
Lmao Marty, i wish you luck. That special lady is out there for you. :) x
My ex was a fecking nightmare. She would drink and want to argue, If I agreed she would stil argue with me and be stroppy for me agreeing if I didn't she would keep digging, whining and prodding until I snapped back then got shirty and would have a full blown tantrum. If we were going out I drove so she could drink, when it was her turn to drive she would either make such a fuss I would drive or if she did drive we would get barely through the first part of the evening before feeling "ill" and wanting to go home, if I took longer than 5 seconds to then finish my drink I was a *******. We would spend loads of time at her parents but when, on the rare occasions we did, see my parents she made it clear she wanted to be elsewhere. We were supposed to split the bills yet I would pay my half and she would then demand more. I ended up paying my half plus £200 to her each month and she still demanded more.

When I finally had my suspisions of her cheating confirmed I was devastated. She even tried to tell all our joint friends that her debt was down to spending money on my car. Oddly when I said I would give her the money back for any invoice for my car she could obtain she went very very quiet.

After some very low time I managed to pick myself up and get on and fought to keep the home I purchased with her succesfully. Then just over 2½ years ago I met my current girlfriend who is just fantastic. She is warm, compassionate, kind, fun, intelligent, sexy doesn't strop, doesn't do dramatics, likes fair so when I drive a night she drives another. My friends and family love her to bits and I feel truely blessed to have found such a needle in a haystack.

If I knew now what I did a few years ago I would have drop kicked my ex out the door.
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hi oranoco has she got an older sister by any chance and your ex sounds just like the one i lived with 4 years ago ,starting to think i attract the alki`s and siko`s .all the best
It could have been worse...

One of my mates was doing ok, even though his missus was a nightmare at the best of times (Always late intentionally to make an entrance / tantrums when out in company / blah blah) take your pick.
Anyway, he ended up in hospital for a few months with what amounted to a flesh eating bug & almost lost a leg.
During this time, she basically cleaned him out, more or less emptied his house & left him with a hefty debt.
To top it all she tried telling everyone it was his fault!!!

Psycho / Schizo, what ever you want to call it, defo better off without that one.
Haha yeh sandra the only woman ya actually nees in yer life hehe
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I don't think there is anything on this earth that is able to annoy me like a woman!(well my wife) "Can't live with em, cant live without em" I love her of course but they really are a very strange breed!

But so are men! :meeting: lol

It's quite funny seeing men rant about women. lol
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I am currently receiving the silent treatment. Why.....?? Because of the following:

We were arguing..... during the argument she asked me a question.... I tried to answer it.... but was interrupted by her.....
she said "answer yes or no".... I said "excuse me, I want to answer it the way I want to answer it, not the way YOU want me to answer it"...... and she said...................



Annoyed, I said... "so we can quickly get to that bit where you go upstairs to cry, leaving me in peace".

I think it's probably that last bit that is mostly responsible for the silent treatment.
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So how many lights does it take to screw in a bulb.
I am currently receiving the silent treatment. Why.....?? Because of the following:

We were arguing..... during the argument she asked me a question.... I tried to answer it.... but was interrupted by her.....
she said "answer yes or no".... I said "excuse me, I want to answer it the way I want to answer it, not the way YOU want me to answer it"...... and she said...................



Annoyed, I said... "so we can quickly get to that bit where you go upstairs to cry, leaving me in peace".

I think it's probably that last bit that is mostly responsible for the silent treatment.

Pmsl, only you Ads would get away with that one. :) x
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Lmao, you in the bad books now? :) x

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