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Help.. stereo harness

Hi I have a 05 cab iv bin to Halfords for a ios harness and so far iv had 3 of them and none working, iv now got it working but only the dash speaker's are working I was told to attach the blue wire's together and that will tern the amp on, well it don' please can any one help
Hello and well done for at least getting it to work. What are you trying to achieve “iOS” are you trying to hook up an iOS device? I am trying to think why your amp has no power going to it. Have you put the 2 wires coming from the unit to the blue one coming from the multi plug on the left what have you done so far. Please give us an update if you can
Hi and thank u for your reply, I have tryed both blue wire's together but still no joy, iv bin in contact with the company who makes the harness and they told me that the 4 Halfords gave me are wrong so there going to send me the correct one.soon as it comes I'll post more pictures as I think more people have this problem than just me.
Yeah hopefully the manufacturer will sort you out. Do remember not to go to Halfrauds in future lol. Hopefully hear your results soon.

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