Is it just me but.....


Noggies ruuuule!
Jan 25, 2006
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....does anyone else feel the need to correct someone when they refer to your S3 as an A3?!?!? Lol :)

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Does my head in... :)

I am always correcting people... its an S3 not an A3... the end...

Of course I then tell them that the A3 is an Octavia without the boot :)

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When my neighbour kindly reversed into me and begged not to go through the insurance, said they could get me a A3 bumper sprayed in my colour for £100. I then pointed out that it wasn't an A3, but an S3 and it would cost a lot more than that.. ****** troglodytes!
And I'm sure Audi advertise them as a separate model too. Not a selection within the A3 section.
Haha! Yeh I do the same! When people say to me, do you still have the A3 and I reply, yeh I still have the S3.
mines got s3 quattro on my log book so im not going to be upset :D
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Cripes! this is as bad as the new A3 Saloon drivers starting a thread specifically for that model.


:ninja: :undwech:
mine says s3 quattro thankfully, don't wanna be associated with common audi's :laugh:

and yes took my girlfriend best part of 2 months to stop calling it a A3.
Have a look at your log book, it will upset you further......:laugh:

It will upset the owners even more if they have to manually find their car in the majority of the top comparison websites.....

A3 S3 quattro I believe it's stated as and you have to select the A3 model first - so in their eyes it's an A3 S3 quattro :)
LOL....Yes, Im with you guys on this too.

The good thing is that my son who is 4 actually calls it an S3 as well and he knows its not an A3, he did go through a phase of calling it a 3S, but we will put that down to his :)
It's just a golf in a dress ;)

Even with an S111 number plate and an S3 badge on the boot people called it an A3. Now I actually have an A3 I'm sure people will ask me why my number plate starts S111 :banghead:
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Now I actually have an A3 8P I'm sure people will think it's an S3 8P as they pretty much look the same and my S111 plate won't help the matter either :banghead:

EFA :moa:
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It does my wife's head in when people at her work calls it a a3 . She goes mad about it and starts to tell them that a a3 doesn't even share the same wings as her car . She says the a3 is like a jack russell and the s3 is more like Staffordshire bull . Stronger fast and more bull like . Not a bad comparison .
i couldn't agree more.

it really winds me up when people assume my car is an S3.

I proudly correct them and tell them it's a just poor mans A3
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ha ha! Secconds Prawn

When I had an S3 I was pretty quick to correct people when they referred to it as anything other than S3... But I've been equally as quick to correct people when they say the current A3 is an S3. . .

And yes, it has happened a couple of times. Usually at the next lights just after they've been smoked :p
My boss has an a3 1.8t and he told me we had the same car. Needless to say he changed his mind about the "s" badge after a quick spin ;)
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Cripes! this is as bad as the new A3 Saloon drivers starting a thread specifically for that model.


:ninja: :undwech:

Mate get yourself over to the 8v section , unfortunately I visit there because I have one and they argue over the most pointless of ****!
They start a new thread for anything and everything and then a thread about a thread and then one for that too! It's like having 45 Jaardo's in one place..... :-(

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Oh it gets better I found today...........

In the 8p section , someone has started a thread about putting a 8v front end on an 8p!!!! It seems they aren't content with my11 rear lights they want my14 front ends. I don't know what the emoticon for smashing myself in the face with a bat is so just picture me doing it.

I ventured into the 8v section once by accident via google and they were talking about usb heated driving gloves and sore backs which turned into about 5 pages on positioning your seat.

googling just isn't the same for me anymore :(

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