S5 stolen ☹️ Key advice needed


Registered User
Jan 20, 2017
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Hi all,

Some scrotes broke into my house last night, searched for and took my keys and made off with my beloved S5. We got downstairs just in time to hear engine fire up, but it was gone. Foolishly I had not heeded warnings about taking keys to bed with me, but on the upside everyone in the house is safe.

Long story short, but through swift police action and use of the MMI app, the car was found, parked up and locked, it’s at a police forensic compound now, I don’t know the condition but hopefully undamaged.

However, I am aware that whoever took the car may have the set of keys on them still and return for it. Audi dealership advised the stolen key can be deactivated, meaning they only have use of mechanical key to gain access, which would trigger the alarm as it’s not an active key. I could have a complete new lock set installed, but with 600 quid excess on car policy I’m not sure there is enough of a need, I figure key will have been tossed when they realise it is useless.

What’s people’s views and or experience of this? Just cancel stollen key and get a new spare, or a grand on new lock set for peace of mind?

And if I may, note of caution to all, these guys are ruthless, you think it can’t happen to you, it can.
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I think I would probably have the cylinder changed too, just to be on the safe side and also since I was having to have a new set of keys anyway.

Out of curiosity where are you located?
I think I would probably have the cylinder changed too, just to be on the safe side and also since I was having to have a new set of keys anyway.

Out of curiosity where are you located?
I’m in York. There’s been a few taken near me. Neighbour has cctv of them having a good look around their Golf R before they moved onto mine
Probably parked it up and left it to watch/see if there was a tracker on it. Scum of the earth aren't they, work hard to have nice things and this happens.
Sorry to hear mate, same happened to me dec 17, i made it down in time for them to casually walk off and leave both cars, however both keys were gone, quoted 600 by locksmith for lock scramble on vw and new key reprogrammed so old key useless.

S5 however was dealer only as too new for locksmiths, cost 1k as you mentioned with new lock set and keys etc.

Luckily i had the aa gold cover with complimentary key insurance so they did it all for free.

Pain in the *** and i did not feel comfortable knowing someone could access the car anytime with a key (even though they cant start it)

The bunch of keys were found in a nearby area however the car keys were not on there so they must be keeping keys.

Hope you get over it and move on, it has put me off looking at anything fancier when lease ends oct 19.
Probably parked it up and left it to watch/see if there was a tracker on it. Scum of the earth aren't they, work hard to have nice things and this happens.

Police did mention this to me, they usually park car somewhere to see if still there after a few days to determine if tracker installed
I'd be getting the locks changed and new keys. Otherwise anytime I hear a sound at night I'd be thinking the worst.
Feel for you! Some D**kswabs managed to get into mine last week and attempted to start it up. They failed luckily, however broke into a house in my neighbourhood and stole an Audi A4 and Citreon. As a result we have upped our home security, Ring Floodlight camera with a chime alarm when motion is detected and I block my car in with another family members car. Also a steering lock is a must!
Hi all,

Some scrotes broke into my house last night, searched for and took my keys and made off with my beloved S5. We got downstairs just in time to hear engine fire up, but it was gone. Foolishly I had not heeded warnings about taking keys to bed with me, but on the upside everyone in the house is safe.

Long story short, but through swift police action and use of the MMI app, the car was found, parked up and locked, it’s at a police forensic compound now, I don’t know the condition but hopefully undamaged.

However, I am aware that whoever took the car may have the set of keys on them still and return for it. Audi dealership advised the stolen key can be deactivated, meaning they only have use of mechanical key to gain access, which would trigger the alarm as it’s not an active key. I could have a complete new lock set installed, but with 600 quid excess on car policy I’m not sure there is enough of a need, I figure key will have been tossed when they realise it is useless.

What’s people’s views and or experience of this? Just cancel stollen key and get a new spare, or a grand on new lock set for peace of mind?

And if I may, note of caution to all, these guys are ruthless, you think it can’t happen to you, it can.
Hi all,

Some scrotes broke into my house last night, searched for and took my keys and made off with my beloved S5. We got downstairs just in time to hear engine fire up, but it was gone. Foolishly I had not heeded warnings about taking keys to bed with me, but on the upside everyone in the house is safe.

Long story short, but through swift police action and use of the MMI app, the car was found, parked up and locked, it’s at a police forensic compound now, I don’t know the condition but hopefully undamaged.

However, I am aware that whoever took the car may have the set of keys on them still and return for it. Audi dealership advised the stolen key can be deactivated, meaning they only have use of mechanical key to gain access, which would trigger the alarm as it’s not an active key. I could have a complete new lock set installed, but with 600 quid excess on car policy I’m not sure there is enough of a need, I figure key will have been tossed when they realise it is useless.

What’s people’s views and or experience of this? Just cancel stollen key and get a new spare, or a grand on new lock set for peace of mind?

And if I may, note of caution to all, these guys are ruthless, you think it can’t happen to you, it can.
Sad to hear that, but at least you got it back. I would get a Ghost fitted (around £300.00). Without the code the car is not going anywhere unless towed as it is completely untraceable.
Sad to hear that, but at least you got it back. I would get a Ghost fitted (around £300.00). Without the code the car is not going anywhere unless towed as it is completely untraceable.

Is there anywhere to get these from below £399?
Nowhere that I am aware of. I suppose you have to consider what is it worth to you not to have your car nicked. Excess, increased insurance premiums, loads of hassle, etc. so even at even at £399.00 fitted it is still well worth it.
Yeah, I already have a Vodafone Connect Cat5 on it, like the idea of the ghost though
Nowhere that I am aware of. I suppose you have to consider what is it worth to you not to have your car nicked. Excess, increased insurance premiums, loads of hassle, etc. so even at even at £399.00 fitted it is still well worth it.

@IJB1959 Not sure if your interested but I have just found out the Autowatch Ghost is actually a rebranded Ampire WFS300-BT, I just created a separate thread on it so as not to hijack this one :)
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