F1 Season 2012

That depends who you want to win. I don't think Alonso needs any bad luck.
He is the Championship leader and I hope he stays there till the end of the season.
After all, he is the best driver there. Hamilton wins when his car is flawless. Just like Vettel or Button.
Alonso always goes a step forward even with a ****ty car. At the beginning of the season Ferrari wasn't even close to Mclarens and still he was first to win 2 races.

My point was that Alonso needs the same amount of bad luck as LH this season..... that way they will be far more equal given whats gone against Lewis already, with things out of his hands.

Also where did you pull that from 'Lewis needs a flawless car' - have you watched much F1 these past few years? really?...don't you remember that awful car Lewis pulled wins out of 2 seasons back - or did you conveniently forget?

I'm gonna bore you with some Reptart crap now, remember LH's maiden season, against FAlonso? this isn't fiction fella, its fact - both have their traits, LH more than FA admittedly.

I personally catagorise them as the 2 best F1 drivers on the circuit at present.
That depends who you want to win. I don't think Alonso needs any bad luck.
He is the Championship leader and I hope he stays there till the end of the season.
After all, he is the best driver there. Hamilton wins when his car is flawless. Just like Vettel or Button.
Alonso always goes a step forward even with a ****ty car. At the beginning of the season Ferrari wasn't even close to Mclarens and still he was first to win 2 races.

With respect who said Ferrari have had a bad car? ..........Alonso maybe?
its been the most reliable / fastest (top team) car all season, tbh there's been nothing wrong with that Ferrari from day one.

(i cannot see that pic JoJo, post #563)
Never touched it, just takes longer for it to appear in Wales mr Spooky1, hahaha. :whistle2:X
ooh just found this thread. I must say i agree with the guys saying alonso has had a good car all season. I also think hes the best all round driver, however I feel its partly down to the fact he can sit in the shadows and pop up and get the job done where as lewis is always in the spot light and that pressure must be immense (even his fans are waiting for him to fail as its been drummed into them that hes reckless) Im personally a big lewis fan, and i think button is over rated, hes always moaning about the car, he was even moaning in belgium qf and he got pole!! just goes to show theres nothing ****** wrong with his car. Anyone remember british gp 2008 bad weather which after jenson cried about it being faaaar to dangerous in his (lets face it) far better car, lewis won by 68 seconds!!!
Alonso is a gifted driver, and seems to be able to extract every last drop from the Ferrari whilst Massa flounders at the back of the main pack. The way he held on to that grass moment at Monza with Vettel underpins his car control skills, and whilst I'm not a big Ferrari fan, I'd say for outright driving skill he's probably the best out there right now on a consistent basis. Vettel is good, but since they've lost a few of the Red Bulls special 'functions' (map/blown diffuser) he's not been quite so dominant.
Could not agree more.
In most cases the car makes the driver where as alonso makes the car, and I believe in time hamilton could grow to this.
I see Jake is leaving the BBC in January. Another nail in the BBC F1 coverage.
Only if F1 is still on BBC next year which I doubt it will.
He clipped the wall on his last try and already had pole. Why did they not radio and tell him to come in? Nay mind I doubt that impact has anything to do with his gearbox failure.
Singapore looks stunning but must be the most boring round on the calendar, no change from lights to flag for top 6 on the grid apart for Pastor and Lewis going out.

well done Paul di Resta, hope Ferrari was watching?

Nice driving from Massa (but nothing to lose)

Hamilton was awesome again, hes been fastest all year.. the only thing stopping him winning this year is just bad luck!!

ps.. i think its time to say RIP F1.. the penalties being handed out is getting beyond a joke!
Do you not feel shumi's penalty is acceptable. That was a terrible mistake and its not the 1st time. And as for webbers. He was off the track but others have not been penalised in the same situation. Like his team mate in the last race lol.
Ha ha ha, Ramilton - what a numpty. Supreme drive from Nando again, the title is in the bag, he knows how to look after his gearbox.

'nuff said.

Sorry, I'm missing a certain expert true F1 fan's insight recently.
​Dont fret, he will be along shortly. Lol. I enjoyed todays race, well done to button, he had a good race. Paul di rista is oing really well, he needs a better team though. Im disappointed with Webber, yet again he let me down for ff1. :) x
Hamilton to replace Schumacher!!
I didn't think Lewis was going to move, but yes he is to join Mercedes.

McLaren sign Sergio Perez as Lewis Hamilton's replacement... :icon_thumright:

Im not surprised about Hamilton going to Merc because we all knew it earlier and I think he makes a mistake. Schumi will be probably thinking about retiring this year again after last race "mistake". What surprises me most is that Perez is gonna drive for mclaren. I could bet few months ago that he will go to ferrari. Great choice by mclaren imo. He will be driving circles around hamilton in merc next year.

I can already see interviews with unhappy Ham...
Im not surprised about Hamilton going to Merc because we all knew it earlier and I think he makes a mistake. Schumi will be probably thinking about retiring this year again after last race "mistake". What surprises me most is that Perez is gonna drive for mclaren. I could bet few months ago that he will go to ferrari. Great choice by mclaren imo. He will be driving circles around hamilton in merc next year.

I can already see interviews with unhappy Ham...

Got to admit I'm surprised by the move, but LH obviously wants more personal freedom for himself. I appreciate you need to be focused and make sacrifices to achieve greatness. But he's been racing all his life, so only he would understand how he's coping, whilst we are thinking what a lucky git he is....

Regarding Perez, it's a win win position for him to sign for McLaren, we all know they will be amongst the top teams next year, so he knows he will have a better opportunity there. Where as going to Ferrari, he will be playing second fiddle to Alonso, who is clearly the team's 'number one'! Can't see Alonso taking 'team orders' for the benefit of the other team member, if he was behind in the championship with 2 races to go.

Good move for all parties involved I guess, time will tell.

Sauber has offered a seat for Schumi if he wants to hang around also, can't see that happening, personally...
Not surprised by Lewis's move,lets face it they haven't endeared themselves to drivers do they with some god awful pitstops and the recent gearbox breaking,all in all it will be good for Lewis to have a fresh change I believe.
Sandra posted up "LH to move to Mercedes" 3weeks ago :respekt: (her head will be so big reading this) :)
i said then ..

I dont think Hamilton will move now, if he was going to move imo he'd have very much pick of all the top teams this year when Webber and Massa's contract was up.

if he was going to make a move id think it will be to a team that he thinks will give him a winning car.... thats not Mercedes at the mo.
He's gone there for the money... "end of".. but if we put that to one side for a minute, do you think going to Mercedes was the right choice?
Sandra posted up "LH to move to Mercedes" 3weeks ago :respekt: (her head will be so big reading this) :)
i said then ..

He's gone there for the money... "end of".. but if we put that to one side for a minute, do you think going to Mercedes was the right choice?

Oi Spooky, my head is just a nice size. I just read in the correct places. You lot need to get crashnet on bookmark for all the latest F1 news along with the bsb, wsb, moto gp and other motorsport. Then you would all be as well informed as me, lmao. :) x
Nice one San

I'm convinced having Simon Fuller as a manager has probably been an instrumental part in the change, and whilst he's been getting race day support from Didier Coton you can bet Fuller has been power brokering behind the scenes to get a deal with maximum money irrespective of what is the best long term solution for Lewis.

Whilst I see Lewis as an incredible talented driver, I struggle to see what a few extra millions will offer a multi millionaire over the race and championship wins he proclaims to so desperately desire. Giving Lewis more money will not help him win more races; period. The risk is if he is uncompetitive in the car:

1) he may not win the races that bring him the bonus & therefore the extra cash
2) will he have burned his bridges with Ron / Martin at McLaren

He only needs to look at Jensen's career to see how hard life in a second rung team can be; after the novelty of some dollars wears off and he finds himself struggling to get into Q3 a few times, maybe he'll realise what his given up. I hope I'm wrong, but this has disaster written all over it.

Proof that once his old man stepped away and the vultures crept in, the young lad does not necessarily have the depth of experience to know that the people around him are genuinely working in 'his' best interests. Perez must be rubbing his hands together.
ok lets not forget he has been sponsered by vodaphone mclarean since his eairly days, i really do think the change will do him good, and also hes dad to back him and not try be manager to diresta, (not sure if he is still)

any way hes been under mclareans thumb for to long, under so much pressure to perform there circus act, infact i think mclarean are going down apposed to up, yes there up near the top but the conditions have to be just so, were as i hate to say alonso or vettel have a strong base car. i almost feel mclrean are always playing catch up,
any way mercades are good team, just wrong drivers. just like massa in a ferrari,

with brawn as hamiltons new boss i reckon he will get treated a lil better. when he does good they cant be delighted enough, when theres bad patches, either on or off the track they dont seem to support him to well, rather treat him like a naughty school boy.
maybe they still see him as that young driver, when really hes matured in to a great driverr, but just needs that support behind him properly like a man and not a boy
i agree with Boost - it should make a nice change for him, despite the real reason he's leftI personally reckon it was a case of wanting to stay at Mclaren and using Merc as a bargaining chip, then he's looked at the plus sides, Ross Brawn, Merc works team where he's able to keep his trophies and have greater flexibility of his own diary away from racing - then its just a more sensible choice. He was far too settled at Mclaren IMO.

I love some of the comments above though, absolutely brilliant... to think Lewis will be any less of a driver in a lower car means you're deluded. Were LH to join Ferrari with Alonso, Alonso wouldn't automatically have no.1 spot - that is testament to how good Hamilton really is.

I just hope Merc can offer him a half decent car to challenge - this seasons '**** ups' by Mclaren themselves have cost Lewis this years championship, they have been simply awful, costing him more many more points than hes cost them... Until Mclaren get rid of that blithering idiot 'Whitmarsh' I cant see them doing much in the future unless they have a car thats leagues ahead - Button is uninspiring, Perez is excellent - so maybe he could be the saviour... a Lewis replacement? dont be daft :D
I think that perez is more than capable of winning championship next year and am 90% sure that he will have more points than Hamilton. I will also laugh if Hamilton catches Alonso in points this year and wins in mclaren. That would give him smthn to think about. I do know that mercedes is capable of designing competetive car in future but Hamilton will be crying on tv and twitter until that happens. Imo he left for more cash thats all and will regret it sooner or later. He was under mclarens hand since gokarts, went to f1 thanks to them, won championship thanks to them designing competitive car and left after couple of years not winning it again although they were still at similar level to red bull. Stupid boy IMO.

now ill point out the reasons why i agree

this seasons '**** ups' by McLaren themselves have cost Lewis this years championship, they have been simply awful, costing him more many more points than hes cost them...
very true, sticking one driver on high down force and one on low, just negates the fact they have no ****ing clue half the time, also the fact they stuck "BUTTON" on the better set up leaving Hamilton to struggle,when Hamilton is higher on the table confuses me and even then the nob complained and got pole. seriously your driving a f1 car, not a banger racer.

Until McLaren get rid of that blithering idiot 'Whit marsh' I cant see them doing much in the future unless they have a car that leagues ahead

also very true, alto hes got a wise head screwed on his shoulders your find he only started his career in f1 in 1989 as head of ops, but only became head leader of McLaren in 1997, and previously in aero space,

were as brawn has his roots at f1, a leading aerodynamicist for Williams in the late year of 1978. and on to manage many teams since. some successful some not. look at brawn GP, born from the ashes of Honda. ill always hate brawn for selling to Mercedes but i don't know the low down, hes just not had the right driver to work with, yes talented but just not able to work with properly!
and lets not forget brawn was behind the late and great shumi at benetton and Ferrari! i just cant wait. i think there going to get on like a house on fire!

any way lets see. i think he will like it, look at lotus, a crap team last year, but up and coming this year that for sure, so any thing is possible, on the note of Perez i hope he does well but i also hope they become a mid team and Hamilton can blow away his old team.

any way, always good to have a aerodynamicist as your boss rather then witmarsh who managed to get his job via head of operations.

if you have watched f1 turbo engines how they started, brawn was there, leading the way while witmarsh was still in nappys

I think that Perez is more than capable of winning championship next year and am 90% sure that he will have more points than Hamilton.

ask your self this, so we have two identical cars, same fuel tires etc etc and you have Hamilton ion one and Perez in the other, your telling me Perez would be better. ill slap you in to reality because altho he is a good driver even McLaren have stated he is a up and coming driver with good potential. that isn't what can be said for Hamilton, he just never got that aggressive behavior from gp2 out his system, because that is the best way to drive some times. and compared to f1, gp2 is more exciting in regards to true racing, f1 is more strategy and who has the biggest balls.

I will also laugh if Hamilton catches Alonso in points this year and wins in McLaren. That would give him something to think about.

its a long shot but possible. and i do hope he gets very close if he doesn't,

I do know that Mercedes is capable of designing competitive car in future but Hamilton will be crying on TV and twitter until that happens..

ok Mercedes as a name has done **** for building a car. brawn is the one who is the brains behind it all. as said above, thus why Mercedes jumped to buy brawn GP. i really do wish he found the money or sponsorship to carry on in to 2010.
and as your not a f1 driver, you have no idea of then frustrations when you know your better then your team mate and others for that matter. you cant say you wouldn't winge about it if it just continued, and as he was in contract he cant just leave. think about it.

Imo he left for more cash that all and will regret it sooner or later. IMO
again how could you even say that, you have no idea what cars McLean and merc have lined up. and you may never know this might be Hamilton break, and McLean will be the one sulking with there loss

He was under McLaren hand since gokarts, went to f1 thanks to them, won championship thanks to them designing competitive car and left after couple of years not winning it again although they were still at similar level to red bull. Stupid boy

yes he has been under mclreans hand for some time, but theres no way you can say McLaren had 100% hand in making Hamilton a good driver, or make him have world champion ships, lets compare button, hes been with them for 2 years, and been on pole "TWICE" so your saying button who breezed every one even Hamilton in 2009 cant even touch Hamilton in the same car, yes settings are tweaked, but thats down to driver. nothing is made worse or better for either driver.

also to note Hamilton has always been at the front. always higher then 6th on average. the driver can only go as quick as the car hes strapped in to.
and last year 2011, and un doubly the year before that 2010 redbull had the best blown diffuser. the following year 2012 oh hold on there not winning. does this mean vettel is no good, no it means he can only go as fast as the car will allow, be it down force or engine management and also down to strategy and tyre wear.

watch some more f1 then come back with some thing i cant blow apart
dont get me wrong, im not starting an argument or fall out with any one, just some people are like "yay alonso's the best"

or "yer vettels the best" but ultumutly there only as good as the car there driving, and more so luck if you will plays a big deal. as such also was taken out in spa. hamilton the race before that and then gear box faluire last race

same goes for vettel hes lost out to slightly quicker cars then some bad judgment calls by there team,

like ive said before, whats the point in supporting a certain team or driver like a fanboy. you dont know them personally. ok have a prefered team or driver but dont go on like that team/person is the best person to have ever graced the earth.
i prefer mclaren and will even if hamilton leave, ive also always liked ross brawn and frank willams for the background. but at the end of the day you should be backing your english drivers as we have a 4th one entering next year,
its like when people have brazil tops on when the world cup is on, proberly why england dont win, theres no passion. look at the spanish or italians there out in bigger numbers then the english do, even when there not at there home country

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