Osama dead


Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
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USA got their man..eventually
seen a unconfirmed picture of him dead
Yes fecking yes, so glad to read this today, that ******* is a gonna, it may not kerb the Qaeda, but its a start & I'm sure its a huge blow to them, they said they wouldnt stop until he's dead or alive, good for them.
Brilliant news, looks like they got one of his sons too. But will it stop the rest of them? Probably not
Of course this wont stop them.. One of the scariest things they said at 9/11 was "The Americans love live, we love death" and its true.. Who wouldnt want how ever many virgin girls when they kick the bucket?
Good news osama is dead. But there's probably osama 2, 3, 4 etc waiting on the side line for their next move..
It shows how they can still brain wash peoples...you still believe he did exist in the shape or form they have pictured-it ? The whole plot was just to tighten security measures further(new terorism laws and to get rid of old weapons so they can tax taxpayers more money for wars that should not happen ! The american army cost a lot of money you know ?! What will you do if someone comes into your back yard and starts telling you what and how to do things ? I am pretty shure you'll take the law into your own hands !!! Those people are just defending themselves but americans do know better...
Hes now in heaven with 20 virgins, yer right what a murdering Looser.
So glad and hopefully the fanatics will listen and realise, one day somwhere they will
be found and all the beheadings and attrocities will be avenged.
Well done the Americans
Good that they got him

But I doubt It will make a difference
Hes been dead for years, this is just bit of propaganda to keep the sheep in line with there war on terror, this will now make the sheeple think the war on terror is real again and make the war killing machine worth all the money we spend on the weapons worth it,

come on guys dig a little deeper than just the mainstream media, you are only told what they want you to know, but do you want to know more than your being told?

Remember in the land of the free your free to do as your told nowadays!
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No pictures of his dead body...looks like another ploy to blind all the gullible people...looks like it's working well so far!!

Like Turkster said, dig a little bit deeper - mainstream media show you what they need to to control the way you think and act...it's like buying a car, would you only ask the Audi Garage sales execs for advice?? Look at the bigger picture, most Americans are not even aware of the agreements between 'Osama' and the US. A starting point would be to google 'Tim Osman'.
Hes been dead for years, this is just bit of propaganda to keep the sheep in line with there war on terror, this will now make the sheeple think the war on terror is real again and make the war killing machine worth all the money we spend on the weapons worth it,

come on guys dig a little deeper than just the mainstream media, you are only told what they want you to know, but do you want to know more than your being told?

Remember in the land of the free your free to do as your told nowadays!

i agree
It shows how they can still brain wash peoples...you still believe he did exist in the shape or form they have pictured-it ? The whole plot was just to tighten security measures further(new terorism laws and to get rid of old weapons so they can tax taxpayers more money for wars that should not happen ! The american army cost a lot of money you know ?! What will you do if someone comes into your back yard and starts telling you what and how to do things ? I am pretty shure you'll take the law into your own hands !!! Those people are just defending themselves but americans do know better...

i agree
The put him in the sea to avoid muslim fanatics demanding a buriel shrine .hes dead woohhooooo

Na i dont buy it mate, its a cover up, the worst thing you can do to a Muslim is burn there body, we should have had photos of the body posted all over the internet and Tv News channels and an DNA test etc etc , but no, its a quick we killed him and slipped him off the plank at sea like a pirate, if it dont feel right mate, then its not, im sure it don't say yesterday on my birth certificate, :noway:
All this war is oil fueled, the US needs a war every few years, they wont do the same mistake with the war veterans as they did with the Vietnam war weterans ! Think about-it, all them jar heads only know to kill, nothing else, you dont wanna have sieges and the likes just because they can get a gun at every corner (think of post war sindrome) ! Thats why they move the troups every few years from Afganistan to Kuweit, from Kuweit to Iraq, from Iraq back to Afganistan and now back to Iraq and Siria ! The more you watch tv the less you guys know, as Turkster said, dig a bit deeper... I am not muslim but i would strangle every motherf***er that comes and tell me how to do my way in my backyard, in capitalism they teach you how to get beat-up !
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Na i dont buy it mate, its a cover up, the worst thing you can do to a Muslim is burn there body, we should have had photos of the body posted all over the internet and Tv News channels and an DNA test etc etc , but no, its a quick we killed him and slipped him off the plank at sea like a pirate, if it dont feel right mate, then its not, im sure it don't say yesterday on my birth certificate, :noway:
You are very welcome to your opinion mate .
You are very welcome to your opinion mate .

we all have them mate and its good to put them out there to see what others say and think about them, I just look at things from a different degree to most others, i was always told to be cautious and question everything im told or see, :thumbsup:
So they buried Bin Laden at sea... did the Americans not learn their lesson last time when they buried Megatron? School boy error.
10 years ago i saw a unicorn. i spent trillions of dollars and a decade trying to find it. yesterday I found it so i shot it and threw it in the sea. honest.
10 years ago i saw a unicorn. i spent trillions of dollars and a decade trying to find it. yesterday I found it so i shot it and threw it in the sea. honest.

Haha, brilliant. It's all far too dubious to be true.
The conspiracy theories are getting even more ridiculous than I thought possible! At the end of the day the reasons for how he was disposed of make all of the sense in the world, what do they want for proof? To see his body on public display?

On a lighter note, do you reckon this is what happened when he got to meet his 72 virgins in heaven?


I've heard that the Guinness Book Of Records are putting him in for the longest game of hide and seek ever :undwech:.
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So they buried Bin Laden at sea... did the Americans not learn their lesson last time when they buried Megatron? School boy error.

lol, you think they lobbed him into the Lauertian Abyss?

Interesting factoid (stolen from Wikipedia):

In the 2007 film Transformers, the remains of Megatron and the other defeated Decepticons are dropped into the abyss. It is theorized that the pressure and extremely low temperatures at this depth would crush and freeze the evil alien robots. However, the film doubly erroneously states that the abyss is, at 7 miles below sea level, the deepest point on Earth; the actual deepest point is the Challenger Deep, a section of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. In the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the remains are found at the bottom of the Abyss and Megatron is reactivated. Decepticon Protoforms are also seen climbing up a destroyed ship sinking into the Abyss waters. The film incorrectly states that the abyss is 9,300 fathoms deep, or about 17,000 meters.

I love south park
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At the end of the day the reasons for how he was disposed of make all of the sense in the world

And for every one of those reasons that makes sense there is a reason why that reason doesn't make sense.

If that makes sense.
Well I'm glad they got him but I arrived back from the states yesterday, flew from orlando to atlanta and boarding the first flight was pretty easy going but when we arrived in atlanta for a connecting flight to manchester the security was massive, police with dogs everywhere and lots of police carrying machine guns, we was blissfully unaware of what had happened but I guess this explains it now. So glad I'm not there now though.

Like has been said though there will probably be another one to take his place already.
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"

— Martin Luther King Jr.

It could still be claimed that it's a double or some other BS like that. Conspiracy theorists don't know what proof they want, that's if they know what it is which I seriously doubt. Not to mention that they do nothing about it.

And for every one of those reasons that makes sense there is a reason why that reason doesn't make sense.

If that makes sense.

Yeah that makes sense, just like what they have said has happened makes sense to me which is why I believe it. I can see why people have suspicions with the sea burial being done straight away but it does follow islamic tradition as it was within 24 hours of his death and also there isn't somewhere for his sheep to worship him, not to mention the fact that no country would want his remains buried there for obvious reasons.
To all you conspiracy theorists out there, a word of caution. There's nowt wrong with being sceptical, but automatically believing the exact opposite of what you're told is just as foolish as believing what you are told.
To all you conspiracy theorists out there, a word of caution. There's nowt wrong with being sceptical, but automatically believing the exact opposite of what you're told is just as foolish as believing what you are told.

I'm sure that most don't automatically believe the opposite (well, I don't), but instead consider both sides and lean towards one, and in this case it's that there is more to all of this than a simple shot to the head and a lob into the sea.

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