Please Support Carl Bart


Registered User
Sep 5, 2009
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Hi everyone,

Not sure if this is the place to put this or even if it's allowed, but I'm sure someone will let me know if not.

I am asking if you could see it in your hearts to please visit this site and give whatever you can spare, be it time, money or something to donate to this cause.​/

Carl is a wonderful guy and what has happened to him is so unfair and could easily happen to anyone of us, it's the unfortunate wrong place wrong time scenerio.

If you own a company you can also be a sponsor of the site by donating.

I know this is a lot to ask of you as you don't know myself or Carl, but all his family are trying to do is get their son/brother home so they can take care of him.

Also, if you live in the area please feel free to attend any of the events being orgainsed
to help raise funds.

Thank you for taking the time to read this....
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He did have travel insurance which ran out whilst he was out there. Tried to get the insurance extended but they won't insure you if you have already left the country. He was planning his return when the accident happened.
was his insurance valid at the point of accident ?? surely they would allow it to carry fwd if so.. and why so expensive to get him home surely a flight is sub 1K so someone is taking the pisstola out of this family, if it is for the equipment why can the NHS not send it out and it return with carl... crazy
Donation sent,we can all question the insurance part but he'll still be stuck up the creek without a paddle,the government should step in but they are too busy fighting wars for other countries spending billions of the taxpayers money so its left to us.

just my 2p's worth
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Thank you Voorhees,

Carl's insurance had lapsed and multiple companies were tried but they all came back with the same answer 'will not insure you if you have already left the country'.

As far as the government/NHS are concerned, they won't lift a finger. His family have been in touch with both. In fact they couldn't find Carl's passport and the British Embassy in Thailand wanted to charge the family £95 for emergency travel documents! Luckily his friend managed to locate his passport.

As I said before all the family want to do is get their son/brother home. What has happened to Carl is so tragic, and yes he should have made sure he had enough insurance but I'm sure we are all guilty of making a mistake however big or small.
Donation will be sent when i get home.