
Badger 5 Edition
VCDS Map User
Nov 6, 2009
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3 WORDS... I HATE ORANGE!!! This is a long story but i'll try my best to explain. I've been with orange since i was 16, (contract on my sisters name) and then when i was 18, i managed to get a £75 monthly contract with the 8800 arte! Happy days! i got everything i wanted! Although i was on the top contract, i was still going over and paying £100+ a month! Still, was my doing and i happily paid my way through. Now, towards the end of that contract i thought it was time to move onto another one so i searched the net and found on and bought! This was the start of my troubles! Every phonecall i made to activate this phone was a disaster! Even when i tried to go online and check my bill, it wouldn't work, even after 4 attempts to reset the online thingy! But this wasn't the big point. Every time i ring these people, i never ever ever get things resolved. Like the time i lost my phone.. I rang in to cancel my sim card; the guy didn't even offer me a replacement sim card!! I asked for one eventually and it took them 2 weeks to send me a sim card because i asked them to send it to my london address - they said this wasnt possible and that i had to get it sent to my home address! This was inconveience!! I had to go all the way back to coventry to collect it, activate it! The worst thing happened on the day i activated my sim card. My girlfriend broke her sim card and requested for a replacement. This was done on saturday at 7pm. On sunday she received a replacement at 6pm! ON A FLIPPIN SUNDAY!!! THEY TOOK 2 WEEKS TO SEND IT TO ME AND THEY SENT HERS IN 1 NIGHT!!! thats a **** take. Further on, i needed proof of purchase for my phone because i lost it, and my insurance wanted it so i aksed orange to send me it. Went into the store and got them to ring CS for me. this guy told me that he couldnt send me proof of purchase/useage and that i would have to send my insurance my bill because my imei number is on my bill - LIE!! Rang them again and they changed their minds to send me proof of useage but they said the imei number i gave them did not match the one they had? Strange!! 30 minutes this convo went on for them to say to me the last digit was wrong and that they couldn not send me the useage report! BLUDDY *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*!!! i got angry and decided to ring again, this time i got through to a helpful guy! Thats a change!! He explained that the reason my imei number was different was because they change the last number to a geneic one for some odd reason and that for the purpose of an insurance claim, they would change the number to suit the one my insurance had - SWEET!!! that was good to hear! But it took me 5 hours to do that?!?! Further on, i decided to complain and sent an email to orange in which i recieved one back stating that i had to ring CS and talk to them. I did so - i rang and explained all of this for 15 mins until i heard complete silence... then suddenly, "bear with me please"??? HE PUT ME ON HOLD!!! i was still talking and he put me on hold?? he didn't even say, "Don't worry Mr. J, let me put you through to my supervisor.." instead he just said, "one minute, im transfering you through to a supervisor" - What an idiot. This was just added to my complaint. He blanks me for 30 seconds, puts me on hold whilst im talking and doesnt even apologise for it?? What kind of service is this? I rang back and told this guy my problem again with the addition to what just happened, and even he tried to be patronising! i was explaining everything to him and he just told me to get to the point - rude kn8b! He said to me that a manager should ring me within 4 hours - lets see if this happens! Im just so sick of orange and i would SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND YOU STAY FAR FROM THEM. crap service, crap everything. The only upside i got was that my insurance are sending me an iPhone 4 as a replacement phone! Wahay! But i need a micro simcard - CRAP! It'll probably take me 2 weeks to recieve that too! Now im preparing for this phone call and im running out of things to say to them. some advice on what i should say to them because im slowly giving up on complaining. All this may sound petty and small, but it all amounts up to a big stress on my head that i dont need!!! :(

/rant still not over...
Mr. Gops, grow a pair a tits, and you will get your Simcard in 24hrs, even on a Sunday. :laugh:

I couldn't agree more, then do what i did, tell orange to shove their phone so far up their rear that you will be able to dial in their mouth then put you iphone 4 on 3 by far the best 3g coverage and best deal too.
I had some issues with Orange when trying to change my Wifes PAYG onto contract, they offered me a deal (phone she wanted and monthly contract) so I said I would have a think and call back the next day. I rang back and they said they couldn't do the deal! They offered something else but it wasn't the phone she wanted! I went into my local Orange shop and they were ****** useless, the answer I got was "we don't do the tariff that you have been offered from cs"! It's the same company! As we use Vodafone with work & the guy in our store is very helpful I suggested we go to see them and we went in and they gave us the right deal with no fuss.
It is not the first time I have had problems with Orange and I will probably never use them again, so I know where you are coming from mate and hope you get something sorted.
Dude, see my previous thread on dial a phone,

I sent a mail to the CEOs office and I had a call the next morning to sort it and they did a great job, really impressed with the response...

If you google Orange CEO, it will come up with an email address, go direct mate, believe me, it will make the difference you need.

On a seperate note, my BB has just gone down with them and its annoying, as i keep speaking to scripted Indians!!!!
I was a PAYG Orange customer for about 6 years paying around £15/month....then my ancient Nokia started playing when I thought I would go on an Orange Contract for £20/month in March 2010 and get a new Nokia X6 out of it as well - I dealt direct with Orange - not the monkeys who work in the Orange Shops. I was supposed to get 600 mins talk time, unlimited texts & unlimited off peak internet.......well, my bills started coming in well over £30 / month....So I called Orange and asked what was up...they said I only had the off peak internet access "free" for 2 months and I was being charged for any internet access. Well I had a right go at the bloke who sold me the contract - and he said he would sort it ! Well, 7 months later its still not sorted, and I am still getting bills over £30 so I am right &*(^%$£ off !
I had a real bust up with Orange "Customer Servivces" who simply could not understand how I got such a deal in the 1st place - well I did and I was never informed that I only had 2 months free off peak internet access. The b*tch I spoke to at Orange Customer Services at Orange was talking over me on the phone (arrogant cow) I spoke to her boss and he turned out to ne a bigger moron than the 1st person I spoke too...and they bang on about their excellent customer service ...what sh1t !

Anyways _ i now hate Orange...and if I could end this contract i would right now, but they want £320 out of me to end it...LOL....and I also hate the Nokia X6 - a bag of **** phone (MP3 player is good on it tho)
...wish I was still a PAYG customer - I ain't having another contract with any of the b*stard mobile phone companies ever again !
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Nice, more bad service from Orange, I have now lost my internet connection and have been without the net at home for over a week now, which is not good!!!
Further to my above posting...I e-mailed the CEO of Orange.....was called this morning. They were VERY apologetic....have given me a decent sized credit and 800 MB download / month on anytime internet.

OK I am a bit happier now but lets wait until the next bill arrives eh !......
Please post the email address used for the ceo, as I've also had a ***** experience & been using them since there inception!!!!!!
His names Tom Alexander, i dont have it to hand, but its on the net Nige.
Further to my above posting...I e-mailed the CEO of Orange.....was called this morning. They were VERY apologetic....have given me a decent sized credit and 800 MB download / month on anytime internet.

OK I am a bit happier now but lets wait until the next bill arrives eh !......

Typical.....just received a text from Orange telling me that I now have to pay an additional £5 a month for Mobile Internet access.....writing to AGAIN !

All I can say is that the people who work for Orange must wear their ar$e's for hats !
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I'm in the process of writing my long ****** of email to him.
Could be worse, they could charge you £650.00 a month like they tried to do to me.

Not bad, you must be on unlimited EVERYTHING!!! LOL
I've just sent an email to that address as I was charged twice! I've been chasing it up for a month now but nothing, it's taking the ****!
I sent an email to the ceo and got an email from the ceo office and a lady called amy helped me out alot. Heres her number - 0870 870 0862. ring and complain guys!
Hmmm I rang a while ago about my BB issue and spoke to Amy, she was not helpful at all, basically just kep saying you need to go through the right channels, which I did and wasnt getting anywhere, hence the phone call, but she wasnt having any of it, so instead sent an Email and got a much better response.
I sent an email to the ceo and got an email from the ceo office and a lady called amy helped me out alot. Heres her number - 0870 870 0862. ring and complain guys!

thx for number mate, will give it a go
Hmmm I rang a while ago about my BB issue and spoke to Amy, she was not helpful at all, basically just kep saying you need to go through the right channels, which I did and wasnt getting anywhere, hence the phone call, but she wasnt having any of it, so instead sent an Email and got a much better response.

Really? Im due to ring her soon so i'll be having words with her. She gave me 20% off orange bills for life which aint bad! And i need to ring up to sort out my mrs's contract. They owe her £60. The thing is that they can't do anything right when you ring 150! They always make matters worse!
Yea but i did ring direct to the office, so i can appreciate her thinking whos this and why is he ringing here, why hasnt he called 150, to which i responded ive already been down that path and got nowhere!!

So wasnt impressed, thats not to say she is really good when dealing with one of her issues.

The guy I spoke to was really good with me too and couldnt do enough to sort my issues out.
Wrong time to complain about Orange or T-Mobile, both are going through re-structuring at the moment and staff know who's marked as 'not required'. Probably luck of the draw when you dial customer services that you get someone who's keeping their job and are helpful, the rest won't give a t*ss and are sitting it out until the middle of December.

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