Problems with Revo

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Wando said "An EEPROM only takes a couple of minutes to reprogram, less in fact."

EEPROMS generally take around 3 to 5 millisecondsS to write data into a cell or small group of cells. Overall programming time is dependant on numbe of memory cells and speed of transfer of data.

Wando, are you sure that the EEPROM is too small to store an Audi engine managent program with tables an dsome additional tables as you said in a previous post, if so then the revo must completely overwrite the Audi program although this does not seem logical or correct when one remembers the SPS1 dongle switches between standard and performance in a very short time.

Anothr point to make is that the SPS2 dongle allows switching between several programs AND is transferable between cars. both of these facts on revo site. This means the programs MUST be resident in EEPROM and not in dongle other wise one could not use them on different cars with varying maps!
Wando said:
GolfTTish as I may have to explain it very simply for you as you do not seem to understand complicated things, the 'code' APR are claiming is the software used for developing the code eg the remap and for the technology, read all the legal files before you tell me to dig a hole, looks like you're digging a pretty good one there yourself!

Your car isn't just software is it???

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Where can I see details of this claim by APR? Looks interesting and useful for the froum.

I still cannot get a date for APR serial tuning software ala Revo!!1 Probably gonna be Revo in the end although I would like to have APR's code change through the cruise controls.
He is a Revo dealer so just a supplier, we have had to warn him several times before for advertising on this forum without permission, he has also thought it fit to cause trouble for the administration of this site several times.
Didnt take very long for this thread to go the same again did it.... i think it should be removed and the admin people ban any future postings with anything thats related to revo!
Well it appears a few people think we're not allowed to have opinions and 'what someone told them' cannot be wrong, also that we should not question claims by companies, well sorry but as one of the few UK VAG forums not sponsored by, dictated to or moderated by rev-o we will continue to do what we do, anyone who doesn't like it can go elsewhere!
Oooops na i didnt mean it in that way........ i suppose its quite right of you to tell off other individuals for advertising Revo, cant be working for AmD and trying to sell Revo via ad`s and banners etc on this site....
Well it appears a few people think we're not allowed to have opinions

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since you are the founder your in-charge! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue_out.gif but your personal opinions do somewhat influence the Revo posts......
My personal opinion is that some/all admin people of this site are anit-revo with few forum members who are pro-revo...... just my opinion but i think the is no real contest, good job i dont really care..... as you said this site is not dictated by Revo etc..... but that doesnt mean all other sites are either.
So no matter what post arises which is revo related it will most likely always be turned into the usual scenario.
Hence why i said ban all revo posts! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
No it's due to the attitude of alot of the pro revo posters, alot of people you speak to feel they don't want to say what they feel due to the aggresive nature of the few extremely vocal revoites.
I agree with Riz.

The admin of this site do appear to have an unhealthy (to this website's well being) aversion to Revo.

I have been reading a ever more increasing amount of these threads (and i havent participated or replied till now i might add) and to be honest it puts me off posting and being the active member i once was.

Just remember it could and probably is putting off new visitors too.

Its frankly repetative, boring , childish and clearly already upsetting some of your regulars

There is enough tuning for everyone to have their slice. Just let them get on with it.

I'm sure that Audi-Sport more than anyone knows that it is the community that makes the website . Loose that, alienate the members and you have nothing.

Yes i was previously a Revo customer. Been there tried it. i also used AmD too.

Now I choose AmD for all my work on my current S3.

So this thread is not biased in either way. Infact its not even about tuners

Its a reminder of the past. Its the community that makes the website ...........




[/ QUOTE ] /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_roll.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
By us having our own opinions we are dictating????

Not at all we are having an opinion which we are entitled to, we are just questioning a product and it's validity!

It's just a the revoites that have a problem with this, we will not let revo and revoites censor us!
Wando said:
No it's due to the attitude of alot of the pro revo posters, alot of people you speak to feel they don't want to say what they feel due to the aggresive nature of the few extremely vocal revoites.

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Sorry John.

You ought to read some of your own replies. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked2.gif

edit: highlighted part in bold.
I have alot of replies, so am I not allowed to air my views?
And at the same time I'm not prepared to let revo attack again like it had at xmas.
We have to air our views and run this place.
The community seems to be doing fine, there are just a small minority that consistently want to cause trouble, you can't just let a few users run riot and expect us to bend over for them, this isn't a playground, there is 'another' site for that crap /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Yikes...... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked2.gif
im not causing trouble. I dont want to see the users revolt again and vote with their feet.

just reminding admin of past events.

you have views, I have views, pro revo users have views were all entitled to them, and people should not have to feel they have to supress them because it doesnt fit with admin's loyalties and opinions.

It doesnt have to lead into a dog fight every time.

im not bothered about the revo issues. Just dont want history repeating...

there is also enough ehthusiasts for all the websites out there, some just seem more comfortable than others.

Sorry but that is incorrect, a few users funnily enough who thought there views were all that counted and no one elses stole a database and a url, although you'll notice this site is more active than that one and it has three advertisers all that sell revo, funny eh!

I'm sorry we're not suppressing views here we're just having our own....
you appear to be slightly confused!
I recently went throu the dilema of which company to go with to re-map/chip my car and i have to say anyone who gets there car re-mapped with REVO are crazy. I say that purly on the fact that there is a law suit against them with APR and not the product they are selling. What happens if they lose, what backup will u have if u get problems with it, are u going to have to shell out more money to another company to sort your car out. Dont forget APR are a american company and u know what america is like for law suits its like second nature for them to sue each other.

another 2 pence /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
from here i see what you are both saying, some people have been strong on the site but now we need to take a break and relax.

the forum is great giving the right info and it is really good to see a forum not pushing products etc.

Sorry you cant see my point. It was in Audi-Sports interest.

were just have to see what happens then. I certainly not confused, and stand by what ive said.

there are other forums people can join, if they are not happy. I have purposely not mentioned any other website. Its up to people to find somewhere they feel comfortable. Im not going to go down the path of "us and them"

Its not worth the hassel.
I agree with Will, that's exactly why I continue to push
far too many forums become product orientated, we are trying our hardest to keep out of this problem.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif is about information and we won't let certain users censor our opinions, if people are questioning a product then fair enough!


i am a moderator on 3 sites(not motor related)and i thought it was too good to be true that there was no bitching here.

suppose what goes round comes round :)

yeah unfortunately it's inevitable, every site I've ever read always has it, I know anothr site whch claims it has no one really running it has ten or so moderators who just talk over anyone elses views, and they always quote themselves as allowing freedom and no dictatorship, it is a very fine line and you have to bite your tongue alot, but sometimes things need to be said!
Personally, I found this thread to be informative, cringe worthy and at times entertaining, but agree everyone should remember we are a web community & just get on.

Fortunately I wasn't using this site during some of the harder times at Christmas past, and this is only the second 'heated' discussion thread I've followed. I am also fortunate to be blind to these malicious commercial mal-contenders.

I've never found this site biased or pro this or that. I also don't visit any other site (other than fleeting glances at the big TT one). There isn't much need.

So I guess what I am saying is the site is very much alive and working, and I doubt it will be off putting to your average car nut.

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