can i go lower on the rear? (coilovers)


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
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hi guys,
last week i installed coilovers, similar to JOM.
the rears are set to there lowest, yet still there way above the tyre :s i understand the whole settling stage and one side is a tad lower so i may have to adjust that side higher.
but, i want to go lower, it looks odd as the front is sitting just above the tyre and "can" go lover if i wished too, but the rears are at there lowest :S
ill take a pic tomorow and post it up.

unless there different to adjust to the fronts the adjusters are at the bottom? just wondering if i can go lower somehow?
how would the car handle if i took the adjusters out completly?

I got devon show on sunday and was hopeing they would all be settled by now, but still... im not really happy with the rear at all :/

what size wheels you got? even at their lowest on std 16's it won't look THAT low.

if you really must go lower, you can remove the read adjusting collars.

leave in the large alloy threaded section, but unscrew and remove the 10mm coller that goes up and down. this will drop it another 15mm at the back, then you'll have to wind the front down even further to suit.

in practice though, it'll be too low to be of any use at all./
I'm running 17" s3 alloys.
You mean the cog that screws up and down on the bottom part of the adjuster?
Ill post a pic up tomorow, it's close to standard height for some reason :/
as said by prawn just remove one of the adjuster cups, this will give you another 15mm or so and is what i have done.

What is it though? I'm gonna go do it in a bit just need to make sure I remove the right thing.

Also would it benefit to swap the springs around?
as said one side looks a tad lower for some reason I'm gonna guess and say that's because it's ssettles more?
the adjuster you need to remove, is the bit that adjusts it!

the larger solid block you bolted through the beam stays put, this will still locate the spring.

The little alloy ring that adjusts up and down is what you can remove if needs be.

Seems very odd that it's sitting so high though. Is the car stripped out? or do you still have a full interior?
Ohhh i see. My rear adjusters have 2. One that goes on the main coil and one underneath the coil which only has a few threads, right I'll remove the main one.

Its a full interior :/ I'll take the adjusters off now and take some pics
post a pic of your rear adjusters first mate. that sounds strange to me.

it should be like this:


And you remove the bit in the middle
ah ive put it back together now. right it looks the same as that but right at the bottom theres anouther adjuster bit with a few threads, in a way its helped keep things in place because the threads sit right in the gap.
im still not that "low" though in all honesty, maybe there **** coilovers? the ad said as low as -90 on rear and -100 on front, fronts are about half way at the moment and rears are at there lowest with adjusters left out :S but i do kinda like it, its practical but i would go lower if i could lol
and yes i took that middle piece out, mine is like this:


heres passenger side:


drivers side:


yes i know i have a dent lol

the drivers side is still a tinyy bit lower, not much though.
its the same with the fronts, but i do understand the whole settling in stage and obviously having me in the drivers sit all the time it has more weight so will settle a bit quicker. and has only been a week, i have devon show tomorow so for the front im just gonna adjust by eye and have a different setting either side untill it settles then adjust the passenger front.

but for the rear will it benifit me to swap the springs over? or shall i just leave it, as said theres not much in it.
after loads of fiddling this is how it sits.
drivers side:


passenger side:


the drivers side is still a little lower on the front aswell as the rear, with the fronts i adjusted the drivers side higher then the passenger side but still its lower :/ and i gave up haha my sills arent looking great :/
the passenger side will settle wont it? its been about a week since fitment.
It'll settle 20-30mm over a period of a month. Youll probably need the adjusters back in once it's settled, mines as low as yours with adjusters up 3-4 threads on the back and it occasionally catches on speedbumps. It's like being in a gokart though :D
Sweet thats alright then :D I'll keep an eye on it
hmm scrape :p What I like to hear lol
looks pretty low to me too.

I know the look you're after, but you'll never get it with those wheels and tyres. Even if you dropped it another 20mm the wheels will never fill the arch without some big spacers.
Yeah I know. This will grow on me I think, I bought the at with the intention to keep it smart, so I think this is alright :) but then I'm contemplating spraying the wheels dark purple lol
really? i thought it might look quite cool.

though now i really want an 8p a3 :/ haha
i think the ride height looks good, id go for some 20-25mm spacers next with smaller width on the tyres so they dont foul the arches. that'l be a good stance imo :)
One side will always be lower than the other due to the way the fuel tank is situated. Just count the amount of threads from the bottom to the adjustment collar and make both sides even, that way when you have less than half a tank of fuel it should be almost level.

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