General elections- who you gonna vote for?

  • Thread starter imported_Yaseen
  • Start date
if you don`t know who to vote for at least go along and `spoil` your vote.
it is actually registered as a vote of no confidence in any party and they are counted as so and the number of spoilt votes are usually revealed.

hth /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
myzeneye - your taxes do not all get spent on illegal immigrants! its the people who are claiming every benefit under the sun, no intention of working, and even signing on multiple times, who are crippling the benefits system in the is country. i cant remember the figure but its huge in comparison to immigrants. when i had to sign on i asked how common it was and she said that there is no point reporting it because they people above them have no interest in cutting down fraud. there is no incentive!! Thats ridiculous!!

the whole illegal immigrants campaigning is just a way of blaming all our problems on someone else.
if we have 60million people in UK and we added 600,000 people (1%) i cant imagine that making our NHS grind to a halt.

tony blair when asked how many there were even said - they dont know how many there are and wouldnt even estimate!
Plus if you gave illegal immigrants a temporary NI number they would then contribute instead of working for a pound a day (cocklepicker) or cash in hand (ever been to bar in london?)

I'm voting SNP up in scotland but lib-dems would have my vote down south because even if they dont win overall they will have more seats and more of a veto on decisions i.e going in to iraq, tuition fees etc.

If you dont like any of the parties, still go in and write "none of the above".
Will be voting after work today- Lib Dems

Tony- pushed his luck too far and needs to be given a warning.
Michael Howard- Apparent Liverpool fan who chose not to go to one of the best matches in lFC`s history- unforgivable. Would have been an amazing publicity oppertunity if he had been on the media celebrating- so dumb not to imo /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (not to mention slimy promising anyuthing and everything)
I say the tories have the best chance of throwing out labour govt.

Labour know fine well that the majority of their followers are the sponging workshy masses who are too happy to sign on and sit in the 'club' all day talking about the good all days when they used to strike for any reason to have extra days off!

These are the true leeches on society the dole wallers and permanent sick (always a bad back or M.E.)scroungers who we pay for with hidden taxes.

I had a good job and the industry died but did i sign on for the rest of my life winging about it in the local club - no, i went to uni and sought a new profession, for which im still paying back a huge loan for and will be for the next 5 years - cheers Tony! I now should be enjoying the benefit of my enormous salary but im taxed so highly and so many times on every £1 i earn to pay for lazy layabout scumbags like Lizzy Bardsley off wifeswap. Drive 'em into the sea i say or turn the fat swines into glue!

Rant over,
I say anyone who has the chance to oust pres. blair!
did you know you only have to live in the counrty for 6 months to recieve maternity benefits. i.e £500 grant to buy baby stuff, free milk, vitamins, bus fare and some other stuff.
Been here all my life worked damn hard to get what I want paid taxes even done that pain in the **** self assessment come to having a kid almost sweet FA.

Oh I forgot we all have to roll over and be bug*ered then pay for the privilage.

I will be voting against current goverment and will do until a satisfactory one gets in as someone said in a previous post. The mortgage thing, could that have been bad luck on the Tories part?
Woo Hoo got my polling card through this morning! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Can i just urge anyone who's not ***** about voting.
I don't care to who you vote for as its your choice..but at least vote!!
Even if you write "none of the above" on the ballot because you think they are all crap.
Its worth 10mins of you time!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
What do you mean "none of the above" , this guy gets my vote, with his cute whiskas and special hat.
if you don`t know who to vote for at least go along and `spoil` your vote.
it is actually registered as a vote of no confidence in any party and they are counted as so and the number of spoilt votes are usually revealed.

hth /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

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Could be wrong, but i'm sure this would just be classed as a damaged paper or whatever and not be noticed at all.
I think their best policies are using the Army to monitor major ports an excellent waste of a professional and expensive resource.

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The British Army (when not on tour or fighting wars) dont really do that much, bit of stag now and again and two "half" days a week for PT training and Parade, shame we cant have a professional force guarding our borders, Customs & Excise are pitifully manned in this day and age....

Dunno about you guys but Ive flown back and forth from the UK hundreds of times in the last three years, never been stopped once.

Also, if I could vote, Id vote for Conservative, dont fancy Gordon Brown being PM in a couple of years when Tony hands over. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
with you on that one Unkle - I fly to europe maybe 35 times a year and never get stopped. Been to moscow 3 times in last 12 months and everyone had to take off boots, belt, watch etc etc etc

having said that, when I was in berlin (while the wall was there) we had proper security around camps. These days there's no security at all.

Voted at 8.00pm today, and the list of names where each voter is crossed off. Even at 8pm maybe 70% of names were yet to be crossed off. Sad that people can't be ars*ed.
I think their best policies are using the Army to monitor major ports an excellent waste of a professional and expensive resource.

[/ QUOTE ]

The British Army (when not on tour or fighting wars) dont really do that much, bit of stag now and again and two "half" days a week for PT training and Parade, shame we cant have a professional force guarding our borders, Customs & Excise are pitifully manned in this day and age....

Dunno about you guys but Ive flown back and forth from the UK hundreds of times in the last three years, never been stopped once.

Also, if I could vote, Id vote for Conservative, dont fancy Gordon Brown being PM in a couple of years when Tony hands over. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

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Actualy think Gordon brown would be a 10 x better prime minister than tony !
lol at the smilie tdi /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_2.gif

JPO- condolences, heard BNP didn`t get any seats- told you, need to smile at babies /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif!!

Rumours are Blair may not last long as even though only got 66ish majority which is half of last time`s 167! But only a fool would underestimate "Teflon" tony.

Also gotta admire Galloway- smrt tactician, maybe he has been learning from Benitez /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_2.gif
I think their best policies are using the Army to monitor major ports an excellent waste of a professional and expensive resource.

[/ QUOTE ]

The British Army (when not on tour or fighting wars) dont really do that much, bit of stag now and again and two "half" days a week for PT training and Parade, shame we cant have a professional force guarding our borders, Customs & Excise are pitifully manned in this day and age....

Dunno about you guys but Ive flown back and forth from the UK hundreds of times in the last three years, never been stopped once.

Also, if I could vote, Id vote for Conservative, dont fancy Gordon Brown being PM in a couple of years when Tony hands over. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

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Actualy think Gordon brown would be a 10 x better prime minister than tony !

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Your having a laugh aren't you??? Over Zealist son of a church minister who thinks people shouldn;t enjoy anything and if they do should pay for it. Normally with a new tax or charge! Wh4nKER IMO
..... and if they do should pay for it...

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Explain to me please why it's wrong to expect people to pay for the things they enjoy.
..... and if they do should pay for it...

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Explain to me please why it's wrong to expect people to pay for the things they enjoy.

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I dont think you understood me?

Brown looks for any current trend, hobby notion to jump on and tax because he knows too well die hard enthusiasts will pay whatever to persue their activities. I mean surely we should all be too busy going to church to repent for for having a /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif last night right???

You can stay at home in your newly aquired council home don't work, knock the bint up again to gain a bigger property, sit watching T.V. eating pies smoking become a burden to the NHS and pay nothing, in fact just take take take.


Go to work try and carve out a good career with a good salary and get taxed to the hilt on everthing you earn and buy to support the lazy chav scumbags. Fair???
I voted for the Conservatives, i didn't vote in the last General Election cos all the leaders were a waste of time then, no vote was my way of protesting, saying ' non of the above' thanks!!!!
This time i've realised i've done nothing but complain over the last 3 to 4yrs about constantly being screwed by this Government with constant Tax increases etc... Tony Blair constantly kept going on about "IMPROVING SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, GETTING MORE POLICE ON THE STREETS TO TACKLE THE INCREASING CRIME IN OUR COMMUNITIES etc"! Are these not the problems he created in the first place due to constant financial cutbacks whilst, has i said previously, CONSTANT TAX INCREASES!!!! I COULD GO ON & ON!!

Well anyway i am happy that the Green Party got into the double figures this time (votes)

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