FK AK coilovers

Ashley g

Registered User
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
High Wycombe Bucks
Afternoon all. I've just fitted my FK AK coilovers to My 8L S3 and the rear shocks seem to be knocking. It seems this is a bit of a common problem. Has anybody had any joy returning their rear shocks for replacements?
Also, my kit didn't come with any drop links, are they meant to?
I've been in contact with the seller on eBay and he says he's chatted to FK and apparently they don't come with them. Yet it shows them in the pic??
Other than that, they fit well and have made a great improvement over my original setup!
Are you sure the bottom bolt of the rear shock is tight on the hub, when i did mine they must have been slightly smaller and all though the bolt was tight, the shock wasnt, a hefty bit off scaffold pipe on the nut turned it another 90 degrees and the noise stopped...mine were not fks though...
Forgot who said it now but fk had a dodgy batch of rear dampers, if you contact fk directly theyll replace them for you.
Forgot who said it now but fk had a dodgy batch of rear dampers, if you contact fk directly theyll replace them for you.


contact the reseller, get them changed, it's a 4 week process though lol, they will also leak if you leave them, if i were keeping the car, i'd return the WHOLE lot and state they are not fit for purpose and spend more on a better brand to be honest

even the front ones make a little noise, proper **** brand. i got sucked in by the cheapness, yes, the rides ok, nice and firm and transforms the car, but for how long !!!
I've contacted the seller and he's agreed to have the rear shocks picked up and a replacement pair to be sent out so that's cool. Did anyone else's kits come with drop links? The seller says he's contacted FK and they have said it doesn't come with them? Yet in the picture it clearly shows 2? The seller just said that FK shouldn't have provided him with that pic???
Why would they come with drop links? Not like you need them! And if you do just buy replacement ones! The picture might be of a3 ones which if i remember do need adjustable/shorter drop links.
not got them fitted to the A3 - but had the FK Silverline Plus on my previous car and never had any problems with them - they were a quality and reliable piece of kit (when installed and set up properly).
Why would they come with drop links? Not like you need them! And if you do just buy replacement ones! The picture might be of a3 ones which if i remember do need adjustable/shorter drop links.

You do need them. Well I definately do anyway! With the standard drop links fitted they are far too long. So much so that they touch the bottom arms and you can't turn the steering! I've had to cut my standard ones down 2 1/2 inches and weld them back together so they fit. And yes it's safe, got some nice thick weld on them!
So did anybody elses come with shortened drop links then???
Ive got the Highsport Coilovers on my S3 and they came with front drop links, i think its a pretty good set up for the cost and my set has really suppled up after a couple hundred miles, there now as comfy as normal shocks in my oppinion.
My FK AKs came with shortened drop links, as stated the standards were far too long.
I'm having the same issue but returning mine is complicated as i bought mine from someone on here and dont know where he go them from! Do FK have a direct email or number i couldnt find one!
Got FK's on mine, I got around the knocking issues by leaving the standard shocks on, just replacing the springs. Cheap as chips, but my left rear has started to leak :'(. When funds allow I'll be upgrading to Blistien coilies.