A4 cab - wet back seat


Registered User
Mar 20, 2011
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S E Kent
Noticed yesterday that the back seat (passenger side) was wet- I removed it an dried it thinking I'd left the rear window open slightly bug this morning again there is a small puddle where the seat would be.
as I sat there I noticed if seemed to drip from behind the side panel (where the speaker is).
the car is parked normally facing up hill
any ideas??
Done a bit of investigation and it seems it comes in when I squirt water direct on the back side window - could it be a seal??
Sounds sill but have you tried parking down hill, if I park my old ****ter uphill i get water everywhere.
Is there any drain pipes/hoses that are blocked? leaves are the favourite
If I park uphill I get a little on the driver seat.
I am wondering if its ment to go there and drian through the front drain holes in the sills??? Maybe its just the amount of rain we have had its only happened once
There are drain holes in the back as mentioned.
One of mine was blocked before we had all that lovely wet weather recently.
Check the drain holes are not blocked and also check your carpets and if they are wet remove the rear seats and get all the water out of the seats and possibly carpets.
I've dried the seat, carpet was not wet- seat seems to be dry still.
are the drain holes the 'tubes' under each side of the hood or are there others.
the tubes are clear, I poured water down them with a little watering can.
Drain holes are as you stated.
Initially, these were checked and we could see water coming out at the bottom of the car, in the arches.
But, further inspection after the car filled again showed that there were some cable ties [original ones] which were too tight and, when taking out the back seat and pouring water down the drains you could see water gushing into the foam on the back seats.
I don't think your problem is the same as mine as I never saw water on the seat, but would check the foam on your rear seats for peace of mind.
It sounds similar, the water is soaking into the foam from under the seat as you describe - did you need to remove the whole seat or just the bum bit(and how)
How did you cure it??
I was wondering if it's normal ie in the same way water drains out of the bottom of car doors when it goes down the outside of the window??
I had to have mine done at a garage recommended to me, was a bit too concerned to be taking the car apart as I always find a few screws extra when I put things back together again :(.
The back seat was removed and a serious amount of water squeezed out of the foam!
Are you saying the water goes down the drain holes but it cannot cope with it so spills over the top???
Ok I think (hope) I've sorted this
It appears there was a small bit of the rubber window trim trapped between the window and the plastic where the rear side trim meets the window this was diverting the water inside the car instead of outside.
Once I'd prised it out it seems to have cured it.
Looks like it may have been that way from new.
Thanks to those who have helped.
Good Man!
Have you dried everything out?
No condensation in the car now?
Yeh I kept the back bench in doors until I had it sorted- rained a bit last night as all seems good
I also managed to get a cycle brake cable right down the front drain holes - I bay get it booked into a dealer to see if they can tighten up the hood as if parked down hill when it's pouring I did get a bit on the front seat- although I may have cured this with the cable
Fingers crossed - thanks
The love for the cab has returned

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