Snapped Glovebox Hinge :(


Registered User
Oct 26, 2011
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Just wanted to ask if anyone knows what is the best way to fix a broken hinge on the left side of a glove box?
Any idea of how much a fix would cost from either Plymouth or Truro Audi?
Just bumping your post as i'm sure you have sorted this by now. My glovebox hinge has snapped on both sides so now the door won't stay on. Can this be fixed or do I need to buy a new glovebox? £40 tops for new box. It's interesting to note that in over 6 years of owning my Audi this is one of the very few problems I have had with it. Having had a Saxo VTR previously which needed constant repairs I see that as a total triumph!!!
Mine was snapped on the left side, I took it out, epoxied the pieces back together then got a small metal bracket and drilled about 12 holes in it and screwed in some small twin threaded screws I had, they were about 8mm long x 3mm width. Screwed into the plastic they hold up really strong. I then painted the parts with some of my fiancées nail varnishes that perfectly matched the black and the grey of the flocked interior. You don't know the repair is there as it's the same colour it blends in.
I've got the same problem, again with the left side. Probably doesn't help I'm opening it around 6 times a day to pull my phone out of the iPod connection! Why would you put it in there lol!?
This happened when I had an a3. I took it all apart....including the barrel...inside has a rubber grommet. I shaved the grommet down so it was much smoother action...and glued the snapped bits back. I closed the glovebox and the n taped the items for 24 hours to let the glue dry properly.
My left hinge has just gone sounds like a common problem! However my car is still under warranty from audi does anyone know if this would be covered under the warranty?
I tried to get it covered by audi they had none of it, and quoted me £280 for a new glovebox haha
Is it the time of year? My left glovebox hinge snapped a couple of weeks ago.
Damn! I'm still going to the dealer in the morning to get them to have a look and might just throw a wobbler if they refuse! seems to work for everyone else I ever meet so maybe time I start.

To top my day off my right dipped beam blew a few hours later! All seems to come at once with me!

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