REAR PARKING SENSORS, whos had them retro-fitted ??????

You may well be right but it didnt look any higher than my A4`s bumper perhaps i could just fit them to that part of my bumper and just have a smaller field of view with the sensors as any form of dectection of objects is better than none at all.

Its that or i put the tow bar on and just use that to find out when i have reached the object behind me lol
lol dont park near me please lol before you put them into the lower part find out what hapens if they are to low mate as they my pick the road up as being a car or some thing just a thought
For £15 it might be worth a punt buying a set then hooking them up to the power etc and then before actually making any holes just attach them to the car somehow in various postions and see what works/looks best.
yer thats what im gunna do on saturday im going to take the rear light out splice in the reverse pick up them double sided sticky tape them on and try them.

The buzzer goes in the boot with the control box so theres no messing about with the interior which makes it easyer to do.
Holmefield , just a quick note the last set i bought didn't work so i tried the power wires the other way round out of curiosity (red earth/ black to reverse lights) and they worked fine and still do so test them on the battery before fitting to your car
Prob worth noting some sensors have be orientated a certain way to work properly ...
on the back of the sensors is the word "up" moulded into the sensor so cant go wrong really
Holmefield , just a quick note the last set i bought didn't work so i tried the power wires the other way round out of curiosity (red earth/ black to reverse lights) and they worked fine and still do so test them on the battery before fitting to your car

Cheers for that fingers crossed there'll work, my dads good with electrics im just the wheel/spanner monkey !!!

If i can find matching paint there'll be getting fitted tomorrow....:anbet:
Be good to her how you get on holmefield. Like you I'm a bit wary of taking the bumper off as I'll probably never get it back on again. Unlike you I'm utterly sh!te with a spanner!
dont know if it helps but i didnt remove my bumper , i know they are not in audi positions but look ok and work fine ,if it helps i measured 40mm down from upper moulding line to centre of sensor hole . then found centre of bumper from left to right and measured 250mm either way from centre (so 500mm between middle two sensors) then 350mm from each middle sensors to outer sensors if you get what i mean , with these measurements this can be done without hitting anything behind the bumper and without removal of the bumper.

Cheers fella that sounds like a gud plan 2me.i take it u mean 40mm down from where the bumper starts 2 bend in towards the boot lid?

correct mate , after drilling if you lie looking up behind the bumper as you feed the cable in you will see it come over the top of the reinforcing bar behind , just grab it and feed it in and push sensor into place ,easy .
Well WHAT A BUST!!!!

Tryed the sensors before drilling holes and the sensors seem to work, but all the buzzer does is very quietly bleep but only when your touching the wires over the battery, theres no constent bleep when you put the sensors near anything.I think the buzzer is knackered.

So now i'll have to post them back and wait for another set, but im gunna be out of pocket over the postage costs.
Im well bugged about these, as i'd spent all week sweet talking the misses so she'd let me have sat afternoon to myself to fit um.

Now all the family has arrived cos of the NICE WEATHER...I know its nice thats why i wanted to mess with the car!!!!!! ****** cars.

Rant over, im posting them back monday morning and i've asked for a replacement A.S.A.P...
Well I've just ordered a set of them so I hope they're ok. Everything's crossed.
My set of the eBay ones arrived this morning so thought I'd test them too.

I connected them all up to a stable 12v source, but got nothing except a quick muted chirp from the buzzer when the power was connected.

Darn it!

But, I left it connected and spread all four sensors out along the dining room table similar to how they'd be spaced on a bumper, and the buzzer sparked into life.

It's silent, then a slow beep, then a fast beep and then a solid one as I moved closer to the sensors. It's hardly the highest quality beep sound I've heard to be honest, but looks like it will do the job.

Still, for £15 I wasn't expecting much! Good news appears to be that the sensors match my light metallic silver paint job perfectly.

Still not sure I'll fit them though, the buzzer really does sound low rent and it would probably drive me nuts!

I wonder if Maplins have a better one I could mod onto it? Watch this space!
Hummmm i mite have to re-try that tomorrow,im pretty sure i spread them out enough but its worth a try....

Mine was just a really low churp when i connected upto the power, but just a churp each time i touched the power....:rulez:
bought mine from here
£75 and you tell them your reg and they are sent sprayed in the right colour if you need soemthing other than black. In theory would have been easy to fit but some numpty modified the bumper bracket when he lost the plastic lugs holding the sides near one wheel arch and it was a bit of a pig to remove. Presumably the same donkey didn't refit the aluminium cross member behind the bumper so I had to get one of those as well. That wouldn't have been nice in a reare end smash without that, glad I took the bumper off now. Sensors work fantastically. I used this as a guide - Cabriolet rear bumper removal. (Fitting Parking sensors.).)
Cheers bud, that links spot on im guessing that the rear bumper is the same on them all with regard to removing, they all look the same to me.All the links + diagrams look the same.???

Gunna lay the sensors out this morning when my sparky ( im mean my dad !!! ) and try um again.
Well gave up to the parking sensors from flee-bay and went and got a set that has an L.E.D for the dashboard and a loud buzzer + tells you distance to objects both on the left and right. Got a bargin to as it should have been £39.99 but got them for £19.99 cash....

The only prob is there black so im gunna order a touch up stick from Audi......In the end i took the bumper off!!! i mark out the positions using the sizes Davsa4 gave me but chickened out and took the bumper off, his sizes were only about 30/40mm out to the Genuine Audi ones!!

Bumper was a pain to get back on thou...Its a pain to re-a-line the damn thing, im not 100% happy with the final a linement but i was ****** off by this point and the misses was moaning that my 10min jobs always take hours..:sign_unfair:
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sorry to here your luck with the ebay ones mate , as i said i have had a good six or seven sets off this ebayer and the only prob was the last set but wired them the opposite way round and are working now and fitted to my audi , not far out with measurments then lol
After much looking i'm starting to come around to leaving the black.Its shiny black not matt so they look ok.

The main thing thats bugging me now is the scratch i put on the back bumper, my cars slowly getting more and scratches mainly carpark doors!!!! have people no respect for other peoples cars.

Im tempted to get it polished by a proper detailer, as my hands dont seem to be getting rid of the lighter surface scratches......Im already loving the sensors thou i keep parking closer and closer to the misses A3....:box:
Well my £15 ebay ones arrived today, aaaaaand.......................................................they don't work :(. Not a sausage. Connected directly to the car battery to test and there are Dodos with more spring in their step. You get what you pay for I guess.
have you tried the power wires the other way round (red earth and black positive) worked for me on my last set ?
Yea tried that. Nowt! Before I send them back I'm actually gonna wire them up to my reverse lights (not drill my bumper just yet lol), and see what occurs. Not optimistic though as they should work hooked up straight across 12v
Contacted the seller about these and a new set on its way :). Anyway, i decided to have a look at this one at work today. So i took the control unit to bits and found a dry joint, so unsoldered it and made a proper job of it...............still nothing. So, i used my jump pack as the power source and placed that in the boot of a pool car, I then 'taped' the sensors to the edge of the rear bumper. I tested the buzzer for continuity......nowt. So I used my multimeter set to volts and put the probes across the two buzzer contacts. I then slowly walked up to the back of the car and the voltage slowly climbed up from zero to 12V as i got to the back of the car. Off to Maplins I went, £2.39 for a buzzer, Et works :yahoo:

AND...the seller said don't worry about sending the old one back. Result!!
I was also thinkin that it was the buzzer that didnt work, i've not sent my new set back either.I'll prob just hold on to them and maybe fit them to the wifes car.

Do you need a certain type of buzzer from maplin???
The buzzer is quite loud. Certainly good enough for the job it has to do.
bought mine from here
£75 and you tell them your reg and they are sent sprayed in the right colour if you need soemthing other than black. In theory would have been easy to fit but some numpty modified the bumper bracket when he lost the plastic lugs holding the sides near one wheel arch and it was a bit of a pig to remove. Presumably the same donkey didn't refit the aluminium cross member behind the bumper so I had to get one of those as well. That wouldn't have been nice in a reare end smash without that, glad I took the bumper off now. Sensors work fantastically. I used this as a guide - Cabriolet rear bumper removal. (Fitting Parking sensors.).)
Well I bought this kit from Costco and it included free fitting which I had arranged for today, the guy arrived spent about a minute looking under the rear bumper of my avant and told me the kit can't be fitted because there is a metal bar going all the way along. I explained Audi fitted a kit from standard and many after Market kits could also be fitted but he wasn't having any of it and would not fit them as he said the other kits probably had shallower sensors. I don't believe him for a minute but just want to confirm with some people that know more than me and definitely more than the numpty that came to my house this morning, will valeo sensors fit my car without issues? They are 2cm deep.
In the end i took the bumper off!!! i mark out the positions using the sizes Davsa4 gave me but chickened out and took the bumper off, his sizes were only about 30/40mm out to the Genuine Audi ones!!

Hi Holmefield,

Could you post the measurements now that you have drilled them in the Audi OEM positions?

With the exact Audi measurements I assume it could be drilled from the outside without removing the bumper?


Retro fitted the Audi aftermarket kit couple of weeks ago on my cab, took a while but look spot on to me...
With the exact Audi measurements I assume it could be drilled from the outside without removing the bumper?

On the basis that if it's worth doing it's worth doing properly, I'd remove the bumper and use the preset marks personally.

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