Headlight replacement


S3 AMK Merlin Purple
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Alright Folks,
I have recently purchased a replacement Headlight unit (Old one was Foggy) gone to change the headlight but previous owner had fitted a HID kit so the headlight that should fit dont fit ! Could anyone tell me if I need a different Headlight unit or do i need to mod the one I bought ??? Oh yeh, one I bought the square were the cable goes through is blanked off and the headlight casing inside is different and bulb fitment is different coz its got HIV's fitted !!!
Alright Folks,
I have recently purchased a replacement Headlight unit (Old one was Foggy) gone to change the headlight but previous owner had fitted a HID kit so the headlight that should fit dont fit ! Could anyone tell me if I need a different Headlight unit or do i need to mod the one I bought ??? Oh yeh, one I bought the square were the cable goes through is blanked off and the headlight casing inside is different and bulb fitment is different coz its got HIV's fitted !!!

First off LOL @ 'HIV's fitted'

If the lights are correct then the bulb fittment should be the same. After market headlight kits are fitted to standard headlights so the bulb fittment should be fine. If you intend on using the HIDS with the new light you will need to modify them to allow the wirring to pass though.

Have you got any pictures it willl be easy that way so we know 100% what you're dealing with
Cheers for the reply m8, was hoping that the headlight would need modifying and not bought the wrong one, llf! Will put a pic up tomoz hopefully of the new and the fitted units, so ya can see the problem, the casing looks different and bulb fitment really different (headlight casing inside the headlight unit if that makes sense) but will post pics up tomoz if can (Mrs B'day, she understands motor comes first like but gotta make the effort init, llf)
I know this is probably to late in the process but you can just polish out the cloudiness and re-sell the replacement :)

Here are mine before:

Sound what you done that with mate?
Here are some pics of new and old units so you can see the difference
Old unit is round hole and plastic locking circle and casing inside unit is different
20130329 12145320130329 121501
Old unit
20130329 12194920130329 122023
They have fitted oem xenons by the look of it. You can open up the units and swap the innards or glass over. I'd recommend getting your money back and polishing the old unit.
nice one thanx very much for your help reckon polishing up is the forward thanx again much appreciated
I used this kit from halfords actually

I did use wet and dry paper on one because it was bad used the drill attachment the kit came with to polish it back up. Used 3 battery's on the drill though so if you go done the wet and dry route I'd suggest a DA polisher lol

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