face-lifted A1 Audi make the point that they are now offering the s-tronic as an option on ALL models. Perhaps they will do the same for the A3 as some stage.

My only concern is when people say you cannot be 'involved' in the driving with a s-tronic. You can and I am all the time. The s-tronic gives the choice of driving almost the same as a manual and making the choices when to change gear or driving with an automatic both in the same gearbox and you can choose according to how you feel at the time or the type of traffic you're driving in. To me the best of both worlds.
I see the merits of both...

current car is a manual so I am ready to go back to an auto with the S3.

voted S-tronic.
The s-tronic gives the choice of driving almost the same as a manual ...

Rumour is that VAG will have a 10 speed DSG in the Mk8 GTI/D. Using that as a manual might cause RSI :)
Sorry but using flappy paddles is absolutely nothing like driving a car with a manual gearbox and certainly not better, I am afraid you are wrong. Using the paddles is more akin to driving an artificial f1 styled computer game. I prefer to drive my cars thank you. The problem with the A3 is that the controls are devoid of much feel and feedback, take away the gearshift, and your link to actually driving the car, it becomes dead boring. I would rather go back to my mk3 focus than drive a a3 with s-tronic...
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Sorry but using flappy paddles is absolutely nothing like driving a car with a manual gearbox and certainly not better, I am afraid you are wrong. Using the paddles is more akin to driving an artificial f1 styled computer game. I prefer to drive my cars thank you. The problem with the A3 is that the controls are devoid of much feel and feedback, take away the gearshift, and your link to actually driving the car, it becomes dead boring. I would rather go back to my mk3 focus than drive a a3 with s-tronic...

This is just your personal opinion. Many other will disagree.

I have driven both and I know which I prefer.
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As ever, these S-tronic and Manual threads always seem to descend into I'm right, you're wrong type threads.

'Twas ever thus.

What ever happened to acceptance of personal preferences?

If you want to drive with 3 pedals, buy a Manual
If you want to drive with 2 pedals, buy a DSG

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You should have been around in the days of Pilot Audi. Or maybe not.

The gems he used to come out with. Only real men drove manuals, and the size of sausages related to how well you stirred your stirrer.

And if you had a private plate on your car you were a complete t055er, the abuse he used to hurl at people with PP's :)

Oh, and your view/opinion was always wrong. ;)
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What ever happend to him?! I always remember laughing at some of the comments and digs he gave everyone!