What do you hate???

I don't like when cars are referred to as a ' Her '

People who refer to there car as a 'Her' are NOT to be trusted.

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People who don't acknowledge you when you let them pass. :asskicking:
Makes me want to get in front off them again, and not let them pass.
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Reactions: TheDriver and Andy Crooks
1) People who always need to borrow money from you.

2) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back.

3) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back and then get p*ssed off because you've asked them to pay it back.

4) Itchy bum.
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Reactions: Andy Crooks, superkarl, CHEZ and 1 other person
1) People who always need to borrow money from you.

2) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back.

3) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back and then get p*ssed off because you've asked them to pay it back.

4) Itchy bum.

5) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back, get p*ssed off because you've asked them to pay it back, and always has enough money to buy ciggies and a pint down the pub.
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Reactions: Andy Crooks, superkarl, CHEZ and 1 other person
1) People who always need to borrow money from you.

2) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back.

3) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back and then get p*ssed off because you've asked them to pay it back.


5) People who always need to borrow money from you and keep "forgetting" to pay it back, get p*ssed off because you've asked them to pay it back, and always has enough money to buy ciggies and a pint down the pub.
People who don't learn to tell People who always need to Borrow money from you to "f... off"!

You're not doing them any favours by keep lending to them, as they don't need to change their ways while you remain a pushover. Tough Love has its merits. ;)
Nothing and nobody, life's too short...


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Don't say I'm moaning but I love it been hot and sunny in the day but when it's boiling hot at night and you can't get to sleep is pretty fecking annoying in my mind been trying to sleep since 10
Hate when people use the word 'thus' .... I'm not sure why, but I just do..
People who don't acknowledge you when you let them pass. :asskicking:
Makes me want to get in front off them again, and not let them pass.

I deal with this everyday when driving my 32 Tonner....but seeing them jump once I've applied the air horns makes everything better..
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Peugeot's, Citroëns, Renaults, seagulls, magpie's, slugs, snails, foreign call centres, gypsy scrap men, teenagers, other peoples dogs
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Other people's under-duvet farts
I am currently hating that despite having a chest X-Ray this morning and receiving a dose of radiation I didn't gain any super powers.
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Having no running water in the current office block.

But what I hate more is people that insists on using the toilets that has no water and thinking covering it up with toilet paper makes it ok.
We are meant to be a civilised society. Go and use a block that has running water.
The pile is now approaching the top of the bowl and people keeps using it.
WTF is wrong with people?
The gap down the side of my seat. There's enough change down there to put down a deposit on a house! It's impossible to reach though :(
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Reactions: Andy Crooks
Today, my biggest hate is PAPERWORK! It's not that it's difficult, more the amount of it, and I'm slowed down by an ancient processor I have on my works computer to complete the task. And I'm not forking out £1500 for an upgrade!
How it always starts raining at the start off the weekend.

literally just thinking this....as the heavens open up outside work as I had planned to go for drinks afterwards..... meh :p

people who show no acknowledgement what so ever after you give way to them...even if really it was your right of way. if they are really concentrating on driving and it's tricky.... it's fair enough, but when it's run of the mill driving then it's just plain rude! and even worse are the people who see they will have to give way so then floor it just to make the situation awkward and force the wrong person to have to give way or take evasive action....again.... not saying thankyou......... If i feel especially unappreciated at that moment I have no qualms about screaming/shouting something out of my car :p