

Registered User
Jan 19, 2010
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Nothing against them, but should they really be exposing themselves on prime time telly farting in the back of a van?
I don't think they're doing themselves any justice.

Coppers - Channel 4 9pm
I've got this on Sky+ and the stuff they do and say must be causing them a lot of aggro from their superiors now. A lot of them just mess on and although we find it amusing (I find it by far the best cop show on TV) I can see that it wouldn't have a good look on the Police force.
To be fair, with the job they do and the scumbags they have to deal with day after day, you cant blame them for trying to keep morale up. Policing the streets in the UK today must be pretty depressing.
I like this as it just shows the Police are normal people,it's just the uniform which some see first and then treat them differently
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To be fair, with the job they do and the scumbags they have to deal with day after day, you cant blame them for trying to keep morale up. Policing the streets in the UK today must be pretty depressing.

Absolutely. Speaking first hand, that is exactly the case. However I like to think that when I was in the job, when it was necessary myself and my colleagues acted accordingly and professionally.
As Jason says, I think it's good PR as it portrays the police as normal people. So long as they act in a fair and rational way when dealing with incidents what they get up to in their van is up to them.
To be fair, with the job they do and the scumbags they have to deal with day after day, you cant blame them for trying to keep morale up. Policing the streets in the UK today must be pretty depressing.
some of the things i saw as a serving would make you squeal.scraping faces off bonnets, carrying limbs in black sacks having recovered them from a railway line, extractind dead people from rivers and baths, first on the scene at a woman who has jumped 15 floors holding her baby....then some **** moans at you cos youre never there or think that ive my blues and twos on to get my grub.Thats why we have a differant sense of makes you cope!
'I pay my taxes that pay your wages'! Best line ever. Apparently it gives you an excuse to break the law, then have a good moan when you get caught by the police and they arrest you. If I was a copper, I would reply with 'I also pay taxes that pay for your benefits'!!
'I pay my taxes that pay your wages'! Best line ever. Apparently it gives you an excuse to break the law, then have a good moan when you get caught by the police and they arrest you. If I was a copper, I would reply with 'I also pay taxes that pay for your benefits'!!
I must admit that ive lost count at the times ive heard that, specially from the pond life that pay no taxes.I remember many years ago i had a pond life breeder say that to me, so i threw her a pound coin and told her 'this is a weeks worth now phuk off'.At which she did.My partner almost ****** himself laughing
I think its a cracking show and definitely one of the best cop shows thats on TV currently and even in the past.

I can't see how their actions in the van will be any thing negative.
They act in the correct, processional manor when out on the street and around other people.
Its no different to any of us acting like the fool, playing pranks or flying Helicopters (that's me at the moment) when customers and clients are not around.

Its also good to see them in a different light, a bit more down to earth and human I think.
Love this program and I think its good that they show them doing whatever any other normal person does.

They are the same as everyone else at the end of the day and they do have to make light relief of what can be a very tasking job, dealing with allsorts!!

As already mentioned above, there is a time and place for it, hence them doing it in the van, not mid arrest.

Was quite funny in this weeks one where there woman got stopped and got a ticket for speeding as residents of the village were complaining about speeding, then she goes on to say, im one of the people that complained about people speeding in the village!!!
That was awful.

"You were doing 24mph but we 've got a campaign on so we're going to have to issue you a ticket"

Having completed my speed awareness course yesterday I cant possibly comment!
"Woop Woop its the sound of the police" love it.

Cannot sing these guys praises enough. They do their job and the majority do it well. It shows they are real poeple not just a uniform and that they like to have a laugh at work like the rest of us do. Anyone who thinks these guys just mess about need to spend a day in their shoes and see what utter scum bags they have to deal with everyday and see the things they see. Thats what il be doing when i join the specials just shortly.

To be quite frank if they didnt laugh, they would cry.

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