Few RNS-E Questions


Registered User
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Hi Guys,

Recently the RNS-E is really starting to pee me off, I don't know if mines just ins't installed properly, or this is how it goes on all of them.

1. Satnav will only do a 5 digit post code search, which means you still need to add a street name?
2. When adding files to my SD card, some don't show unless you rename them (Seems to be if they have too many numerals etc)
3. I need to have my Satnav disc in the player all the time for the satnav to work? (i.e. I cant listen to a cd and use satnav at the same time)

Really interested to find out if this is common, as I bought a £400 copy for my golf gti, and it did ALL of the above, and played ALL types of music files, not just mp3, plus was touch screen..
You are right on all of the above. Just have to get used to it. Didn't take me too long.

My tips:

Get street names & house numbers rather than postcodes.
Rip your CDs to mp3 & keep the filenames short.

Did you really expect to be able to use the sat nav without the sat nav disc in???
You need a disc for satnav?Seems a bit ****,Can you still play music from an sd card whilst the satnav is running?
You need a disc for satnav?Seems a bit ****,Can you still play music from an sd card whilst the satnav is running?

yes. I would imagine everyone including myself have all there music on sd cards. Then you just leave the sat nav disc in all the time. Hasnt bothered me at all in the time I have had it.

Total postcode use would be nice, but it works just as well as it currently is.

I would recommend though that you enable SDS to it (VERY cheap mod if you already have bluetooth fitted ).
It will make the input of info etc much faster.

I love my rns-e. For looks and functionality it is great in my book
Well a shitey £350 Chinese copy of the RNS510 ran off an SD card, so I think a 2k optional extra, YES it should!

Ok I thought I should have emphasized the key part of my post:

Did you really expect to be able to use the sat nav without the sat nav disc in?

Anyway mp3s on the SD card are the way forward. Make sure the full file path isn't too long, i.e. the folder names and the file. 64 characters total IIRC.
Ok I thought I should have emphasized the key part of my post:

Did you really expect to be able to use the sat nav without the sat nav disc in?

Anyway mp3s on the SD card are the way forward. Make sure the full file path isn't too long, i.e. the folder names and the file. 64 characters total IIRC.

Wedre obviously both getting our wires crossed, what I should have said is, why can't the software be loaded to one of the SD cards? Have one for satnav, one for music and frees up your CD player..

Another problem I'm coming across is, if you try to use any card bigger than 2gb it just shits itself and says theres nothing on it?
RE: Cards.

For help/advice on SD card formatting and file structure have a look here. Most of the usual Q's are covered in the whole thread. What PetrolDave doesn't know, ain't worth knowing. There are other threads on that site which will help.

As for the cards: the "Mk1" RNSE will only accept up to 4gb SD cards (not SDHC). I use them fine. What Audi say in the user manual about directories is crap - as PetrolDave mentions in that thread you can have around 30 albums on one card in a multitude of 'file structures'. I have 3 top level folders, each with around 8-10 albums in each.

Also you need to make sure that the file names (songs) each start with a two digit number, so 01, 02, etc. Otherwise the songs will be out of order.
I leave the NAVIGATION disc in all the time. In fact I have the eject disabled with VAG-COM, as a security feature.

It doesn't bother me. I use the SD cards and the factory iPod connection... The only one time when I've EVER wished I could play a CD was when I drove 200 miles to do an install for a band, and they gave me their new CD to listen to on the drive home... I needed the navigation to find my way around Fort Lauderdale, so I couldn't play the CD.

But that's once in two years. -Overall, the level of integration: the phone book, the navigation, the dynamically-updated radio station display, the iPod, the Bluetooth, the steering wheel control, the DIS... It's the best system overall which I've ever found. -Maybe there's a better one out there, but this is certainly good enough.

Limitations on file name length and illegal characters in the file name are all detailed in the manual.

Here in the US, there is NO postcode search. -Which doesn't matter too much anyway, because each 5-digit "zip code" covers an entire city; it's not an average fifteen addresses, like it is in the UK. -There IS a "Zip-plus-four" convention where people get an extra four digits to bring it down to the kind of level of accuracy of the British system, but the VAST majority of people don't know their "Zip+4" at home or at work.

I know my home Zip + 4, but my wife doesn't.

In fact most people in the US don't even seem to KNOW what "zip+4" even IS.

-So, on the whole, I think that if you can get to an address by tapping only a postcode and a street, count yourself lucky. -Here we have to laboriously enter region, city, street name AND number.

You've got it easy.
Also you need to make sure that the file names (songs) each start with a two digit number, so 01, 02, etc. Otherwise the songs will be out of order.
I think that this only applies to mp3's which haven't been identified with the sequence number in the 'tag' metadata.

If you import from CD using a converter which automatically writes the tags, the RNS-E ignores the alphanumeric sequencing and puts them in album sequence, no matter if the first title begins with a 'Z', and the last with an 'A'.

If however, there's no tag data to work from, then the RNS-E defaults to ordering them aplhanumerically, in which case -as perfectly described above- you are best to name them something like:

01-My baby left me, whoa-whoah
02-Baby came back
03-I think I'm gonna kill that b*tch...

-or whatever.

I find that the odd track/album doesnt show up the RNSE, even with renaming etc, some just wont appear.

The radio reception (or lack of) on retrofitted RNSe is the biggest pain IMO. And makes retrofitting a bit expensive.

Im in the process of sorting but it looks like its costing me £150-£200 for bits then beer tokens to a friendly VAg boffin (vollenteers? in the North East??)

Generally speaking its pretty neat the way it integrates with BT, and the MFSW etc., and transforms the look of the cabin.
The NAV function has always worked well for me too.

Maybe not the BEST bit of kit around but essential in the A3 IMO.


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