Very odd vibrations


Love this B7 cab
May 20, 2007
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Hi, over the last couple of days when driving home on the motorway I can feel a very very slight vibration through the throttle pedal,
it feel like as if it's like a buzz type vibration as if someone was holding an electric toothbrush to the bottom of your shoe 😃
there is no noise just this and it's annoying really annoying!!
when the xar is at idle you can sometimes feel a slight vibration through the floor , I have put some forte fuel additive in and a tank of V power diesel and it seems a little better but now this has materialised through the pedal 😡

any my thoughts anyone ?


2007 B7 2.0 tdi S line Avant 140 mapped to 180
sorry manual, vibration is at idle too with clutch down or up in gear and in neutral ,

no judder in clutch changes and gears all smooth , the vibration at idle increases to vibration in pedal at around 1200 rpm

Possibly the first signs of the DMF failing ?
Anyone else got any ideas ? Driving again today the more I drive it it seems more as if it's a sort off buzz feeling through the throttle pedal car does sound different sounds a little more harsher if that's the right terminology , it's very very odd I must say .
could it be an injector or something ?
ran some forte in it last tank full but still got the odd little shake and a little uneven tickiver for about 2 to 3 seconds at idle when she started from cold.

sorry just clutching at straws as my feet feel tingly after a 45 min drive lol
Does it vibrate more in 1st and second gear as you you notice more of a vibration through the gearstick in neutral? They are normally the tell tale signs that your DMF is on the way out. Hood up ....head out the window....engine running.....clutch you hear a noise as you press the clutch pedal in?

Sounds all too familiar Matey that it's your DMF saying auf wiedersehen. Take it to your friendly neighbourhood indie VAG specialist, they'll confirm it for you am sure.

Does it vibrate more in 1st and second gear as you you notice more of a vibration through the gearstick in neutral? They are normally the tell tale signs that your DMF is on the way out. Hood up ....head out the window....engine running.....clutch you hear a noise as you press the clutch pedal in?

Sounds all too familiar Matey that it's your DMF saying auf wiedersehen. Take it to your friendly neighbourhood indie VAG specialist, they'll confirm it for you am sure.


no noise when clutch pedal in or out , gearstick not really Vibrating tingly foot syndrome is felt more at motorway speeds but is evident in throttle pedal above say 1200 rpm .no problem with gearchanges and car still pulls very well as it should but it does sound more noisier from engine sounds like more air induction going on, sorry if I am not describing it correctly������

i have a dound file of the engine sound but don't know how to upload it 😒
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Hi, giving car a good clean today including plenium chamber and found that my fuel filter seems to be leaking a little ,
it was changed at the service prior to getting the car could this be the problem of vibration and judder at cold starts ?

Air leak in fuel system ??

As already mentioned in a previous post, get it scanned using VCDS.
Another possibility could be a worn engine mount. I've just forked out to have mine done. Symptoms were similar to yours, vibration at tick over and whilst running. Exhaust note sounded harsher, the phrase I used at the time was boomy? Anyway, got the car on VCDS and no errors so had indie look it over which identified the engine mount. The engine mounts are fluid filled and can leak when worn. Net effect is vibration and additional noise which apparently is the vibration resonating along the exhaust (who knew??). I'd agree with the above posts though, get it scanned first before spending any money. Easy to spend wads chasing a fault around. To give you an idea of cost, my new mounts cost £208 for the pair plus and hours DIY labour. Plenty of sites with B6 DIY guides available which is very similar to B7, I've added the ones I used below:B6 A4 1.8T: Motor Mounts DIY
Hi all, just took at vid for the sound. Does it sound right to you ?

If you can hear the change in engine note and seems a little rattly?

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="rssFeed=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" alt="FTD-Technics'sMobile Uploads album on Photobucket" /></a></div>


Car as prev said is a A4 2.0 tdi BRE MANUAL 140 bhp remapped to 180

No loss in power at all just much noisier ,

It's a strange sound and a strange feeling in throttle
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Hi, I know the original post is from years ago but did you ever get the vibration issue sorted , I’m having the exact same vibrations as you described. I have a 2011 A4 Allroad which I’ve only had for 2 weeks .
As part of purchasing the car I had the dealer change the timing belt and water pump. I don’t know if this has any relevance?

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Hi mate, no never did solve it car went in px , but this is very odd as I’d forgotten about this post as I have exactly identical symptoms appearing on my C6 allroad tingly foot syndrome through pedal

maybe it’s me but it’s so damn annoying that no one else can feel it or experience it
Hi thanks for the quick reply,

it’s a very strange vibration isn’t it, no one else can feel it either, I guess I’ll have to take to a Audi specialist and hopefully get it sorted under the AA warranty I was given .

Like you, I might have to p/x it as I wouldn’t want to sell it to someone if there’s something major wrong with it .

Hope you get it sorted on your C6 . And I’ll let you know how I get on

cheers mate
It’s strange I can feel the vibration on idle too. Maybe it could be DMF, or even just engine mounts ?? Who knows . Whatever it is, it’ll be expensive haha

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