Why the negativity


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Sep 4, 2005
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wales uk
I am not just posting this because I have one on order, but why is everyone so negative with regard to the facelift S3. Lets face it guys I know there are changes and they may not be to everyones taste BUT for it to be a facelift it HAS to be changed or it would just be the same car. I doubt very much that any new shape that deviated from any of the iconic Audi styles were recieved very well initially. You will probably find that after a couple of years with this model the pre facelift will look dated and any future changes will again be looked upon as a step backwards. My S2 was awesome when I had it, but compared to the old style coupe it could not have been any more different......thing change during your life.....my mother still gets up to change the channel on the tv.....doesn't mean remotes are the devils work though LOL
It's because secretly we're all gutted our will look dated soon! :crying:

Seriously though, this always happens when cars get a nip and tuck. Some like it, some hate it. I don't think the new version is that different really, new light units, bumpers and alloys.... ohhhh and huge mirrors!
I like most of it (bar the mirrors - I saw a narmal A3 on saturday and they are massive when you loo head on and the car is next to an older A/S3) and I think as more are seen most will warm to it.
I think most will agree that the Rear lights, Rear Bumper and new crease in the bonnet all look great (just look at how many people have upgraded to the light units already!).
I think the only areas people have criticised is the mirrors, front bumper, alloys and front light units.

I'm looking forward to getting my car next to JamS3's car when it arrives to do a comparison.

You'll love it either way mate!
I think some people are just bitter because they now have the old model :D
Quite simply because I don't like the look of it. If I were planning to trade in and get the new one I would have changed my mind already because I wouldn't have it.

I love the look of the pre-facelift and if you put them next to each other and asked me to pick one I'd pick it every time.

I'm a bit disappointed with Audi. They've been consistantly putting out great looking cars all across the range but this time I think they've messed up.

Nothing against you or anyone else who has ordered one of course. The car is essentially the same anyway! But I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a car I wasn't completely happy with.

I'm hoping to be buying another tax free car in about 2 years so I think it'll be an S4/S5 instead.
Quite simply because I don't like the look of it. If I were planning to trade in and get the new one I would have changed my mind already because I wouldn't have it.

I love the look of the pre-facelift and if you put them next to each other and asked me to pick one I'd pick it every time.

I'm a bit disappointed with Audi. They've been consistantly putting out great looking cars all across the range but this time I think they've messed up.

Nothing against you or anyone else who has ordered one of course. The car is essentially the same anyway! But I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a car I wasn't completely happy with.

I'm hoping to be buying another tax free car in about 2 years so I think it'll be an S4/S5 instead.

Spot on my friend!!

If i wanted the facelift version i would have already 'upgraded' at this stage!! The fact of the matter is i prefer the pre facelift version and until the facelift starts growing on me (and no doubt it will), im perfectly happy with what i got at the moment!!

Dont confuse negativity with personal taste!! Having said this i cant see me warming to the facelift alloys which in my humble opinion are w@nk but again that is just down to personal taste.

Why couldnt we have the TTS alloys as an option for the facelift S3- if that were a possibility there would certainly be less of a hesitation on my behalf.
People who own an older model will always find ways to convince themselves that the new model doesn't look as good as the old one they own, or that any improvements are unimportant. I've seen it time and time again on car forums.

I've been there myself. I bought both a Clio 172 and Civic Type R not too long before facelifts were announced. No matter how much you try to tell yourself that it is essentially the same car underneath, there is always that nagging feeling that you should have waited, although I suppose that depends on how recently you bought the older model before the announcement of the newer model.
He he he, it's funny, those with a new one on order will always claim that those with older cars are just bitter.
Those with the older one will claim the new one is poorer than the old one....

It's still a sweet motor (bar the dumbo ears!!!) :jester:
Pure jealousy, green man driving the old model, wheels are crap though on the F/lift

Good luck when it arrives

Well I got my S3 three weeks ago now, and I would have been just as happy with the facelift; I like most of what they've done but to me the 'old' shape S3 still looks fresh.

Also, if I'd have gone for the facelift, I wouldn't have got it until December. So although it's nice to have the 'latest' shape etc; I needed a car!
i saw a facelift s3 on saturday and i must admit they look alot better in realy life. they do stand out just that little bit more in my opinion.
i had the chance to buy the facelift S3 but i get the old one.. technically new S3 with F/L is better than the old one for sure but when it comes to look oh damn front lights are killing me, for me they are the worst LED design of all audis :wtf:
second big thing is wheels i didnt like them neighter.. other than that it looks very nice... i wonder how the new A3/S3 is going to be like? may be this time they come up with RS3 :hubbahubba:
People who own an older model will always find ways to convince themselves that the new model doesn't look as good as the old one they own, or that any improvements are unimportant. I've seen it time and time again on car forums.

Speak for yourself my friend. Don't presume to know what I'm thinking.

Con S3 is in the position to 'upgrade' but is choosing not to!
It all comes down to personal preference. End of story. None of the facelift changes do anything functional, except signals in the side mirrors perhaps.

I personally don't like how big the mirrors have become. And I just don't understand why Audi didn't make the LEDs the similar to the A4/A5. It just looks a little like an afterthought or perhaps trying to be different vs. setting the tone for the whole fleet.

But I have yet to see it in the flesh.
I actually prefer the look of the 8L S3 over the pre-facelift 8P S3 I own - so its not "jealous I don't have a new one syndrome" with me (although I do acknowledge that this syndrome exists - I just think the facelift is the least attractive of the lot. It has good points (bonnet crease, rear lights) but these are outweighed by bad points (wheels, fog surrounds, front lights).
Speak for yourself my friend. Don't presume to know what I'm thinking.

Con S3 is in the position to 'upgrade' but is choosing not to!
Nope, I'm not claiming to know what each and every individual is thinking, but on a whole, the reactions of older model owners is often negative towards new models. It happens everytime.

None of the facelift changes do anything functional, except signals in the side mirrors perhaps.
Improved Haldex, lower emissions, lower fuel consumption...
But we're allowed to have an opinion?
Some might say owners of the new car are getting defensive as they don't want to hear their new £30k pride and joy be crticised!
I think most have said, there are improvements on the new car and there are areas that could be better...
I don't think anyone is particularly precious!
Nope, I'm not claiming to know what each and every individual is thinking, but on a whole, the reactions of older model owners is often negative towards new models. It happens everytime.

Well you need to word your statements to that effect then mate.

I agree with Jamie though. And I would be the same if I had just ordered a new one. But the facelift is and will be critisiced for a while at least.

You could always fit the pre-facelift lights and bumper to a new one. That car I would buy. Even with the jumbo ears!
Improved Haldex, lower emissions, lower fuel consumption...

I have only recently heard about improved Haldex. Has that been proven? Actually seen in the wild(vs. an email from Haldex)?

Plus, at least over here, the new 2.0t has been in use for at least last half of MY2008. So I don't know if the lower emissions and lower fuel costs can rightly be attributed to the facelift per se.
well i have the A3 cab, i can only say from my opinion that the lights grow on you, when i first saw the way they were angled downwards i thought WTF!!!
but now i've had it for a bit they actually look smart and give the front end that little bit of differential to a A4, as for the front grill i prefer the pre-facelift as it seems to be a bit more agressive and has the s-line badge(why they've omited it from the facelift i'll never understand).
I also think it depends more on the colour of the car to just how well the front bumper stands out.

But i'm with you all on the ****** mirrorsthere huge and don't actually give you any better vision, especially when parralell parking and you like to see how close the kerb is, no i havent kerbed the wheels:)
You could always fit the pre-facelift lights and bumper to a new one. That car I would buy. Even with the jumbo ears!

Nope, I'd have to ditch the mirrors - they're mahoooosive - fine on a Q7, maybe even the A5... no place on a little hatch!!
Let's hope they design something a little smaller for the A1!!!

I would like the haldex controller though - I keep forgetting the newer car has the Gen 4 version.
I'll probably upgrade to the new rear lights at some point and would love to know if the grey part of the new rear bumper would fit in the old bumper - I think that looks better too.
Well you need to word your statements to that effect then mate.

I agree with Jamie though. And I would be the same if I had just ordered a new one. But the facelift is and will be critisiced for a while at least.

You could always fit the pre-facelift lights and bumper to a new one. That car I would buy. Even with the jumbo ears!
I will be more careful next time. I know it is a touchy subject for some. ;)

Having ordered a new model, I would say the old model is actually a prettier car TBH, but looks aren't really my primary concern. I'd totally written off the S3 as a purchase before the facelift, due to 3dr only and emissions impacting on my company car tax bill. With the Sportback option and lower emissions on the facelift, my mind was easily changed.
I think the facelift S3 looks better than the pre-facelift
I reckon if Audi had just released the S3 on the facelift (i.e. the old one never existed), you would all be rushing to place an order ;)
People who own an older model will always find ways to convince themselves that the new model doesn't look as good as the old one they own, or that any improvements are unimportant. I've seen it time and time again on car forums.

I dont like you.. you can read minds :faint:

Just kidding, who do you think you are?? Dont pressume to know what im thinking,how terribly rude! :beee:

Anyway just enjoy your car, and dont try and force you opinions onto others :no:
I have only recently heard about improved Haldex. Has that been proven? Actually seen in the wild(vs. an email from Haldex)?

Plus, at least over here, the new 2.0t has been in use for at least last half of MY2008. So I don't know if the lower emissions and lower fuel costs can rightly be attributed to the facelift per se.
No idea on the Haldex TBH. There just aren't any in-depth comparisons available.

I'm sure some emissions improvements are down to the new 2.0T, and less to do with the facelift, but the reality is that the improvements are only available on the facelift. The sad reality is that companies will purposely hold back improvements for the new model.
No idea on the Haldex TBH. There just aren't any in-depth comparisons available.

I'm sure some emissions improvements are down to the new 2.0T, and less to do with the facelift, but the reality is that the improvements are only available on the facelift. The sad reality is that companies will purposely hold back improvements for the new model.

That's where you are incorrect. Audi has already been shipping the modified engine for at least the last 3-4 months. That's pre-facelift. Our tuning companies over here still haven't caught up with the new engine...or at least they hadn't as of a few weeks back.

In any case, I still don't like the mirrors. But I am also partial to the RS4 mirrors. I still may try to retro those onto our 3.2!:blackrs4:
I dont like you.. you can read minds :faint:

Just kidding, who do you think you are?? Dont pressume to know what im thinking,how terribly rude! :beee:

Anyway just enjoy your car, and dont try and force you opinions onto others :no:
I'm not forcing any opinion - I'm sure you're capable of thinking for yourself.

I was just stating that opinions are often negative towards new models, as explained above to Staz.
I reckon if Audi had just released the S3 on the facelift (i.e. the old one never existed), you would all be rushing to place an order ;)

Yep of course I would - As it's the car that ticks all my boxes for now, but i'd still have an opinion about some of the parts of the car.
I'd still think the mirrors we're huge for starters...... :whistle2:

If you do a search to some of my posts when I was first ordering my car, I was un-sure about elements of the new car, I was dissapointed with the seats, lack of flared arches, some of the plastics seemed cheaper, etc, etc compared to my old 8L S3.

We all have opinions, but sadly there isn't really an alternative to an S3, so even if there is something you don't like you will still buy it!

I think I speak for most of the owners of the older version here, so without wanting to rock the boat, it seems some of the people waiting for there new car are actually more defensive than the owners of old cars...
.. most if not all of the older S3 owners have paid compliments about the new one - even started changing some parts to the newer version. Owners of the new one seem to be smacking us with a stick for been green eyed monsters... I honestly don't think that's the case. Take peoples opinions with a pinch of salt - we don't hate the new S3, we just don't feel every change is a step forward.

I think that's fair enough isn't it??? :shrug:
I was just stating that opinions are often negative towards new models, as explained above to Staz.

That seems true. People want to support their own choices/likes/dislikes and usually they need to disparage other peoples choices/likes/dislikes because of insecurity. I say like what you like and love it.
That's where you are incorrect. Audi has already been shipping the modified engine for at least the last 3-4 months. That's pre-facelift. Our tuning companies over here still haven't caught up with the new engine...or at least they hadn't as of a few weeks back.
Well if they were, it certainly wasn't stated in any Audi literature that I saw, but then they are ****** useless at updating.

What are the emissions on the pre-facelift model with the new engines?
Well if they were, it certainly wasn't stated in any Audi literature that I saw, but then they are ****** useless at updating.

What are the emissions on the pre-facelift model with the new engines?

I don't have the exact numbers but quite a few late MY 2008 people have the timing chain vs. the belt. And I thought it had more to do with more HP vs. lower emissions. I have not followed it all that closely TBH, I am more focused on whether or not AoA will bring the A1 over to the States in 2012/2013.
Probably still 217g/km as far as the DVLA are concerned, cream a bit of extra dollar out of the motorist!!! :sadlike:
In that case, the new engine wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference to me.

Saying that, my GTI officially has emissions of 194g/km, but newer engine model years have seen it decrease to 189g/km, so even though there hasn't been a facelift, the DVLA still takes account of those lower emissions. Maybe it's up to the manufacturer to report lower emissions to the DVLA, but maybe it sometimes isn't in their interest to do so, especially when a new model is around the corner.
well, it seems we are a divided nation on the facelift S3. I personally love the pre facelift and moving from an A4 to S3 made it a difficult decision . The only reason I choose the facelift was because it was the new model. If I had been in this situation I year ago there is no way i would have waited for the facelift.
I don't think the facelift is that dis-similar to warrant all this attention. It makes sense to me to always buy the latest model or I would always be hankering after the latest version even if it does have a big pair of ears !!

I have to say I approve of all the revisions with the exception of the LED's as I too would have preferred a more generic look but its not enough to stop me shopping for one in @ 18 months time after you fellas have swallowed the depreciation for me :)

Apparently you also gain some extra mpg as well as lower emmisions ?! Yeah right !! :)
I dont think I'd order a facelift S3, if I were in the market for a new car.

The wheels , front lights and mirrors look rubbish (IMO), the other styling changes are no better or no worse than current, they're just different.

I do like the option of magnetic ride, and if they have actually modified the haldex and you can tell a difference rather that it being just a marketing move, then that can only be a good thing. same goes for the option of flappy paddle gearbox (even though I probably wouldnt order it with one), and the sportback version.

I guess, in essense I like the functional changes, but dont like the styling changes particularly.

Anyway, I'd never buy the same car twice, so even if i prefered the look of the new one, I wouldnt buy it, because I've already 'done' the audi s3.

If I didnt already have an s3, it would have to be the facelift unless the prefacelift was going for a substantial discount.

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