Fuel discount card


Registered User
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Billericay, UK

Just seen an ad in the current evo, this site is looking to set up a fuel discount scheme - basically apply for a card and then the volume of users will be used to negotiate a discount with retailers.

Currently in the stages of getting support together but sounds like a great idea to me.

BTW - I have no link with this site just seemed like a good idea to me.

Fair do's - search for Pipeline picked nothing out so thought for a minute I had beaten you lot to it (for once) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Just signed up and think it would be a good thing once it is pulled off.

This is the current update from my friend who is signed up and its FREE.
Dear Pipeline Card Member,

Pipeline Card has been going since November and some of you are clearly getting fed up - and not just with the continual fuel price rises.

Emails are coming in every day saying "When are the cards coming?" "How many members do you need now? and "Why the delay"? Well guess what - we're frustrated too!

Nothing like this has ever been done in the UK before - it's not going to happen overnight. The petrol discount scheme they set up in Holland took around 18 months to get off the ground. I can certainly tell you that we all want this to work as much as you do - we have spent a lot of time and effort on it. There is a big gap between an agreement in principle and a finalised contract - but we are gradually overcoming some of the difficulties and we are getting closer.

I would like to be able to give you much more information but, unfortunately, we are bound by a non-disclosure agreement that carries a hefty financial penalty. So I can't even tell you who we are negotiating with. All I can say for now is that we are making progress, we are still hopeful of an announcement in the next couple of months, and we still need your support.

It is just possible that we will need to consider a different way of achieving our goal but the good news is that we have already been approached by another organisation who is interested in working with us.

There is other good news too. Thousands of our members have saved money on domestic heating oil this month and others have saved money on gas and electricity by using our price comparison service. It's not our main purpose, but it is a way of giving something back while our negotiations continue.

Over 9,000 blogs and websites are linking to us and our media support is still growing. So please keep telling people about us.

Rest assured; we are not going to lose sight of what Pipeline Card is all about. It's about all of us paying less for our petrol and diesel. We are definitely not going to do any deals with marketeers and spam merchants; and we are not going to give up.

That's it for now. Watch out for us on Fifth Gear - the Channel 5 motoring show - at the beginning of next month.

Don't forget that you can recommend Pipeline by clicking here http://www.PipelineCard.org/recommend.html and you can resign as a member at any time by sending a blank email to unsubscribe@PipelineCard.org.

Best wishes

Ben Scammell - Pipeline Card Founder

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I hope this thing goes through... it's just hit $3 (£1.75) a gallon here... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/burningmad.gif

You think you have got problems !!!!!!

In the UK diesel about £1/ litre and petrol about 98p/ litre !!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soap.gif
You think you have got problems !!!!!!

In the UK diesel about £1/ litre and petrol about 98p/ litre !!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soap.gif

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Yet we drive most fuel effient cars in the world, WTF is this gov' doing, raping basturds!!
yes its the queens fault not a goverment which allows asylum seekers to stay here even if their applications turned down or hospitals with too many chiefs not enough indians or even better (I'm off on one now) putting speed humps or chicanes on the roads only to take them out a month later!?
Well, remember that a gallon here is only 3.8L as opposed to the big old 4.55L in the UK....

Still, this time last year it was less than $2 a gallon.... looks like it's going up everywhere.
Well, remember that a gallon here is only 3.8L as opposed to the big old 4.55L in the UK....

Still, this time last year it was less than $2 a gallon.... looks like it's going up everywhere.

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Welcome to the real world.
Well, remember that a gallon here is only 3.8L as opposed to the big old 4.55L in the UK....

Still, this time last year it was less than $2 a gallon.... looks like it's going up everywhere.

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Welcome to the real world.

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Yep, buy a diesel, lol
Well, remember that a gallon here is only 3.8L as opposed to the big old 4.55L in the UK....

Still, this time last year it was less than $2 a gallon.... looks like it's going up everywhere.

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Welcome to the real world.

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Yep, buy a diesel, lol

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I already have one, derv is more expensive than petrol these days! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
by only a penny or two max around here, but when u can do 500-600 out of a tank, redo the maths.
This fuel card business is a crock of the smelly stuff. He will never get any of the petrol retailers to agree to a discount of 5-10p. Max a few pence, but then why should any petrol retailer bother then?

Reverse Gear last night said that a similar scheme is up and running in Scandanevia (Sweden, I think). But I cannot see it working. It's no more than a loyalty card, which a petrol retailer can do on it's own without this go-between.

And if it is such a good deal, then everyone will jump on the bangwagon and you'll be back where you started - normal competition.

On the tax front, everyone knows that the UK has probably reached a naturally equilibrium in terms of car use, and it has sod all to do with the price of petrol and level of fuel tax. The roads have reached a saturation point, limiting the use of your vehicle. They were predicting an economic crash about 18 months ago if a barrel should hit $50. Well, it's over $75 and I have not noticed any change. Petrol companies could charge £2 a litre and still I bet they would be negligible change to our habits.

You know the best thing the government could do to to reduce car use and emissions? Have manufacturers stick a meter in our cars that shows us how much each journey is costing us. I think we'd soon change our habits once we see each journey in pounds and pence.
The way petrol has gone up even more now........with the fuel card saving we will be paying the same amount that we were complaining about a few months ago and instead of getting a price which i believe should stay at around 70p a litre which is acceptable.
Karcsi - a few things, why is the fuel discount card a crock of /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif? I think it will take off and I'd say around 300,000 members would be enough for a company to offer the 4p discount they do to corporate customers (if not more) but it may mean it's like a credit card not a loyalty card and that would make a difference over the long term. On the other side 300,000 is a very small percentage of the UK driving population so how is it doing away with competition?

I think your view of the Tax situation and the cost of transport is VERY wrong, the number of cars on the roads in the UK keeps going up year on year (from what I've read). This will cause problems for transport of goods in the long term as the government doesn't seem to like investing in infrastructure either road or rail to move goods around. I also think you will find if / when fuel gets much more costly it will start having a serious impact on the world economy - it has long been forecast that if the price of oil rises to $75 a barrel and stays there for more than a few weeks it will start to have an effect on how goods are moved around the world which is not necessarily a good thing.

I personally won't let the cost of driving change the way I drive or the journeys I make until I actually can't afford it so a meter will make no difference to me I just need to keep earning more money. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif
Karcsi - a few things, why is the fuel discount card a crock of /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif?

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If the saving is significant, then considerably more than 300k people will join up. And then one petrol retailer will not be able to serve all those people, but a consortium. Then you end up with the same people being provided with fuel by the same big players. Square one.


I think your view of the Tax situation and the cost of transport is VERY wrong, the number of cars on the roads in the UK keeps going up year on year (from what I've read).

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It's car use that's important (and on which we are taxed) and not car ownership. That, I would think, has reached or is reaching it's peak. Some data on national fuel consumption would be good.


it has long been forecast that if the price of oil rises to $75 a barrel and stays there for more than a few weeks it will start to have an effect on how goods are moved around the world.

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The alternative to moving goods around the world being? Not moving them around the world, surely. So the choice is, is it worth while sending this widget to the UK or not. If not, either the UK pays more for it or gets it locally (if it can). I haven't seen anything I buy go up in price, and I know this country produces sod all so it must still be imported. The only people that have quickly played the oil price card are the airlines.


I personally won't let the cost of driving change the way I drive or the journeys I make until I actually can't afford it so a meter will make no difference to me I just need to keep earning more money. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif

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Exactly. Makes little difference to those who can afford it, which is quite frankly most of us - if someone can afford a pack of ciggies and a couple of pints a day then they can afford a gallon of fuel a day. I think a barrel would have to be $100+ before the effects were tangible.
Karcsi - a few things, why is the fuel discount card a crock of /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/swear.gif?

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If the saving is significant, then considerably more than 300k people will join up. And then one petrol retailer will not be able to serve all those people, but a consortium. Then you end up with the same people being provided with fuel by the same big players. Square one.

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300,000 people spread over the UK, would not be too much of an issue for a major Oil company to supply, it's not like they'll be queing in one place! And (standard) Fuel is generally now supplied by a local refinery wich supplies all the local garages be it Shell, BP or ESSO. So that won't be an issue either.


I personally won't let the cost of driving change the way I drive or the journeys I make until I actually can't afford it so a meter will make no difference to me I just need to keep earning more money. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif

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Exactly. Makes little difference to those who can afford it, which is quite frankly most of us - if someone can afford a pack of ciggies and a couple of pints a day then they can afford a gallon of fuel a day. I think a barrel would have to be $100+ before the effects were tangible.

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I'm of the same opinion, but not everyone is, my uncle for example does 100 miles a day commuting. And the decision on the next car he'll buy could be based on the price of fuel.
What was interesting about Missed Gear last night was when Bentley chappie said that you could save ) 60p a tank simply by fueling up at night when it is colder. I didn't realise that 10-15 degrees would make that much of a difference. That's about 1-1.5p a litre. Not to be sniffed at. Although it's difficult enough coordinating a fill up with a trip passed a cheap(er) filling station, and not then planning it so that it is in the middle of the night!

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