S3 Armrest Question


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
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I know there are plenty of threads out there but couldn't find the answer so wanted to ask three questions:

  1. Does the armrest bracket from a mk4 Golf fit the S3 8L?
  2. Does the armrest bracket from an A3 (non S3) fit the S3 8L?
  3. Does anyone have or know of a bracket for the armrest for the S3 8L up for grabs?

Many thanks, and please accept my apologies if you feel these questions have been asked numerous times before.
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Bracket from the A3 will fit as they are the same unit, not sure about the general MK4 platform however.

eBay is your best bet for these. Leather ones go for a premium, fabric ones not so much.
the armrest is f**king useless anyway, mine stays up constantly because I quite like being able to use the handbrake.. AWFUL design lol I've been tempted to just remove mine altogether!
I used to praise the armrest alot but as of lately when I'm driving around town I keep it up aswell. Not just because of the handbrake. But it gets in the way when I'm putting in the second gear. I always seem to gear kind of dodgy to the second when I'm using the armrest (my 2nd gear is kind of dodgy by default but it gets worse when the armrest is in the way). Otherwise it is brilliant in my opinion, all the other shifts are comfortable to do and on long runs it is a really good piece to have.

About whether the Golf IV has even the same design visually and even more in construct I'm fairly unsure. But you never know, definitely do your research or just buy a A3 one. I'm sure there's enough around.

I know there are plenty of threads out there but couldn't find the answer so wanted to ask three questions:
  1. Does the armrest bracket from a mk4 Golf fit the S3 8L?
  2. Does the armrest bracket from an A3 (non S3) fit the S3 8L?
  3. Does anyone have or know of a bracket for the armrest for the S3 8L up for grabs?
Many thanks, and please accept my apologies if you feel these questions have been asked numerous times before.
Welcome to audi-sport.net. Hope you enjoy the forum. :) x
There is an a3 8L breaking in classifieds. Link below. :)
Classifieds: Audi s3 breaking 2000 silver
the armrest is f**king useless anyway, mine stays up constantly because I quite like being able to use the handbrake.. AWFUL design lol I've been tempted to just remove mine altogether!

agreed, i like driving with an armrest but the audi is useless my old passat b5.5 was best up ive used.
Tilting the front down from horizontal position helps with second gear change.
I know im reviving an old thread however i found this thread via google and no answer so thought i would wrap it up for others searching the same.

I have just confirmed that the mk4 golf arm rest does not directly fit without modification.
If you would like to fit the mk4 golf arm rest into an A3 / S3 you will either need to trim the arm rest trim OR widen the hole in the center console slightly.

Attached is a picture of the mounting brackets (left A3/S3) and (right Mk4 golf) - My S3 came with the bracket fitted but no arm rest.

I have the mk4 arm rest fitted without the plastic covers on the side as i cba to trim the plastic, I will wait for a cheap A3 one to come up


  • A3 8L Mk4 golf armrest bracket.jpg
    A3 8L Mk4 golf armrest bracket.jpg
    46.1 KB · Views: 920
armrest down= Casual careful, chill/relaxed driver until you need to put the handbrake on. Personally, I like the comfort and just keep my foot on the brake. I Dont have issue with any gear changing. I suppose it's what you get use to.

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