Urgent help!

surely driving it like that would have shredded the tyres
If they had tried to nick it by attaching to the tie, it would have aesthetic damage to the bodywork imho, imho its obvious she's whacked a kerb & that is some whack to bend that mate, those things are fairly solid, damn thats a bend lol, she's obviously talking crap, look at that wheel dent, damn lol
My sister once somehow twa**ed a kerb in her Mk4 Golf. I can tell you it looked exactly like this. Your girlfriend has definitely done that too...


I think it's time for those all important lie detector results!
id **** in her uggs and **** in her handbag then deny say it was a fox last night that might get the truth
My missus drived our car 4 (yes thats four) miles last year and managed to kerb 2 alloys coming out of a car park where she works.

She's a competent enough driver, but I don't think they are used to cars with tyres like rubber bands.

Makes you wonder when they drag out the stats with women being better drivers; statistically they might be, but how many issues like this actually get reported! I'll happily concede men might have bigger more expensive accidents, but the amount of women I know who have battle scars on their panels / wheels etc.... I'd just say they have more lower impact contact (and of course I'm generalising as I'm sure there are those who care just as much as us lot - Paullie and SarahA3 come to mind!).

Nothing to do but bite the bullet, put it right and tell her to get a taxi to the kerb in future!
She doesn't realise yet that she's paying the bill and te refurb of all 4 wheels she's destroyed
All four damaged? In which case she's mounted the kerb driven along the footpath (check for blood in your grille) bounced back down the kerb onto the road, driven home with a wheel pointing in the wrong direction, innocently parked and said "who me"?......

I know how you feel mate..

Maybe she went into a pot hole?

My misses picked me up from the pub once in my car and on the way home went over a massive pot hole, kerbed the alloy and just looked at me like "what?" completely oblivious to the damage its causing.

After a massive argument she finally got the message lol.
I honestly don't know how it's happened, zero body damage, although she did admit going through maccies drive thru and caught a wheel, but that was last week, did notice this morn when it got towed that the passenger front is mark with yellow paint is too the damaged wheel ????
She's adamant that she ain't done it, there's no curb marks around where I park it?
I'm really confused
i'd have a look at the inside lip of the wheel too - if its been a pothole then it will be even more noticable but to me, yes, shes whacked a kerb etc. To bend the arm like that could also have seriously buckled the alloy beyond repair so i'd have it checked before taking to get refurbed.
I know she's done it, it's just she too stupid to realise ha, had a quick look tonight, wheel ain't bad just a chunk missing, looks like its just tie rod damaged, but gonna do arm and track rod end just to play safe
this is why NO one drives my car apart from me lol , judging by that chunk out of the wheel that is one hell of a whack to the kerb matey

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