How to check if a thermostat's working........


Audi-sports own special child.
Nov 9, 2008
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So just been to the stealers and picked up myself a oem stat seeing as mines well and truly dead.

I want to check to make sure its working before i fit it, we all know their not exactly the easisest of jobs, especialy in the col :(.

Anyway, are they shut when cold? Ive placed it in a cup of boiling water to see if it opened/closed but nothing happened! Do i need to depress the end pin sticking out of one side? I left the stat in the cup for 2/3 mins, was this long enough?

Cheers boys and girls :).
Its completely closed when cold.

it doesnt open until about 85-90c, the water in your cups probably cooled down below that?

Stick the stat in a pan of water on the stove and heat it up.

It should open just before the water boils.

It doesnt spring open or owt, just very slowly eases open, you'll see the brass plunger move away from the frame.
I was going to say, does the brass section move away from the housing and down into the spring section? So boil it in a pan, just want to make sure its fine for peace of mind.
You will see a gap start to show around the middle sealing plate. There will likely be two temperatures marked on the stat and these will be the temp that it starts to open and the temp at which it will be fully open. It will be obvious when it has started to open.

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