Maximum range from an S3...


It's never fast enough !
Jan 7, 2011
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Hemel Hempstead (home) / Loughborough (UNI)
After reading about people doing 30+mpg on long runs here I figured I would see how much range I could get from my S3 on 1 tank of Tesco 99ron.

The answer is 517 miles + room for a bit more, at my average of 41.1 mpg it equates to roughly 57litres of fuel used. I'm led to believe that the S3 tank has a 62 litre capacity meaning I had 5 litres left, this would work out roughly at another 50 miles left in the tank at 41.1mpg. Not bad considering my average before since ownership last December was 25...

So photos before you start with the pics or it didn't happen spiel
Just starting:

Few minutes in:

First stop:


Filling up:
I've never gone much above 425 miles on a full tank. I normally only ever brim it on long journeys, normally I get bored at the filling station at about £40 and stop at 50. Most of my miles are around town with limited blasts down some A roads which I tend to unleash it a bit which kills the economy. Normal average MPG is 25, rising to 35-40 on long motorway journeys. Is that bad for a standard S3?
Thats brilliant mpg!! :)

But seriously... thats fine... its no oil burner remember...

never got more than 340 before refilling! rarely do long journeys. poor car barely gets warmed up by the time i get to work
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Yup, drove from Loughborough to Bournemouth to pick up my friend, stayed over-night. Then drove from Bournemouth to Gillingham for a hot-tub party (student!), stayed 2 days then drove from Gillingham to Hemel Hempstead (home) for some essentials (food, milk etc). Then from Hemel to Leicester to see the mrs and then from Leicester back to Loughborough :D

Was an absolute mission.
fella that is insane mpg - randomly what u think of bmth? nice place? oh and best i've done is about 340 miles on a tank. all town driving though. 3 miles to gym, 2 miles from gym to work and then the 5 miles from work to home. + the very occasional trip to s'ton/portsmouth.
Not really know much about Bournemouth to be honest, from what I've seen it's a really nice place, good beach and a great night life :D my best mate goes to UNI there and he loves it.

and usually my mileage is from my flat to work and to see the mrs on weekends.
im just glad my dash isnt the only one with broken up writing in the centre screen!
Motorway driving I can see about 400 miles. Usually mixture of driving I get around 320-350
Very common problem.

Not for me though!
It's the first thing I checked for when I bought my S3 as it did my head in when I had my A4 previously!


only messing - it does do my head in though!

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