a message for pimp....


Are u sure mate? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gifWell not 'officially'!!!

But I think if you carefully studied what they stand for, you could be 'converted'!!!!!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I am just embarrassed that someone who has been bought up in a multicultural country such as England would hold such prejudice views.

[/ QUOTE ]

England is not a multicultural Country........ A 'multicultural society' is a Politically Correct liberal idea that has failed.

[/ QUOTE ]

At last the penny has dropped for sombody else, England will never be a multicultural country and it is a forced society which creates resentment between all groups.
Rule ****** britannia.........
what a load of poppycock this is.

If your of any ethnic background living in THIS goddam fcuked up NOW /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif pile of a country then you have just ****** well be loyal to it otherwise ****** off!

Its realy that simple.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol i waste my time with a long intelligent post and you come out with this sh*iite.

If u can't think of something interesting to add, then fu*ck off to another thread, cos its comments like that which will get this thread locked, its already happened once. u might be suprised to learn that there are more intelligent people out there then you who are actually interested in discussin this subject, and who can put their disagreements across a little bit more intelligently as well, bottom line is we don't want gay retarded comments like that to leave the mods with no option but to lock the thread.

Also, if you write in proper english like u should have been taught, and put the words in the correct order like they are meant to go, i won't have to do a triple take just to understand what you wrote. Bye!

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO and here is myself being unormally neutral and the twonk fires the above crap at me - what I was saying for all those who didnt understand (just pimp then) I will explain again.

IF anybody (and I mean anybody) of any ethnic background, be it, English, Scotish, Irish, Welsh, Indian, pakistani, African....blah blah blah. IF you dont like this country and want to be unloyal then it is simple. ****** off to your so called home and don't come back.

Pimp maybe you should just go to your so called "motherland" and do us all a freakin favour. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/fuck_you.gif
what a load of poppycock this is.

If your of any ethnic background living in THIS goddam fcuked up NOW /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif pile of a country then you have just ****** well be loyal to it otherwise ****** off!

Its realy that simple.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol i waste my time with a long intelligent post and you come out with this sh*iite.

If u can't think of something interesting to add, then fu*ck off to another thread, cos its comments like that which will get this thread locked, its already happened once. u might be suprised to learn that there are more intelligent people out there then you who are actually interested in discussin this subject, and who can put their disagreements across a little bit more intelligently as well, bottom line is we don't want gay retarded comments like that to leave the mods with no option but to lock the thread.

Also, if you write in proper english like u should have been taught, and put the words in the correct order like they are meant to go, i won't have to do a triple take just to understand what you wrote. Bye!

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO and here is myself being unormally neutral and the twonk fires the above crap at me - what I was saying for all those who didnt understand (just pimp then) I will explain again.

IF anybody (and I mean anybody) of any ethnic background, be it, English, Scotish, Irish, Welsh, Indian, pakistani, African....blah blah blah. IF you dont like this country and want to be unloyal then it is simple. ****** off to your so called home and don't come back.

Pimp maybe you should just go to your so called "motherland" and do us all a freakin favour. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/fuck_you.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

amb27 why cant britain be multicultura, i disagree with a lot of what pimp has posted but have also been enlightened to some of the other stuff he has put. And befors any one says im a do gooder i agree with the war in Iraq, Saddam had to go but what are we doing about Korea? perhaps they have no oil to nick
bainsyboy, i agree, we do need to go to korea and any other troublesome nation for that matter, you may think i'm a bit gunho, but please, lets go and kick ***!!
p.s we all should be willing to go to war and fight for this country, give me a bazooka i'd drop everything and go tomorrow.
im not even really sure what i think on this anymore......
my assumption is this.....
pimp..... you said yourself.... your indian connections are far greater than the mere fact that your parents are indian, you say its much deeper and its in your blood, cultural upbringing, etc.... all of which i understand 100%....
you say, and i agree, you had no choice on your place of birth and this anyway is of no significance when talking about race etc..... i agree also.
so like you said.... your indian.
although you live here and are in esence one of us, (again i agree,) you "feel" your connection with india and you ancestral roots.
you feelings on loyalties should there be any kind of unrest between india and the u.k have been made clear,( again, its a poor annalergy, which firstly im tied of hearing about and secondly, it wasnt me who brought it up...)
based on all of these facts i would say you were a "second generation indian immigrant"...
still not sure what relavance this has or weather it matters at all......???
all i know is that in my book, all these issues point to the fact that you are an immigrant and should acknoledge the fact. in fact, i think you may well have done.... these post have been long and hard going ....ha ha ha ...its just the same for me , this country is my blood, my roots and culture and im proud of it and want to defend that. its not that i fear change, its just that i think the whole "multi cultural" thing has been forced on us..... dont know how, dont know what can be done about it, or even that anything should be done about it ??
i dont mean this in any derogitory kind of way.
i guess its not really about race at all, its about equal rights, civil liberties and the p.c maddness. how many times have you heard the expression " the worlds gone mad "....

this whole debate started about an ice cream and some tw@t winging or possibly even pulling the old race card just to prove some lame irrelavent point about a picture of an ice cream looking like the symbol for his god ???
well all i can say is this...... maybe he got it wrong...... maybe its his god who looks like our ice cream.... did anyone stop to consider that ????
in response to the following:

"this country is my blood, my roots and culture and im proud of it and want to defend that"

well why aren't you, your government is currently involved in a war against terrorism, against a force that wants to put an end to your way of life (as we are lead to believe by the press).
in response to the following:

"this country is my blood, my roots and culture and im proud of it and want to defend that"

well why aren't you, your government is currently involved in a war against terrorism, against a force that wants to put an end to your way of life (as we are lead to believe by the press).

[/ QUOTE ]

what do you suggest i do exactly ???
and also, i was not led to believe anything by the press, the innocent people in london who died at the hands of these terrorists were not some illaberate sharard concocted by the media, they where real people.
but if you can suggest any way in which i can either locate, infulltrate or both expose and defeat these muslim extremist's, id be greatfull....however, i think the information would be put to better use of you gave it to the boys in blue mate.
if no one used their voice or opinion as a line of defense, we'd be straight in and fighting at every opertunity..... i guess me and you would be fighting now !!!
My eyes hurt. Some interesting facts nonetheless. Try to keep it clean or I may be forced to lock the thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif And I thought it was only me who had ideas above my station...........!!!
"...suggest any way in which i can either locate, infulltrate or both expose and defeat these muslim extremist's, id be greatfull"

Sign up to the armed forces, thats what most people who talk and think like you do. Thats the only way you would be able to locate, infiltrate, expose. Unless of course you're all fart and no sh*t

Britain was well aware that there would be reprisals as a result of thier allegience with the US. It was a government decision that gave these extremists a reason to target England. You should be trying to oust the government, not the Asians.

I feel as bad as the next man about the loss of life from the london bombings but please dont be so nieve to think that this was a war against terror, thats like saying we are going to wage a war against happiness, how the do you fight against a state of mind?

The masterminds behind 9/11, which started all this trouble in London, were Saudi Arabian (Osama), but we wont go invade Saudi because keeping thier money in our banks is more important than justice, this is what you have to expect from Capitalist countries. It's not just a simple case of lets go get the bad guys because we have been sleeping with the bad guys for so long.

The last time the US p*ssed of the Saudis they increased the price of oil for the first time ever (which at the time was cheaper than a barrel of pepsi), it almost destroyed the American economy, partly because the Vietname war was going on at the time too. America will do whatever they can to never let that happen again. It also highlighted Americas dependence on Saudi oil. I dont think the West (US & UK) really cared about Sadaams WMDs, they were more worried about Sadaam becoming so powerful in the Middle East that he would be able to take control of the flow of oil out of the Middle East, something that the Americans and the Saudis have been doing all this time.

As for asking all asians to leave, a lot of countries in **** and Africa have all felt the violent nature of the British Empire at some point in their history. Part of the reason India gained independance, and Pimp forgot about this one, was because Indian soldiers helped Britain during the World War and were promised independence in return, but when they returned after so loyally fighting for Britain they found that the British wanted to take even more power away from the Indian people. Feeling that there was dismay amongst the people (there was dismay because the Indians had blantently be decieved by the Brits to get them to fight in a war that was nothing to do with them) the Brits decided the best solution was to massacre 10,000 unarmed men women and children on a Sunday, the Christian day of rest, with no warning whatsoever in Amritsar.

I think anyone from India / Sri Lanka or any other country that has been ruled under the Empire has every right to be here, especially seeing as most contribute more to this society than many other natives of this country (as Pimp pointed out), the stats speak for themsleves.

Pimp, i have to agree that saying that "99% of ..." is completely wrong, i dont think its fair to generalise in such a way. You have shown the most decorum in this and the other thread and have posted mostly intelligent informative comments. i have many muslim mates from uni and school who are salt of the earth and harbour no resentment towards this country or its people, i dont think its fair for you to make such a sweeping statement, its almost as bad as saying "all asians..."

myzeneye... "if no one used their voice or opinion as a line of defense, we'd be straight in and fighting at every opertunity..... i guess me and you would be fighting now !!!"

its seems that thats what you want anyway ,did you not start the "Iran next?" thread.

Only a closet racist would post such a thread. God knows how many British and US troops have died because of the war in Iraq / afghan and you want to go into Iran?

What have Iran ever done to you by the way?
edit to the above post:
i stated that "10,000 unarmed men women... " were massacred ,it was meant to say "1,000 unarmed men women..."
"...suggest any way in which i can either locate, infulltrate or both expose and defeat these muslim extremist's, id be greatfull"

Sign up to the armed forces, thats what most people who talk and think like you do. Thats the only way you would be able to locate, infiltrate, expose. Unless of course you're all fart and no sh*t

[/ QUOTE ]

so if i dont join the armed forces im some kind of sh*it ???
you dont know the first thing about me mate, besides, i dont think i could do much for the army with only the one leg.
another thing is, all those soldiers who have given their lives in iraq have given them for a reason which you clearly stated is not about the war on terror, its about oil and money.... is that what i should go and offer to fight with my life for ???
dont think so.
yes i started the thread asking will there be a war in iran next but i dont see how this in the slightest makes me a closet rascist ??? if starting a debate after watching a bunch of baffoons on the news hauling round a barrell full of nuclear ingredients isnt a reason to start a conversation, i dont know what is ????
i have my opinions, you have yours......... so what .
this debate, and especially talking with pimp has taught me and others alot and if thats a bad thing, maybe we should all not communicate and learn from each other at all ???

Are u sure mate? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gifWell not 'officially'!!!

But I think if you carefully studied what they stand for, you could be 'converted'!!!!!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Jpo not in a million years! , they recently tryed to get a "candidate" elected up here in glasgow and i think he got a whole 15 votes!the bnp are just zelots , i live in glasgow , where there are whites,asians,indians,chinese , i wont say we are all one big happy family BUT on the whole there is no real "race " problem here so why would we want a party whos main if not only goal is to get rid of non whites! and leave the real "british" here all happy , wot mince! most of the asian comunity are now of a age where they are BORN here, so they are british , yes they will have strong ties to pakistan/india etc BUT they are scottish-asians ,if people like the bnp AND the extreamist asians are aloud to preach thats wot will divide people, open the schools , no catholic only , no prodistans only and no asian only !
My team(CELTIC) recently signed a jappanisee player, and i wonder wot a lot of the older generation of celtic fans think of him, espesialy if they where a"guest" of his grandads during WW2 , wot i am badly trying to say is time moves on u cant hold gruddges , should we never hire a german player?
the simple fact is we all need to live together ALL RACES!
It was the fact that you used the word flatten that upset me, as if you wanted to just kill all iranians, and the "these people cant be trusted" statement also. Which iranian decieved you so badly that you want to go flatten his country?

America have been screwing with Iran for ages. Of course they are gonna get the gitters because Iran have nuclear material, it doesnt mean they will use it like america did though. I'd be more scared of America, so far they are the only country to have ever used a nuclear WMD.

American invasion of Iran is inevitable, due to sanctions on trade most countries cannot buy oil from Iran, only a few countries do. The only way round the sanctions is by gettting the Ayatollah to forget what the Americans have been doing to them for over a decade and allow trade between tehran and the west to start up(that aint gonna happen). Either that or America have to do another regime change and install a us corporation friendly government.

Its a shame that you think we should flatten Iran, there only real crime was to have oil. The nuclear weapons (if they actually have any) would most probably be used as a deterrent to defend thier oil.
If we (england) had 'cherry picked' when immigration was introduced after the war, and sorted the wheat from the chaff, we would not be facing these problems. From day one all immigrants should have done 2 years national service, the 'drop outs' could have been sent packing at that stage, we would then have been left with the surgeon, doctor , academic or military type, and their children would have become a product of their enviroment and grown into law abiding decent british citizens, as time passed any family or friends being inivited here by the settled immigrants should face the same strict entry conditions, again with failures being returned, apply the same to todays assylum seekers and we would be left with the cream of the crop. Everyone then should be able to speak the Queens english, nothing else, and ready to serve and fight for their country. Anyone preaching hatred or behaving in a anti english way should then either be deported, put on trial for treason or in extreme cases face a firing squad. Anyone wanting to practice religion would do so in private, no mosques or temples etc..
England should then be left with everybody being able to communicate with one another, aiming for similar goals, and traditional english values/culture.

What do you think? Any blood boiling yet?
no blood boiling here as im looking for p-o-r-n bit of a sweat coming on though
no blood boiling here as im looking for p-o-r-n bit of a sweat coming on though

[/ QUOTE ]
And you came here for that?

...and I thought I was an Audi-addict! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_roll.gif


i wont say we are all one big happy family BUT on the whole there is no real "race " problem here so why would we want a party whos main if not only goal is to get rid of non whites! and leave the real "british" here all happy , wot mince!

[/ QUOTE ]


You're quoting 'misconceptions' and outright lies, that are put about by people who have probably never even read a BNP manifesto, and obviously do not have the slightest inkling what the BNP 'actually' represent.

If you are interested read the manifesto, establish your own opinion, and lets have a chat about any bits you may have a problem with! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Don't get me wrong I'm not 100% behind all their policies, the same is true of most people who support a political party.......... but on the whole I think this Country would be a much better place in which to live if the BNP tackled Crime, immigration, health and education, in the way they propose.
"3. We will refuse to risk British lives in meddling 'peace-keeping' missions in parts of the world where no British interests are at stake - a position of armed neutrality. "

Am sure the people of kosovo and the people of rwanda who where MURDERED by racist like ure friends wouldnt quiet see it as "meddling" hey wot do u care you have signed up to the "IM ALLRIGHT JACK" PARTY ! not my problem? nice attatude , so does that count when i c ure mum being mugged ? do i try stop it or do i think to my self "i would only be meddling"? when are u lot going to grow up? yes there a lot of illegal immigrants and yes those abusing the system should be deported asap, but there a hell of a lot who are seaking refuge for genuine bona fide reasons, some are skilled docs/nurses/joiners/plumbers etc who WANT to work but this stupid goverment wont let them , let them work let them pay taxes , can u imagine being a doctor one day and then being forced out your country buy a maniac with a AK-47? having to beg , for a place of refuge, food, education for ure children ?i hope u never have to i prey i never have to BUT who knows, one day WE might need to!
Hummmmm........... Personally I would support peace keeping in certain circumstances, I also support 'democratising' Iraq. Like I said, you don't have to agree with all the policies to support a party!

I think you will find that the number of Bogus asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, far outweigh the genuine applicants.....
"From day one all immigrants should have done 2 years national service, the 'drop outs' could have been sent packing at that stage..."

If thats the case then i think it should really apply to the whole nation, not just those coming to live here.

I doubt most natives of this country could put up with 2 years national service, i only lasted 1 year in my schools CCF /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"Anyone preaching hatred or behaving in a anti english way should then either be deported, put on trial for treason or in extreme cases face a firing squad"

what exactly is "behaving in a anti english way"

Is that someone who doesnt go out binge drinking and fighting on the weekend, or may be someone who's not happy having a 16 year old benefit sponging daughter who's also a mother?
I completely agree s4sh, all school leavers in the last 15 years should have served the two years service, i believe the binge drinking, crime, rape etc etc....would be far less, it would have taught respect as well so then the person parking next to you may think first before denting your panels with their door.
By anti english i specifically mean burning the union flag and preaching from the soap box, its all been mentioned on here before.
"From day one all immigrants should have done 2 years national service, the 'drop outs' could have been sent packing at that stage..."

If thats the case then i think it should really apply to the whole nation, not just those coming to live here.

I doubt most natives of this country could put up with 2 years national service, i only lasted 1 year in my schools CCF /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"Anyone preaching hatred or behaving in a anti english way should then either be deported, put on trial for treason or in extreme cases face a firing squad"

what exactly is "behaving in a anti english way"[/b

Is that someone who doesnt go out binge drinking and fighting on the weekend, or may be someone who's not happy having a 16 year old benefit sponging daughter who's also a mother?

[/ QUOTE ]

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Does this cover Scotland V England games? if so u better buy me and Cj(Ireland) a few blindfolds !!!!, everyone feels anti "english" every so often ,but serriously your "wording" is wrong it should be anti "brittish"
As for burning the flag , i do tent to agree, these people should be asked to leave the country (if imigrants) and jailed if UK citizens, actualy i think treason is one of the few remaning things you CAN be shot for!!!
The compulasry 2 years national service is in theary a great idea, and i agree it would "sort" out a lot of the teenage drinking/anti social behavour, i think it would give them a bit of pride,honour and a skill they can take into the working world, BUT i think u will find that the ARMY dont want them, a conscript army are to put it politly crap! (ask the russians) the british army has built up a very good reputation ,despite its small size its very effective ,because the soliders that are there WANT to be there , im not saying they want to be in iraq or affganistan etc , but they signed on for it , they wherent told at 16 you will join the army!
what exactly is "behaving in a anti english way"

Is that someone who doesnt go out binge drinking and fighting on the weekend, or may be someone who's not happy having a 16 year old benefit sponging daughter who's also a mother?

[/ QUOTE ]

hey hey hey.... now thats generalising if ever i heard it. anyone else who's done that on here has been branded ignorant, uneducated and racsist...???
Blimey, there is some culture in the automotive world.

It's good to see a healty debate taking place - it's very rare that this happens nowdays... we shoud debate issues more often, it's a healty way to share knowledge and experiences.
"... now thats generalising if ever i heard it"

its the view that most people from foriegn countries hold about the Brits and for good reason . Have you ever been to a city centre (London ,Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester) on a Friday/Saturday night?
If you dont see binge drinking or a fight i will take my words back.
It was only the other day i was flicking thru sky and i came across a program called "Booze Britain", its so popular i think its on its second series "Booze Britain 2"

Britain also has the highest rate of single mothers and teenage pregnancies in Europe.

" completely agree s4sh, all school leavers in the last 15 years should have served the two years service..."

its seems the problem nowadays is getting the ones who need some discipline to turn up to school in the first place.


its seems the problem nowadays is getting the ones who need some discipline to turn up to school in the first place.

[/ QUOTE ]
yeah i was at a school in hull today and a couple of kids were skipping lessons but chose to remain in the school yard giving the teachers lip. i would have been caned for that.
"... now thats generalising if ever i heard it"

its the view that most people from foriegn countries hold about the Brits and for good reason . Have you ever been to a city centre (London ,Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester) on a Friday/Saturday night?
If you dont see binge drinking or a fight i will take my words back.
It was only the other day i was flicking thru sky and i came across a program called "Booze Britain", its so popular i think its on its second series "Booze Britain 2"

Britain also has the highest rate of single mothers and teenage pregnancies in Europe.

" completely agree s4sh, all school leavers in the last 15 years should have served the two years service..."

its seems the problem nowadays is getting the ones who need some discipline to turn up to school in the first place.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is no different than saying all muslims are rucksack carrying shoe bombers. its a generalisation. of course their not all terrorists, thats just absurd. in exactly the same way that not all brits go out binge drinking at the weekend, fighting and are single mothers. these people you seen on the t.v are out there at the weekends, but they are a very small percentage of the people in this country. i dont binge drink and my wife is not a single mother, and this goes for the majority of people in my social circle ...... once again, the media is as responsible for this generalisation as it is for depicting all muslims as terrorist threats who we should all be dubiuos of.
if you believe all you see on t.v is real and whats more, the the only version of what goes on outside you door, you a complete fool.
the binge drinking, benefit claiming louts are out there, but they arent the only ones out there.

if any such generalsiations have been drawn within this debate about "asians" muslims, indians, pakistanis, albanians, kosovans etc etc etc then the person who has suggested it has been branded as an uneducated, narrow minded, racsist bigot. i dont see how you can make such a sweeping statement and not be classing a whole race( british whites) as scum, and support the idea that you are not a racsist. its called posotive descrimination and this is were the whole race issue is thrown out the window. how can a white person be socialy outcast or guilt tripped and looked down upon for having racsist ideologys, when they them selves fall victims to racsist comments ???
if you were to suggest that all pakistani's owned corner shops and smelt of curry there would be an outrage, as its completely untrue. if you were to suggest that all immigrants were spongers and here only to take handouts, there would be an outrage, because its completly untrue. . if you were to suggest that all muslims were shoebombers and oppressors of woman kind, there would be an outrage, as its completly untrue. if you suggest that all white british people are violent binge drinking single mothers, there would be no comment, as whilst it may be true for a minority, as with all these other statements, its not even concievable to beleive that a british white person can be discriminated agaianst in any such form ??????????

basically, you talk through the hole in your ****. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/fuck_you.gif
if booze britain tells you that all white brit's are all binge drinking thugs or single mothers, then the simpsons must tell you that all americans are yellow. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
I'm intelligent enough to know that not every "white" Brit is a binge drinker or a teenage mother, but they have become widely acknowledged traits of the Brits, (tea drinking and eating fish and chips being other British traits that spring to mind).
I do not see that as racism or discrimination, it certainly wasnt inteded as a racist stab at "white" Britain, it was a stab at sarcasm (may be my humour is a little too British for you). If you really think my comments were racist then you should also be complaining to sky for broadcasting racist propoganda in the form of booze britain (or the countless other reality shows on tv that show the Brits getting lagered up on holiday).
It may be a generalisation but its a fair one based on facts. Its like saying the English are tea drinkers, im truely sorry if you find comments like these offensive and racist.
The government have acknowledged that binge drinking and teenage pregnancy are problems in the UK, they havent however said that all muslims are terrorists (or that all pakistanis smell of curry???), thats just what some people have choosen to believe, its not based on any facts.
Terrorism isnt just confined to muslims, a minute percentage of muslims are actually terrorists, far less a percentage than binge drinkers or tea drinkers in the uk. The vast majority are decent law abiding citizens like you and your wife.
i enjoy playing devils advocate, i hold no bias towards the muslims or the english but i still think comments like "iranians cant be trusted", "all muslims are shoe bombers" and "pakistanis... smell of curry" are offensive, and to many would be perceived as racist / derogatory comments.
I did not say that "white" British were scum, im not sure where you got that from, i also never stated that binge drinking and teenage mothers were confined to "white" britain either.
Im a law abiding, tax paying British citizen. I've lived here all my life and I love this country and the different cultures, traditons, sights, smells, sounds and people, all the people.

"iranians cant be trusted"

hitler said the same thing about the jews... and you're trying to call me a racist??? oookaay then...
hows the weather today?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice and clear.

But this should be posted in the weather forum. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

hitler said the same thing about the jews... and you're trying to call me a racist??? oookaay then...

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe if hitler had won the war we wouldn't be subjected to the politically correct, flower picking,cardigan knitting bunch of tw..erps that ruin our way of life, after all how can a white lilly livered poncy liberal decide that the average muslim/asian finds it offensive for a british white to fly his/her national flag, ban christmas 'decor' because it offends minorities etc etc...next they will be suggesting that we daub ourselves with shoe polish to make immigrants feel 'at home'.
when we won the 2nd world war the english were a tough, hardenned, respected people with backbones made of cast iron, now look at us, our country is the dumping ground for the worlds crap, we are told by our own government to put 'others' first and let them walk all over us, speed apparently kills, your V6 is causing tsunamis, when will this bulls..t end.
we must be being laughed at by all the immigrants queing to come here and get a seat on the gravy train.
i'm not so sure hitler was a racist, he had a ideal vision but went about achieving it in the wrong way, after all why kill any jews when he could have used his impeccably timed railway network to send them home.
"iranians cant be trusted"

[/ QUOTE ]

you seen the news today ???? iran supplying arms to kill our forces in iraq ????? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/noidea.gif
hows the weather today?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice and clear.

But this should be posted in the weather forum. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry I thought this was the political Forum, religous forum, race/ethnic forum & STFU forum. I didnt think it would be any harm in posting an off topic reply. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I would be cautious about everything you hear /read on the news. I would consider stories like this to be propoganda.
Its a bad thing to lose troops during times of war but thats part and parcel of war and the risk you take with being a soldier. It hurts me more when innocent people who didnt ask to be part of this war die such as those who died or were injured in the london bombings, even poor Menenez. Even the innocent Iraqi/ Afghani civilians that have died because of this war.
Dont know if anyone remembers Dr. David Kelly, he was another innocent victim. Just before he commited suicide (apparently becuase of all pressure he was under from our own government) he was extremely critical of the way that the goverment mishandled and lied about WMD intelligence returned from Iraq.
Remeber the same place you saw or read this story also probably told you that Sadaam and Osama were best friends, that Iraq definately had WMDs and that Menenez was wearing a large padded bomb jacket . I've lost count of the amount of stuff that we've been told that turns out to be crap, it usually takes a leaked document for us to find out the real truth nowadays.
I just wished it was as easy as leaving the middle east, leave it to the Americans, no more British lives lost, no more agro from extremists, it would be like going back to the good old days.

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