post pics of your best mpg


Gold Supporter
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
basingstoke england
just totally rhandom i know but just thought it would be interesting what people's best mpg is like here is mine from today
how the heck you manage that from a petrol?
eco driving dear boy lol i went on a eco run earlyer on when i went to brecon to do a bit of mountain biking took it really easy changing gear early/ windows shut / air con off all that stuff i was amazed at the mpg figure but dam it was a boring drive lol
that 39.2 was me on an eco run haha! should see what its like when giving it some stick, think it was showing 16ish on the way home from work today, but that was me booting it a fair bit, loving the sound of my new dv haha

na thats on all the time as my BBK doesnt have brake pad sensors, i need to get an old left hand pad with the sensor plug so i can trick the system in to thinking one is fitted, just not gotten round to it yet haha
oh right haha fair enough mine comes on every now and again as when i fitted the coilovers i messed up the wire a bit if i go over a big bump or speed bump it comes on lol
My old 2.0TDI (140) once did 83mpg, can't find the pic though :(

That was after 30miles of 50mph in 6th gear
My old 2.0TDI (140) once did 83mpg, can't find the pic though :(

That was after 30miles of 50mph in 6th gear
wow thats impressive mate the pics i posted was me doing 40-45mph for about 70ish miles was a bit boring but when i saw the mpg it made it better haha
hehe... just drove it 10 mins down the road behind some slow driver and thats what i got! i normally drive to work (25 miles) and i get 60MPG average.

I could zoom in on the pic so you cant see the temp... like the others have done :ninja:
no pics, got 46.7mpg out of 2.0FSi - was stuck on M80 with average speed cameras set to 40mph!!
thats good for a petrol... but if i saw that figure on my car i would be thinking not to slam my foot at every traffic light... its a bad figure for us with dervs.
i get a proper daily average of 50-55mpg... thats a mix of town and motorway driving.
Theres no denying the economy of a diesel, it was just concerned of how fragile a lot of diesels are nowadys & at least i can sort a petrol LOL

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