The Phantom Misfire is back! Again!


335D Driver :-)
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score

So. It's back. Again. I tried the immediate fix of punching the steering wheel in anger. That didn't work. :sorry:

After last fix, car has been fine for well over a week, however has decided it doesn't want to play again yesterday....

Beginning to wonder if it may be the earth underneath battery tray causing issues.

Anyway, differing from last time, the misfire seems to continue no matter how much you mess about with and/or swap around the coils...

Will investigate tonight and post results. Any thoughts in the mean time?
ahhh the tried and tested steering wheel punch, i prefer the elbow drop personally :)

how far back did you take back the tape on the loom last time? is it possible theres more damage further down the wire causing a short?

does seem strange how its been fine for a week or so and now its come back
Would a hairline crack on the exhaust manifold cause a missfire maybe?

No mate, not sure it would to be honest...

Anyway, found the issue, more cracked wires we missed first time around... ****.

Still, managed to de-silence the charge pipe at the same time - mainly due to a lack of anything else to do.
No mate, not sure it would to be honest...

Anyway, found the issue, more cracked wires we missed first time around... ****.

Still, managed to de-silence the charge pipe at the same time - mainly due to a lack of anything else to do.

How did you get on with the de silencing bud? Does it feel/sound any different?
Anyway, found the issue, more cracked wires we missed first time around... ****.

are you still going to replace that part of the loom to be sure or just see how it goes?
Log it on VAGCOM before changing much else.... make sure its not a fuelling issue...

'Missfire' only seems to happen on boost which doesn't smack of coil packs breaking down etc...

So you remember because I am sure you will have forgotten the moment you left bill's today lol...

020 (timing pull), 031 (fuelling), 115 (boost)... third gear runs 2k to redline with a properly warmed engine.

Check fuel trims afterwards with the car still idling... (032)

So you remember because I am sure you will have forgotten the moment you left bill's today lol...

I'd say that altogther you know me too well....I haven't looked at this yet, but I will when I get 5 mins. TO be fair, it seems to have settled back down. I have only just realised it only happened after I put fuel in last night, and since that fuel has passed through and out to aid global warming, and been replaced with more, seems to have settled down. Contaminated fuel? Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell. I will do that logging just for good measure!

On an unrelated note, that engine mount has resolved the other issues I've been having. The old one was, well shall we say poorly. Lots of play and movement and on inspection was very worn. Car feels much taughter now with that THS one on, as well as the feeling of engine movement on idle, and the vibration from prop being gone. £30 well spent? I think so!! :) Cheers dude.

are you still going to replace that part of the loom to be sure or just see how it goes?

In short, Yes. Whether that loom is the issue or not, it is still very very poorly. It definately needs looking at and for the sake of less than £100 to either replace or repair, I think it's worth doing as a matter of course to be honest. I know it will always be in the back of my mind otherwise!
How did you get on with the de silencing bud? Does it feel/sound any different?

Makes a cool noise, and I think it goes better myself. But that may just be me.... I'd say worth doing for the noise it produces...