Body Work


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Jun 14, 2012
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I've cut an RS4 rear lower valance part which I want in a cut out (not currently cut) b6 rear bumper with RS4 style mesh inside and plastic behind the mesh (which is the only part of the equation I don't have haha not that it will be hard to come across a sheet of plastic).

Went around two body shops today with the first saying they could only do this to the s-line bumper which is currently fitted to my car as this has more support for the velance (absolute ******** as they're the exact same in terms of plastic support at the back I should know I've had them both off). Second place said they couldn't do it.

Just looking for someone or somewhere close to Birmingham that can cut my old bumper up, fabricate the valence in, spray to the colour of the car and get the mesh with a plastic backing on.

Should end up looking something like this (but a b6 of course)

I did but he insisted I was wrong haha didn't particularly think he knew what I was talking about aswell and didn't want to come back to him putting it on the wrong way around or something silly like that.
This is pretty much exactly how my car will look in reality (photoshop on another forum, but yeah).


Not that showing pictures helps much, just need some bodyshop help within fifty miles rather than photoshop.
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