Advice Wanted on Dual Mass Flywheel / Cambelt / DSG Box Service (05, 8P1 2.0tdi BKD)


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Dec 13, 2013
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Hello, I have a 2005 (8P1) A3 2.0tdi (140) DSG S-Line and am looking for advice from you learned more experienced owners.

I only bought it in December, but since owning it, and adding a couple of thousand miles to it, I think the DMF is on its way out.

It's now done about 91,000 miles.

Here's my symptoms:

1) Rattle noise from the engine bay
A sort of strange almost chirpy metallicy rattle ocasionally, less noticable when cold, but definately there, it sounds to be coming from the gearbox side of the engine, and can be heard best by putting head near nearside wheel.

2) Wobble/Vibration in Neutral/Park
The engine also sort of "wobbles", or vibrates a bit when it's in Neutral (it's a DSG) - imagine being on a bridge and a huge lorry pull alongside, that sort of a whole-car wobble/shudder. The engine idles fine, and I see no dip/alteration in idle as if misfiring (dont' think diesels misfire do they?!) I can't really feel it in Drive/Sport/Reverse - but it might still be there? I don't leave it in D for long when stationary to be honest.

3) Poor starting
It takes a while to start, as if the battery is low, or the starter is duff. I have had the battery checked, and its fine, but I'd heard a slow start could also be the DMF. Most times I takes a while to fire up. Sometimes it'll start quite quickly, if its just been used, and I'm restarting say, but if left overnight or all day at work, it takes a good 2-3 seconds before it will start. It's a bit like the starter is a bit 'slow' and the longer it turns over the faster it gets till it fires up. Sometimes it'll almsot THUMP or bang into life - not at all pleasant. TBH it did this a bit when I first looked at it, but being a noob I'm afraid I put it down to needing a new battery and nothing more serious.

Now I'd got it booked in to somewhere to have a look today, but cancelled last minute as I wasn't sure they were a bit expensive? I'd initially asked them to quote me on doing the DMF, but since asking them to asses it, I've had other prices through.

The first place quoted : Flywheel - £295 / Bolts - £10 / Fitting - £240 / DSG Service - £150 + VAT = £834

They said they wanted to do a DSG service on the car too, saying they recommend doing it when a DMF is done.

Now it had a DSG service in 2012, when it had done 63,000 miles. Should I get it done again? Does it need it? I can't really afford it if I'm honest, but I am not sure what the DSG interval is on the earlier 8P1 DSG box. Anyone?

The other places I've had quotes from (and they're places I'd had recommend on Audi/VW forums that I've been looking at) are

£590+Vat / £708 inc Vat (without doing DSG service)!!!!! OUCH (Statller Sheffield)

£550 cash (Vast Saab Huddersfield - I'd been recommended them as being v good, and ok for VAG cars as well as Saab)
This place also said "once we remove gearbox if it requires a spigot bearing it is £30 extra for bearing" is that likely???

£520 (Vagco Doncaster) Again came on recommendation - apparently he's a VAG Master Tech?

So really, bearing in mind all of the above (sorry I do waffle....!)

1) Does it sound to you like its definately the DMF that's going? I want to be sure, before paying for it doing, that's its definately that.

2) Shoudl I ahve the DSG box serviced (last done at 63k, car now done 90k)

3) The history shows it was last serviced (oil/filters) at 85k, in Oct 2013, and had its CAMBELT done at 53,324 - bearing in mind this mileage, when ought I be looking at getting the cambelt done again please?

Many thanks, look forward to your replies,


(Leeds/Bradford/Wakefield area)
Must be the flywheel, mine has the exact same symptons! It's also a DSG.

Next time you hear it, try putting it in drive and keep the brake engaged to see if it goes? The DSG service is due every 40,000 so it won't be long until it's due. You may aswel get it done now, seen as the gear box will be coming apart etc.

The life on a cambelt is around 5 years or either 60,000/70,000 miles, can't remember exactly which of the top of my head so you're okay for now. If you have the service book, it'll tell you how long it needs to be replaced after in the front somewhere. (I'd check for you but at work atm)

Also in the Leeds/Bradford area haha, the Saab Huddersfield price sounds good?
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i paid 600 dead for a flywheel change on my 55 DSG, and had same symptoms as yourself without the slow starting! and as above dsg service is every 40k, a recalibration of the box may aid it too. Audi warrington wanted 130 pounds an hour just to diagnose it and i was advised it would take a good few hours, then they also wanted over 600 just for the flywheel, then 130 an hour to fit said flywheel. disgusting tbh
Out of interest DriverN00B and Mikemc, what mileages were / are your cars at when this happened?
Out of interest DriverN00B and Mikemc, what mileages were / are your cars at when this happened?

My cars currently at 116000, but there isn't a fixed mileage as to when the DMF's decide they've had enough. A DSG service is overdue, so I'll be getting both done as soon as I get time. The quote's provided above are helpful, I was going to start looking for a good garage myself hah.
It sounds just the same as my dsg did , defo the flywheel . I ended up doing it myself one weekend , got a mate to help me and paid him £10/hour , it took us 6 hours !

It is actualy not all that hard a job as you don`t have to faff around with a clutch and i did the dsg service myself .
It sounds just the same as my dsg did , defo the flywheel . I ended up doing it myself one weekend , got a mate to help me and paid him £10/hour , it took us 6 hours !

It is actualy not all that hard a job as you don`t have to faff around with a clutch and i did the dsg service myself .

I have a mate who can do it, I'm not sure I can trust him though. Not an element of risk involved at all?

And what's involved with the DSG service? Just an oil change?
It really wasn`t that bad a job , i didn`t have a ramp just a engine hoist as the gearbox is quiet a lump .

The DSG service is oil and filter , i was advised to get the proper vag/audi oil . I found the oil and the filter on ebay . Refilling with oil is a bit of a slow job as there is a proper tool to fill then with (but it costs £70) . Without the tool you have to pour the oil in through the hole where the filter goes , this does take about a hour as the oil has to gravity feed through a tiny hole . The only thing you might struggle with is the calibration with VCDS unless you have a cable ?
It really wasn`t that bad a job , i didn`t have a ramp just a engine hoist as the gearbox is quiet a lump .

The DSG service is oil and filter , i was advised to get the proper vag/audi oil . I found the oil and the filter on ebay . Refilling with oil is a bit of a slow job as there is a proper tool to fill then with (but it costs £70) . Without the tool you have to pour the oil in through the hole where the filter goes , this does take about a hour as the oil has to gravity feed through a tiny hole . The only thing you might struggle with is the calibration with VCDS unless you have a cable ?

We'd have access to a garage, so a ramp wouldn't be a problem really.

And calibration? Looking to pick the cable up at some point this week...
Mine was at 80-85 k when I first noticed it, it never did it even cold only when literally upto 90 in the temperature gauge, and only when not in gear.
Mine was at 80-85 k when I first noticed it, it never did it even cold only when literally upto 90 in the temperature gauge, and only when not in gear.

And sorry, the specialist told me it hadn't gone yet but had a lot more play in it compared to the brand new one
Calibration is easy with the cable , i can`t remember where but i did find a good guide on how to do it . Basically you just have to get the gearbox up to temp then go trough the gears . I would do some searching on`t tinternet and see what you find , that is basically all i did and i am no pro with VCDS !
I replaced my flywheel a couple of months ago, found the gearbox mount was cracked as well.
I didn't get the DSG serviced.
Ended up costing around £800 with a couple of other bits done.